The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Adult non/hodgkin;s lymphoma
I am 87yrs.very active,fast, scheduled, clean,social, orderly lady who had a sm.lump on back of left shoulder removed and told it is adult non/hodgins.lymphoma. I do not intend to do chemo/radition,catscans, etc. Been taking assorted hemopathic remedies since l976. Someone suggested carcinosin, 200c to be taken once a month. Anyone have any thoughts or experience on same.Thanks, Dorothy.,Dotty on 2004-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello, since no one responded here, I checked further and have purchased book, A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer by Dr. Ramakrishnan and he has the plussing method to be used in his book. Namely you choose the main one that fits, and then a second one as follow up. I ordered the carcinosin as my main remedy and then will add either conium or thuja as the second one. Understand its also important not to eat or drink any herbs of any kind when working on his theory.
Has anyone heard about Dr. Ramakrishnan?? Understand he has been using this method with success for many years.
Has anyone heard about Dr. Ramakrishnan?? Understand he has been using this method with success for many years.
dotty 2 decades ago
Dear Dotty
Have you tried 'Scrophularia nodosa'
Take this remedy in 30 c potency morning and evening.
Carcinosin is fine, take one doze in 1m potency monthly.
May God almighty bless you with health and hapiness
Aziz A. Qureshi
D.H.A, Lahore cantt., Pakistan
Have you tried 'Scrophularia nodosa'
Take this remedy in 30 c potency morning and evening.
Carcinosin is fine, take one doze in 1m potency monthly.
May God almighty bless you with health and hapiness
Aziz A. Qureshi
D.H.A, Lahore cantt., Pakistan
aziz 2 decades ago
Hello, thanks for your imput. I find I can't take 1m, they seem to prove themselves, maybe the age. I read about the one you sugggest, but felt maybe its more for the real hodgkins.and feel the Thuja might work best for me, as I am also loaded with those brown spongia warts, lots of brown spots also over hands, body, face. Will keep the board informed as soon as I get the book, etc. as to how Im doing, again thank you all for your kind wishes and prayers.I have no fear of death, only the fear of suffering before death which I will not allow myself to get in that condition.
dotty 2 decades ago
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