The ABC Homeopathy Forum
nenicholas on 2012-03-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
They are different.
Aggravation = current symptoms becoming worse.
Proving = new symptoms related to the specific remedy.
Aggravation = current symptoms becoming worse.
Proving = new symptoms related to the specific remedy.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am new to this forum. Does anyone have any advice or input regarding proving nat mur 30C? It was prescribed by a homeopath over two months ago. Since that time I have been proving it as symptoms were not there before. I did tell the homoepath this but the only response was to recommend kali phos which did not match the presenting picture. When I pointed this out I heard nothing more from him. I tried using coffe but it made things worse. I am extremely sensitive to remedies and always make sure to stress this. Unfortunately I have always ben ignored.
Only homeopath near me multi-prescribes (several remedies, regular basis) so I would not go there. So just wondering what would be recommended.
Only homeopath near me multi-prescribes (several remedies, regular basis) so I would not go there. So just wondering what would be recommended.
betrayed last decade
Where are you? this proving of nat mur
happened to 2 people I know.
Both people got a massage, ( one
a shiatsu) the other one was some
generic deep tissue. They got put back
in their body and were back to themselves
in a hour- both people very sensitive,
Don't know if you are spacy and out there
from the nat mur, but that is what happened- ( that state) to the people I
know. They had too much of the nat mur.
Try the massage.
Where are you? this proving of nat mur
happened to 2 people I know.
Both people got a massage, ( one
a shiatsu) the other one was some
generic deep tissue. They got put back
in their body and were back to themselves
in a hour- both people very sensitive,
Don't know if you are spacy and out there
from the nat mur, but that is what happened- ( that state) to the people I
know. They had too much of the nat mur.
Try the massage.
♡ simone717 last decade
betrayed last decade
Hi if you are sensitive you can use
a split dose system which dilites the
remedy as many times as you need
so aggravation won't happen.or can
be a minor issue.
Why don't you go to posts by nawazkhan
and look on first page- see the intake
form- fill out everything best you can-
then post it here.
Someone can take your case on here.
thanks- simone717
a split dose system which dilites the
remedy as many times as you need
so aggravation won't happen.or can
be a minor issue.
Why don't you go to posts by nawazkhan
and look on first page- see the intake
form- fill out everything best you can-
then post it here.
Someone can take your case on here.
thanks- simone717
♡ simone717 last decade
Ars, Phos, Sep and Nux are listed as antidotes to Natrum Mur. You may take a single dose of the indicated remedy in 30C potency.
♡ kadwa last decade
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