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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

drastic hair loss + dry flaky scalp

I have been losing large amounts of hair every other morning when I wash my hair, far more the 100 or 150 that is supposedly the norm. I am very gentle when combing using a large comb. This has been going on for about 7 months. I have started taking TSII to balance my thyroid, I am taking vitamin E, selenium, zinc, iodine, fish oil,vit B complex, saw palmetto, hair, skin & nail supplement, & I have just ordered some Burdock oil & saw palmento oil to apply to the scalp. There are only a few hairs of re-growth. My Dad & brother have male pattern baldness. Today is my 28th birthday & this is driving me nuts. I eat well & I am active. I dont want to go to doctors & waste my money on them, so I have been buying all the supplements that I have read about to help. Still my hair keeps falling out. My scalp is very dry & itchy it makes a white powder when I scratch it. My hair only use to get dry in the winter but now it is like that all of the time plus wont stop falling out. Please help me out for my birthday, I just found this site today & its definately a bday wish. I took the survey on here & it suggests the Phosphorus. I have been reading some great posts about the Arnica. Please help, I just want it to stop falling out. Thanks Andi
  andigreen on 2005-08-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Andi,

I would like you to see an Endocrinologist, 2 in fact to check what they have to diagnose with your problem. You can check with your nearest hospital for them. They will do tests for your thyroid functions and other tests to verify if you are really in need of special treatment for your thyroid.

I would prefer that you stop all other medicines, remedies, drugs and vitamins etc that you are taking and start on the Arnica therapy which will help your hair and also help you to sleep deeply. I cannot remember why I prescribed the Kali Sulph but unless you have asthma you dont need it.

Please remember that no vitamins are necessary unless you do not have a balanced diet. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, protein preferably fish and chicken. Stay away from red meat and do not eat any BBQ'd meats as they are known to be carcinogenous.

You may also use the Arnica mixed in Coconut oil as this will help your hair and your dandruff as well.

Also use only Johnsons baby shampoo. It is the mildest.

Where do you live ? How old are you ? What is your weight ? Do you feel uncomfortable after meals ?
Joe De Livera last decade
I am female, 28, 120 lbs, I live in Dallas Texas. I eat very well & I do feel comfortable after meals. Though I am uncomfortable with my weight, I always feel fat! My hair is truley my only real problem though. I took the arnica last nite & It was the first nite that I never woke up & had to use the restroom, usually I am up 3-4 times a nite. So dont take anything but the arnica? How many times a day 3 times a day? I believe that is what you said & double up at nite right? I always over do everything just to get some type of reaction! Ill admit I did take the phosphorus &, graphite as well w/o knowing what the affects would be to the rest of my body. I know I shouldnt have over done it, but I was told so many differet things that I thought I would just give them all a shot. I know thats quite stupid, but Im desperate to get this under control. Thanks for everything. Does an endocrinologist practive homeopathic, naturopathic, or conventional medicine?
Joe De Livera last decade
You can reduce your weight by controlling your diet and eating only non fattening food and little or no fat.

You can also use Nat Phos 6x biochemic salt dose 2 tablets after lunch and dinner.

I am glad that Arnica has helped you and you may take it for as long as you like if you feel that it is doing you some good. You should expect to see results in your hair loss and new growth in about 2 months or earlier.

An Endocrinoloogist is a medical doctor who specializes in any problems associated with the glands including your thyroid.
Joe De Livera last decade
I also have the identical problem... Any suggestions would be most appreciated. I have very little hair left. I am on 137 mg of synthroid but this has been going on for many years.
ccccc1 last decade
I have the same problem, plaease tell me what worked.
ccccc1 last decade
i had this same problem after years of medication usage. I can email you a regimen that can assist you. along with possibly saving the remainder of your hair. Now there are certain factors at play that only a good case taking session can help with.
holisticpractice at gmail
drjoy last decade
Hi Andy,

Can u please tell me what is Arnica? Where do I find it and how to use it?

Does it help preventing the danduruff and hair loss?

Help me out.
reach last decade

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