The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Allergical Bronchial Asthma
Myself, Vijay Mahajan, age 51, have been suffering from asthma since from last 37 years ie. from age of 14 year.Many treatment I have tried for, but no one can cure me yet. I have been started homeopathy since from 1982(at the age of 20). I had given the each doctor, the time period of about 7 years. presently taking treatment from Dr.Batra's Homeo clinic, since from last 5 years, but yet no relief.My present symptoms are-1.Continuous wheezing,constriction in throat & whole chest.This usually triggers from the acrid nasal discharge or throat infection due to change of weather & temp,& wet feet.Very sensitive to change of weather.After cold, infection spreads in chest causing fever, status asthmatic, suffocation, wheezing.
2.From year 1993 psoriasis started on soles & palms.Skin eruptions are scaly,thick,dry & itching.
3.while sleeping the part of body which rests on bed becomes painful & must change the position.Hence always sleeps after 1:00am.always requires pillow.Left side headache like a migraine since from 2008 (24 HRs. Using Migranil tablets.
4.Nature-Hot tempered, aggressive,perfectionist,does not tolerate the lie,always in hurry,always thinks what would be after the death,now feels that asthma shall never be cured,depressed due to the educational lack of sons, anxiety regarding the future.
5.Presently using the medicines are salbutamol-4mg, Derriphylin retard-150/300mg at night.For skin, ointment Diprovateg-G locally,& Dr.Batra's homeopathy.
vijaymahajan1962 on 2012-04-06
100%height last decade
1) State your Age -Sex -Height-Weight-Job-Location?
2) Explain in details the chief complaints?
3) What is the duration of illness?
4) If you have Thyroid functioning complications, please explain?
5) If you have blood sugar, do mention the clinical details?
6) Do you have digestion problem? Explain in details.
7) Do you face any problem in bowl movement? Any constipation symptoms?
8) Do you feel thirsty? How many glasses of water you drink every day?
9) Do you feel good in warm or cold or humid climate? Which climate aggravates your problem?
10) Do you have any stress? Explain in details.
11) Do you get normal sound sleep?
12) Explain in detail about your mood?
13) Any problem with you periods? (For females)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
14) Any past health history for which you would like to share the information?
15) List all the medicine used / using for past / present health complaints?
16) Do you exercise daily? Or any other physical activity.
17) What is your Cholesterol level?
18) What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
19) How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
20) Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
21) How much is your present blood pressure?
22) Please give details about your food intake (breakfast-lunch-dinner)?
♡ Nikkie last decade
2. Chief Complaints-
a. Allergical Bronchial Asthama-Continuous wheezing, sudden constriction of respiratory air passages, Difficulty in respiration after small exertion e.g. After Climbing staircase, fast walking etc, Breathlessness, Want of breath. Always scrapping the throat,also before talking.
b.Common cold / Rhinitis / Nasal Discharge - The following reasons are the cause of triggering the watery discharge from nose associated with sneezing, eye irritation with itching, sore filling in nostrils and whole air passage, continuous blowing of the nose, then infection in throat & the whole respiratory track (i.e. whole chest), burning in chest. If infection is not recovered earlier then fever precedes with coughing, wheezing, difficulty in respiration that causes suffocation. Things that aggravate the breathing problem & the nasal discharge --The change in the weather, the smell/smoke while cooking the food , House dust, paper dust, Web, Burning smell, if food/saliva/water goes wrong way while eating/drinking , the body or only the soles if being wet for more than half hour, cold water/drinks, cold weather, rainy season, cloudy atmosphere.
c. Psoriasis-Started in 1993 at the middle of the soles with blackish spot, itching, thickening & then scaling and cracks on it. Then it widely spread on the sides of the foot near to soles. Photos are enclosed here with.
d Headache-Left side headache above left ear (i.e. left temple). Headache started in Jan-2009 while I had been giving the examination. The exam could not be given due to the headache. The headache was throbbing type with unbearable pains. Now the left temple is always heavy, cant lie on that side while sleeping. Headache triggers when there is time bounding to do the specific work which has not given the sufficient time. e. Other complaints- Pain in calves while walking, Calves muscles feels tensed with pains, Left side Sciatica while traveling in the train & while sleeping on left side. Also the body which lyes on bed while sleeping becomes painful & must change the position. This phenomenon continues for about one or two hours then I can sleep.Pain & burning in soles.
f. Mental feelings/ sufferings - Thinks that, shall be better to die. Also thinks that when would be these suffering would be ended. Get irritated, becomes angry for minute reasons, Wants to be alone, Do not want to talk with anyone. 3.Duration of illness: Breathing problem have been started since from 1975 i.e. at the age of 13 years. The symptoms at that time were endless coughing,scrapping, irritating & tickling cough, and then omitting that contains cough. At that time the operation of Tonsils was done. Diagnosed as Tropical Eosinophilia & was given the treatment of Hetrezan-100 mg. But the treatment could reduce the Eosinophil % temporarily. Now at present Eosinophil % is within the range.
4.If allopathic tablets (Asthalin-4mg, Derryphylin Retard-150/300 mg & intermittently the Asthalin Inhaler at the time of constriction or when the symptoms aggravate due to external stimuli.) are not taken, the sufferings are for 24 hours and become worst as the time lapse.
5. I feel better in dry, hot weather. But at the atmospheric temperature more than 40oC breathing problem triggers. Digestion also increases, weight increases. During winter season food intake is very low & weight also decreases. The problem of dyspepsia also arises in winter.
6.General mental Set up- Arrogant if the person in front of me do not listen & does not agree the right things. Agreeable for true & right things. Irritated during illness, Not lazy, wants to be engaged continually in the work. Always hurried for - when would be the work get completed. Perfectionist. The slight less or more salt in the food cant be tolerated. Likes the persons that prefer the truth & are honest & simple.
7. Does not like to be consoled during tough times.
8. Most sensitive to external stimuli like change in weather,smell,smoke,fumes,being wet in water.
9. Typical Habit- masturbation-must at least two times a day.
10. No specific feelings about friends. Caring for wife and children. However frustrated due to non-progress of children in education.
11. Fears- What would be the cause of my death? If children are not properly settled in their life what would be the situation? No specific dreams.
12. Aversion to cold drinks, ice-cream, only due to the sufferings. 13. Excessive thirst after lunch & dinner and at night during sleep. Needs to be awake to drink water but does not satisfy the thirst. throat becomes very dry.
14. Hunger is normal. But if hunger is not satisfied within the time the headache triggers that would not calm even after eating the eatables.
15. Sweat is normal and excess at back.
16. Bowel movement is excess during stool. The rectum is swelled. No pains, bleeding.
17. Sleep is always disturbed due to thirst and body pains. Posture is changed frequently.Calf muscles feels being tensed & have pain at night,must move/fold the legs while lying down(i.e. frequent Z position).
18. Sexual desires are not satisfied.
19. Does not think that I am different from others.
20. I have been trying many homeopaths that are not open to tell their medicines. Presently I have been taking homeopathy treatment from the DR. Batras Homeopathy Clinic, Mumbai (Mulund Branch). Other medicines I have tried for was Ars Alb- 200,Kali Carb-200,Calc Carb- 30,Rhus Tox-1M,Dulcamara-200,Calc Phos-1M, Psorinum- 1m, Sulfer-1M, Belladona-200, Kali Phos-6x, Aspidosperma-Q, Senega-Q, |*
*Grindelia Robusta-Q, Allium Cepa-30, kali bichro.-30/200,Sinapis Nigra-30,Ambrosia-30, Rumex Crisp, Ant.Tart, Cup Met, Phosphorus, Belladona30/200, Aconite30/200 and many more during the different phases of the sufferings. (I.e. Cough, Headache, Nasal Discharge, Infection in Chest) of my physical sufferings. Allopathic Medicines-Asthalin-4mg, DerryphylinRetard-150/300 mg & intermittently the Asthalin Inhaler at the time of constriction or when the symptoms aggravate due to external stimuli.Within a week about 100 doses are required.
21. Major diseases in the family- Psoriasis, Asthma, Eczema, Diabetes.
22. Overall appearance-Medium structure, not fat, abdomen is flat. Color is Gora. i.e. Smart.
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vijaymahajan1962 last decade
> Please mention the date when you last had your ashtma attack?
> Let me know your daily intake of medicine with proper timings?
> Currently which Homeopathy medicines are you taking (other then Batras).
>what snap is this, is it related to your skin problem.
Please update.
Blessings & Prayers,
♡ Nikkie last decade
vijaymahajan1962 last decade
1) Calc. Phos 1m (daily).
2) Asthalin (tab & inhaler) need bases.
3) Dulcamara 200 daily (1-1).
3) Batras doses .
There is a long list of homeopathy medicines, did you self prescribed it ?
You missed lot of questions, reply the complete question set in proper order.
Blessings & Prayers,
♡ Nikkie last decade
2)Asthalin Tabs/Inhaler- Sudden constriction in chest,Breathlessness while climbing staircase,Wheezing caused by exertion & difficulty in exhaling the breath.Inhaling is easier than exhaling.
3)Batra's doses- Since from 5 years.
4)Long list of homeopathy medicines.-Self prescribed only for acute phases such as Coughing,wheezing problems in winter season,Acute nasal discharge,Headache,Fever, Chest infection.
I feel that, I have answered the complete question set and most of the are in proper order.Many homeopaths asked me these questions, but failed to treat, that might be my fate.I am tired off of these questions & being frusteted.If you does not satisfy,please ask specific questions or leave me on my fate.Thanking you.
vijaymahajan1962 last decade
Let me know once you update it. And ! if you are serious about going ahead with my treatment you will have to answer few more lot of question sets (hope you will not get frustrated). You are facing chronic health issues which will take some time, uptil then keep your patience.
Blessings & Prayers,
♡ Nikkie last decade
> Continuous wheezing, sudden constriction of respiratory air passages, Difficulty in respiration after small exertion e.g. After Climbing staircase, fast walking etc, breathlessness, Want of breath. Always scrapping the throat,also before talking. Psoriasis at the soles of the feet,palms, & on the fingers of the hand & feet. - the skin is thick,scaly & itching. If the scales not removed cracks are developed. Left side headache. Watery nasal discharge from nose associated with sneezing, eye irritation with itching, sore filling in nostrils and whole air passage, continuous blowing of the nose, then infection in throat & the whole respiratory track (i.e. whole chest), burning in chest. If infection is not recovered earlier then fever precedes with coughing, wheezing, difficulty in respiration that causes suffocation. Things that aggravate the breathing problem & the nasal discharge --The change in the weather, the smell/smoke while cooking the food , House dust, paper dust, Web, Burning smell, if food/ saliva/ water goes wrong way while eating/drinking , the body or only the soles if being wet for more than half hour, cold water/drinks, cold weather, rainy season, cloudy atmosphere.
3) What is the duration of illness? > breathing problem have been started since from 1975 i.e. at the age of 13 years (37 years). Psoriasis from 1993 (19yeares). Headache from August -2008 (4 years).
4) If you have Thyroid functioning complications, please explain?
> No Thyroid complaints.
5) If you have blood sugar, do mention the clinical details?
> No blood sugar. 6) Do you have digestion problem? Explain in details. > Stomach feels heavy after slight eating. At 4:00pm acidityproblms, burning in chest.
7) Do you face any problem in bowl movement? Any constipation symptoms? > No constipation problems.
8) Do you feel thirsty? How many glasses of water you drink every day? > Yes,I feel always thirsty especialy after lunch & dinner & Through out the night. Throat & mouth becomes excessive dry. About 12 glasses in a day time & 4 glasses at night. 9) Do you feel good in warm or cold or humid climate? Which climate aggravates your problem? > I feel better in dry, hot weather. But as the atmospheric temperature increases more than 40 degree Centigrade breathing problem triggers. Digestion & weight increases in warm weather. During winter season food intake is very low & weight also decreases. The problem of indigestion also arises in winter.
10) Do you have any stress? Explain in details. > Children's education as they ignored my suggestoins & could not progress as desired.
11) Do you get normal sound sleep? > I could not get normal sound sleep. When lyes on bed the body that is in touch with bed becomes painful & needs to change the side of the body very frequently. Sleep is always disturbed due to thirst & after drinking urination and body pains. Posture is changed frequently.Calf muscles feels being tensed & have pain at night,must make straight & fold the legs while sleeping(i.e. frequent Z position). 12) Explain in detail about your mood? > Mood is normal. Thinks that, it would be better to die. Also thinks that when would be these suffering would be ended. Get irritated, becomes angry for minute reasons, Wants to be alone, Does not want to talk with anyone.
13) Any problem with you periods? (For females)
> Not applicable.
14) Any past health history for which you would like to share the information? > Breathing problem have been started since from 1975 i.e. at the age of 13 years. The symptoms at that time were endless coughing, scrapping, irritating & tickling cough, and then omitting that contains cough. At that time the operation of Tonsils was done. Diagnosed as Tropical Eosinophilia & was given the treatment of Hetrezan-100 mg. But the treatment could reduce the Eosinophil % temporarily. Now at present Eosinophil % is within the range.
15) List all the medicine used / using for past / present health complaints? > Past medicines used--Ephedrine Hydrochloride, Betnesol, Prednisolone, Hetrazane/ Banocide ( for Eosinophelia) Tablets. Course of T.B. at the age of13 years, supposing that it would be. Deryphyline, Adrenaline,Aminophyline, Dexona, Turbutaline Sulphate Injections.All sort of cough Syrups & antibiotics.
Present medicines-- Salbutamol-4mg, Deryphyline Retard -150mg periodicaly at bed time when asthamatic problem arises due to throat & chest infection. Salbutamol inhaler is used frequently which is very excess than normal doses (40 puffs daily,4-6 puffs at a time) & is used at the time of sudden constriction in chest, breathlessness, feels tired while climbing staircase. Many times chest becomes wheezy after lunch &dinner. At that time also inhaler is taken. In these instances if inhaler is not taken, i am unable to take the breath. Dr. Batra's homeopathy medicines. 16) Do you exercise daily? Or any other physical activity. > Yes, 30 minutes fast walking, Running in the steps of 200 meters ( total distance 600 meters ). Many times after running inhaler is required due to wheezing & unable to take the normal breath. After walking & running, 10 minutes for Bhasrika, 10 minutes for Kapalbhati ( Yoga breathing exercises), 5 minutes long breathing exercise. 17) What is your Cholesterol level? > Blood checked on date 20 March 2010 - Serum cholestrol - 177 mg/dl, Serum Tryglycerides-127 mg/dl, H.D.L. cholestrol-63 mg/dl, L.D.L. chlestrol -88 mg/dl, Pre Beta Lypoprotein (V.L.D.L.)-25 MG/DL, L.D.L./H.D.L. Ratio-1.4, Total chol./H.D.L. Ratio-2.8.
18) What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? > Crave for in food items-all types of foods I eat. Prefers liquid foods. Solid foods are difficult to swallow & hence needs to drink the water frequently. Aversions- Spicy foods. Spicy food is not aversion but avoids due to coughing, wheezing & infection problems.
19) How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? > Normal.
20) Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
> Normal, On the whole body,specialy on back.
21) How much is your present blood pressure? > Present blood pressure-- 74/122, Pulse- 64.
22) Please give details about your food intake (breakfast-lunch-dinner)? > At 8:00am- 1 teaspoon Flax seeds powder in 1 cup of milk. 1 cup tea. 10:00am--breakfast- sweat Rava or 2 idlis or Upma. Lunch- 2 chapatis with subji or dal & rice. Dinner- 2 chapatis,rice & subji.
Photographs of right 7 left sole and of right tibia are attached herewith.
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vijaymahajan1962 last decade
As of now (from today onwards). You will stop all homeopathy medicines you are taking. You can continue with allopathic doses on need bases.
Please get hold of following medicine in liquid dilution:
1) Nux Vomica 200.
>> Take three doses of Nux Vomica. First dose should be taken early morning empty stomach. Second dose before going to bed. Third and final dose next day early morning empty stomach. Thats all no more doses.
One dose means.
The medicine is in liquid dilution form. Add 3-4 drops of medicine in some half cup (Approx. 3 sip) water and stir with spoon. Sip up the content.
Please follow homeopathy restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, and no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 45 minutes before or after taking medicine.
Also keep the following medicines (in liquid dilution) in STOCK and dont use it.
1) Aconite 30.
2) Ipecac 30.
3) Ars. Alb 30.
4) Carbo. Veg. 30.
5) Carduus Marianus Q (Mother tincture).
Tips to follow.
1. Eat fruits like apple, watermelon and banana
2. Avoid fried food, pickle, hot and spicy food
3. Take your meals on time
4. Drink plenty of water
5. Dont skip your meals.
6. Avoid garlic or onion, pepper in raw form.
7. Eat green and leafy vegetables.
8. Take light meals that make it easy for digestive system to quickly digest the food you eat.
9. Spicy, salty and acidic should be avoided.
10. Smoking and alcohol consumption must be stopped.
11) Drink water 1 hr before or after having food (strict follow).
12) You have to avoid chilled water, cold drinks, preserved food stuff etc.
Get hold of the following homeopathy ointment.
> Calendula.
Apply small amount of ointment on you foot. Massage (rub) it gently to an extent that medicine moves inside the skin. Continue every night.
Please keep me updated.
Blessings & Prayers,
[message edited by Nikkie on Mon, 30 Apr 2012 05:56:15 BST]
♡ Nikkie last decade
Vijay Mahajan.
vijaymahajan1962 last decade
Let me knowonce you start with doses.
Blessings & Prayers,
♡ Nikkie last decade
---Vijay Mahajan.
vijaymahajan1962 last decade
Blessings & Prayers,
♡ Nikkie last decade
vijaymahajan1962 last decade
What is the next dose of the treatment?
vijaymahajan1962 last decade
Did you took three doses on the same day ?
You were supposed to take the doses as following:
Dose1 : Day1 Early morning.
Dose2 : Day1 Before going to bed.
Dose3 : Day2 Early morning.
Pain you had in your calf area has nothing to do with nuxvomica (hope you dont interconnect with the doses). Keep yourself hydrated sufficiently, since it is summer season in Mumbai.
If you have Arnica 30 (in liquid dilution) in your stock you can have just one dose every day for next three days before going to bed. Let me know once you finish with your doses. Also, you can apply Arnica ointment on the pain area for few days.
Important, Any time when you post your health updates please mention the present state of your problem, where you can mention any noticable changes after the start of the treatment.
1)Skin problem.
2)Asthma symptoms. (number of time inhaler was used in a day).
3) Any new symptoms (this time it was calf muscle spasm).
4) Stomach condition.
>> What is your current Blood Pressure?
>> Please get your blood test done now (lipid profile,cbc etc).
>> Are you still having headache?
Blessings & Prayers,
[message edited by Nikkie on Wed, 02 May 2012 08:48:44 BST]
♡ Nikkie last decade
vijaymahajan1962 last decade
vijaymahajan1962 last decade
Blessings and Prayers,
♡ Nikkie last decade
four days.Arnica could not help me for what you had given it.
vijaymahajan1962 last decade
♡ Nikkie last decade
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