The ABC Homeopathy Forum
aexcessive sweat on palms and under foot
My name is asim and i am a 26 years old boy.My problem is that as soon as summer season comes, my palms and foot underneath start to perspire excessively. As soon as i go under sun perspiration start to come on my hands palms . after that in routine hands remain cold. in winter perspiration problem goes away and comes in summer every year. its been happening for last 8 years.kindly suggest me a medicine.ahmed666 on 2012-04-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Calcaria Carb 200c 5 Doses at five days as one dose per day at morning empty stomach before 30 min from meal.
Report me after 7 days.
Dr. Showrav
Report me after 7 days.
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
well as u suggested me calcera carabonica for 5 days i have found no improvement in sweaty palms and foot. one thing i want to add is that palms sweat after taking tea as well with chest anxiety. what should i do next
ahmed666 last decade
i am feeling a little bit improvement. what should i do next. is another dose required or what should be the next step towards treatment of sweaty palms. now palms become sweaty at night in bed and in morning in bed. apart from that there is a considerable improvement
ahmed666 last decade
Take 3 more doses at 3 consecutive days at morning like before. Avoid milk, milk products, tea and coffee for having quick and most effective result.
Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
well i have used calc carb 3 doses as suggested but i have not felt any improvement in my perspiration problem what should i do next.
ahmed666 last decade
Collect Heper Sulph 200c liquid and take one dose each day morning 30 min before meal. continue for 5 days and after than report me after 7 days from the last dose.
Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
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