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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

what is a tincture?

what is a tincture how is it different from 30c or other potency nubmers?
  girl2010 on 2012-04-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are asking- What is a homeopathic
mother tincture. It is the lowest
potency of homeopathic medicine.
Please google - what is a homeopathic
mother tincture- there is much info
on what it is, how it made, etc etc etc.
simone717 last decade
ok then would taking something like uva ursi as a herb be just as helpful as taking it in mother tincture?
girl2010 last decade
Actually a tincture is not a potency at all. It is the medicinal substance made from the raw substance - the first stage of processing before potentization starts. 1x or 1c etc is made out of the tincture. Herbalists and other traditional healers primarly use tinctures.

Creating a tincture begins the unlocking of the healing powers of any substance, especially a plant. A tincture will have more ability to help than just the raw substance, although not much when compared to potentized medicines.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
oh ok but if tincture is not available and only raw herb is then should it also help somewhat? or are herbs pointless?
girl2010 last decade
No of course herbs can be helpful. Thousands of years of traditional medicine cannot be completely wrong :)

However unless prepared correctly, the herb may not act as the tincture would. Some herbs may be inappropriate to use without being prepared properly. I do not know enough about this subject to tell you which ones though.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
what of uva ursi?
girl2010 last decade
I am not a herbalist I have no idea. Perhaps someone else here can answer that specifically.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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