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sleeplessness in infant

I delivered my first child by c section on nov 11.upto few months he did not sleep in daytime used to sleep after 6 p.m.Now for past one month he used to wake up after 1 a.m not at al sleeping thruout.He has Temparature high in palms,soles,forehead.very irritable,crying wants to be carried. He used to bow backwards.like playing with toys.I feel it is teething problem?I tried bell,chamo,Borax.Not get the satisfactory Result.I have sleepless nite nowadays.Help me to overcome.
  sonasky on 2012-05-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thanks for your childs update.

Please get hold of following medicine in liquid dilution:

Belladona 30.

>> Take three doses of Belladona 30 . First dose should be taken early morning empty stomach. Second dose in the afternoon and third dose before going to bed. Repeat for three days.

One dose means.
The medicine is in liquid dilution form. Add 3-4 drops of medicine in some half cup (Approx. 3 sip) water and stir with spoon. Sip up the content .

Please do update.

Blessings & Prayers,
Nikkie last decade
Hi Nikkie,
Thanks first.I gave Bell as u said,Temp is decreased when compared before.But he use to wake up and cry nodding his head backwards.What is the reason behind?
I ll give some more information.He is sensitive to noises.sleeping position is closed two hands on both sides of the shoulder.upto 2 months he had sucking problem,he dont know how to suck. so v started nan formula.Due to oligohydramnios v did c section.Disturbed sleep > continuous rocking.He developed physiological jaundice at 3rd day.He wants to hold my nighty while nursing,bathing .want to hold cradle during sleep.sweat around head esp occipital Area.Had fever when vaccinated.I had two ectopic pregnancy and 1 hydrocephalic child but v terminated at 6 th month.So I took calc phos 6x,sulp 1m once in 15 days thruout my pregnancy to avoid hydrocephalus.I was in diabetis diet due to raised sugar in preg.I think this information help u to find constitutional medicine for him.I want to know the reason for his current problem,but definitely Bell helps me . shall i continue,upto when?Thank you.
sonasky last decade
Please complete three day dose as explained above.

Blessings & Prayers,
Nikkie last decade
Hi Nikkie,
I have completed the dose mentioned by u.First 2 days he felt good ,less temp,wake up lately.but sterday he again started with same complaints.Day bfr sterday he travelled .was it be reason?.v r gg to singapore Tomorrow.I use to get airsickness like nausea,Rt ear pain,vomitting etc.
So Is there any precautious remedy/ measures for him?This is his first time for flying.Let me know.Thank u.
sonasky last decade
Thanks for the update.
Travelling will put your child on stress, as far as possible please avoid travelling if the child is not keeping well.

Please get hold of following medicine in liquid dilution(this is for your child):

Aconite 30.

>> Take two doses of Aconite 30 . First dose should be taken early morning at around 6:am .Second dose before going to bed. Repeat for three days.

One dose means.
The medicine is in liquid dilution form. Add 1-2 drops of medicine in some 4 table spoon water and stir with spoon. Sip up the content .
For your airsickness problem you can try :

Ipecac 30, two doses at the gap of 4hrs before flying.

Blessings & Prayers,
Nikkie last decade

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