The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kadwa please help excessive dark facial hair
hi doctor sajjad i am getting married in 2 months and i am really worried about excessive growth of facial hair on my face and neck please suggest me some remedies i need to get rid of them pl. when i wax i get breakout which are even worse.thanks
[message edited by durrani15 on Fri, 13 Apr 2012 17:48:12 BST]
[message edited by durrani15 on Fri, 13 Apr 2012 17:49:11 BST]
durrani15 on 2012-04-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi-don't know why your post is not
getting picked up.
I would click on your post and see the
edit button. edit it all out include the title
and you have to press the send on each one.
then I would make a new post- title it
Kadwa please help excess hair-
He does many posts on here and maybe
thinks this is being worked on.
Hopefully someone picks it up and
if not perhaps you can go to local
homeopath- it is a hormone out of
balance thing usually.
getting picked up.
I would click on your post and see the
edit button. edit it all out include the title
and you have to press the send on each one.
then I would make a new post- title it
Kadwa please help excess hair-
He does many posts on here and maybe
thinks this is being worked on.
Hopefully someone picks it up and
if not perhaps you can go to local
homeopath- it is a hormone out of
balance thing usually.
♡ simone717 last decade
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