The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair loss and thinning since 2 yrs ..
HelloI am 30 ,female & married ...experiencing severe hair loss since past 2 years. The condition relieves with the use of supplements like biotin,b-complex, zinc but doesnt give permanent solution and reverses back, presently am left with 1/4 of my total hair. Feeling so depressed and often spend sleepless nights . My hair loss is worrying me a lot. Had severe hair loss 10 years ago and it got completely cured with the usage of homeopathic medicines
. But now in addition to hair loss my scalp became sensitive and sometimes very itchy . more sensitive after shower.. Had my blood work checked and evrything came normal except vitamin D which was less. Been on vitamin D supplements since 5 mnths and havent got them rechecked.. My hair loss condition is frightening me, no new hair growth.. fear tht i may go bald, feel miserable and cant stop crying... plz help me.
[message edited by vi123 on Sun, 11 Mar 2012 14:32:55 GMT]
vi123 on 2012-03-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what was the homeopathic medicine
that you took to heal this 10 years
ago??? What is the story there about
why you are not doing that again?
that you took to heal this 10 years
ago??? What is the story there about
why you are not doing that again?
♡ simone717 last decade
Hello Simone,
Thank You so much for your reply. Back then 10 years ago visited local homeopathic in India for my hair loss,and sadly dont remember the medicines i have taken cause it has been years since the problem relapsed.
I certainly dont know wot exactly was the root cause back then, all i knew was 10 years back my hair fall was so severe tht I happened to loose half of my hair ,the doctor took note of the condition of my hair and general health issues , the only issues i had then with my health then was anemia and sinus, apart from which i was healthy human being. As the years passed by i totally got immersed into other important activities in my life and studies took over me completely and frankly speaking my hair loss problem also got faded completely.
But again since 2 years I could see my hair falling like hell. As i also mentioned my hair right now is just 1/4 th of the total hair .
Got married a year ago and moved to california. was hoping things to get better , but i see no change and this time as i see there is less hair on my head , i fear tht i may go bald.
Plz let me know wot more information is needed , trying to answer to the best .
Thank You so much for your reply. Back then 10 years ago visited local homeopathic in India for my hair loss,and sadly dont remember the medicines i have taken cause it has been years since the problem relapsed.
I certainly dont know wot exactly was the root cause back then, all i knew was 10 years back my hair fall was so severe tht I happened to loose half of my hair ,the doctor took note of the condition of my hair and general health issues , the only issues i had then with my health then was anemia and sinus, apart from which i was healthy human being. As the years passed by i totally got immersed into other important activities in my life and studies took over me completely and frankly speaking my hair loss problem also got faded completely.
But again since 2 years I could see my hair falling like hell. As i also mentioned my hair right now is just 1/4 th of the total hair .
Got married a year ago and moved to california. was hoping things to get better , but i see no change and this time as i see there is less hair on my head , i fear tht i may go bald.
Plz let me know wot more information is needed , trying to answer to the best .
vi123 last decade
Hello Simone,
And to add more to the details, past these years i have been through many emotional barriers, unhealthy diet changes , fluctuating weight gain & weight loss due to my irregular diets and stress at work( right now i restricted my diet to healthy and nutritious food since past 5 months).
Used birth control pils for some time after marriage, but totally stopped now them though.
Acne on my face( condition is better but some acne marks).
More lower abdominal fat.
Dont get to Exercise much.
Low energy levels and lot of burping and bloating.
And to add more to the details, past these years i have been through many emotional barriers, unhealthy diet changes , fluctuating weight gain & weight loss due to my irregular diets and stress at work( right now i restricted my diet to healthy and nutritious food since past 5 months).
Used birth control pils for some time after marriage, but totally stopped now them though.
Acne on my face( condition is better but some acne marks).
More lower abdominal fat.
Dont get to Exercise much.
Low energy levels and lot of burping and bloating.
vi123 last decade
Thank you simone for ur concern.
But sadly cant get hold of the doctor back in India .
Came through this wonderful site after so much persistent research and was seriously hoping i can get hold of good medicine .
Regarding Anemia. had my blood checked and everything came to be normal except for the vitamin D levels.
Had Sinus problem which aggravates with humidity and dust till last year but after moving to california, my condition with sinus got much much better .
But sadly cant get hold of the doctor back in India .
Came through this wonderful site after so much persistent research and was seriously hoping i can get hold of good medicine .
Regarding Anemia. had my blood checked and everything came to be normal except for the vitamin D levels.
Had Sinus problem which aggravates with humidity and dust till last year but after moving to california, my condition with sinus got much much better .
vi123 last decade
Hi- Ok please fill out this form: and put it into your
thread and wait for someone to
pick up your case.
Good luck! Simone and put it into your
thread and wait for someone to
pick up your case.
Good luck! Simone
♡ simone717 last decade
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