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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

acne and kali brom

hi people - I've usually prescribed kali brom and silica for teenage acne - its the remedy that has worked for a lot of my patients

but recently one patient has come back to say that it has weakened sexual desires. i understand that kali brom certainly does decrease sex hormones but does it to a dangerous amount ?

i would like only experienced homeopaths or people who have used kali brom to respond pls

  santinosharma on 2012-06-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Did you give the remedy based on the entire totality of the case?

Did the acne disappear but the weakened sexual desires follow?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
[message deleted by Radhika Sharma on Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:04:03 BST]
Radhika Sharma last decade
thanks for your post

i do not use entirety of the case like your method brisbane - i know you like to understand the basic constitution of the person and then prescribe a remedy based on that but my method is different

Genetically we are 99.9% the same. It is only 0.01% which causes differences in race, colour etc. Hence generally speaking if someone presents the same symptoms it should work for everyone with those same symptoms

i have given silica and kali brom to few people whose acne started in puberty. and i have received excellent results. this boy also has been given silica and kali brom and his acne cleared but yes he is saying his sexual desires have weakened since taking it. but he told me himself his sexual urges were very high before (this is not healthy either). but i am wondering if anyone else has experienced the same with kali brom - i think it lowers the DHT level rather than the testosterone.
santinosharma last decade
I keep telling you that 'constitution' and 'totality' are not the same thing. I was asking if you used symptoms other than the acne, since this is the best way to see success with a remedy. Totality can be fleeting, can be acute, can change as soon as one remedy is given. It can also be chronic, slow and last for decades.

I asked this because if you are not prescribing on the whole case then you are going to have to accept the remedies will produce side effects. This is because remedies attempt to create as many of their symptoms as possible where the patients are most suseceptible. This might be alot, or it might just be one. All homoeopathic cure comes from creating provings, but the more the proving matches the patient's entire case the less the patient will notice that, since it will just look like their normal symptoms. Even then, you might see one or two new symptoms since it can be difficult to find a remedy that matches exactly enough.

You can use our medicines any way you like, but it doesn't stop them working the way they work. You cannot prevent the Law of Similars, and more than you can prevent the Law of Gravity. Using them outside of our guidelines means you run risks.

I don't understand where your understanding of homoeopathy has come from. Have you ever studied it? You seem to want to use it like an allopathic doctor does. Why? Allopathy and Homoeopathy are enemies, and usually people are looking for a different approach, not the same one but with some watery doses.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:22:06 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am not a qualified homeopath no, nor do i claim to be one. For me all that matters is that the patient gets cured with the most minimal side effects - not the theory behind it. what i am doing seems to be working. so rather than ridicule my method perhaps traditional homeopaths should examine WHY this type of method works.

even with joepathy, there are many remedies in homeopathy for hair loss - typically those involving nat mur. but why is it that his method of arnica seems to work ? arnica is not listed as a remedy for hair loss in traditional homeopathy but it works. and thats all that matters.
santinosharma last decade
i value your posts and take them into consideration and am by no means qualified or experienced like you. but you should try and help to understand why this method of mine works - homeopathy has evolved over the past decades and will continue to do so. and its through this evolution that one day it will lead to perfection and be recognised in the medical community with the same respect as allopathy is
santinosharma last decade
I am not ridiculing your methods, or you for that matter. This is not ridicule this is, and has always been between us, an intellectual debate. I am not attacking you personally in any way and have never been disrespectful to you in any way. In fact I have spent alot of time talking to you here and explaining things.

You wanted to know why something has happened and if anyone has seen it before. I am trying to tell you why homoeopathy says it happens.

The only reason people have all these differing ideas about what 'works', is because the definition of cure is not the same. Homoeopathy sets the bar very high, but other therapists who use our medicines in patchmeal ways set it very low. If you read the Organon of Medicine it will tell you what happens when you use a single local complaint for prescription, and why it does not fit our definition of cure.

Orthodox medicine also claims to 'work'. And we know how terrible many of their treatments are. It it not just because of the toxicity of their drugs, but because they continually suppress local complaints until they penetrate more deeply into the organism. This is because they do not recognize a hierarchy in the body nor do they recognize that the mind and spirit is connected to it. They do not treat the whole person, but just apply pressure to the sick parts until the energy of the sickness move to some where else.

Having a local complaint disappear is not necessarily a sign of cure. It may in fact be a dangerous sign. The reason we have the Direction of Cure as a guiding principle is to make sure we actually move people towards health, rather than just palliate their suffering.

Cure should affect all levels of the patient, and no part of their disease should be left behind to cause suffering. Even in a skin complaint that is truly cured, you should see improved sleep, improved appetite, increased ability to connect to others, increased creativity, less stress, improved energy. In other words across the board their health should rise. This may not happen straight away, it certainly may not even happen on one remedy, but by observing where the symptoms move, what aggravates and what improves, you can have confidence that you are curing the internal disease you cannot see.

In the case you mention, where an external complaint (skin) vanishes but the sexual energy decreases, this is likely the wrong direction for cure to be moving. In fact, it should happen in exactly the opposite way - the skin should worsen while the sexual energy balances out. This way you would know you are curing the internal disease not palliating the external manifestation of it.

Of course in order to be able to use Direction of Cure you have to take a more complete case. If you don't know the person has some kind of sexual symptoms you could easily mistake the aggravation of the skin as a bad sign.

Joe' use of our medicines runs into the same problem. I have followed some of those cases, even ones on other forums and his own website. You can see this problem. Patients see their hair grow back, but their other symptoms remain unchanged, or sometimes worsened. This is not our definition of cure, any more than Rogaine cures the balding patient. Cure must be of the cause of the symptom, the disease inside. This disease infests the entire body. You palliate one small part of it, but you leave the rest to continue undermining the patients strength and hope. Worse, if you actually suppress the symptom, that patient will become worse for it in some other way.

Also as another point you have brought up, a symptom such as 'hair loss' is covered by every single remedy in our materia medica. It is a broad, general, undifferentiated symptom like 'headache', 'cough', 'vomiting'. Such symptoms are common to all human beings, and thus are common to all remedies. It is the modalities that differentiates them into symptoms of a particular remedy. You look at the provings - such symptoms are found in every one. The peculiar things are what the remedy creates. So Arnica can cover hair loss like every remedy does. Nothing new was discovered there, despite Joe's claims. In fact, Arnica is clearly listed for baldness by Murphy, Choudhuri, Pulford, Clarke, Vermeulen and Zandvoort. There are a number of cases throughout our journals that show Arnica's cure of hair fall.

Not only that, but Arnica oil was a traditional remedy for hair loss, being used to produce at times extraordinary growth of hair.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you Brisbane - a lot of what you have just said does indeed make sense.

You speak exactly like my grandfather who was a classical qualified homeopath so its always nice to hear from you on a personal level

If i were to reexamine the boys case using the traditional method then the remedy is nux vomica. which i have once before used for acne but i only found this to be effective when combined with sulphur.i will let you know the results of this in a month or so's time.
santinosharma last decade
Personally, I think that if you do try to understand the theory behind homoeopathy, you might actually being to use it in even better ways than you are now. Just a suggestion :)
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Maybe - i guess i just don't like the idea of the minimum dose. taking one remedy then waiting a few days or weeks.

in this day and age everyone wants to see faster results. with the minimum dose would you not agree - if you narrow an ailment down to 2-3 possible remedies it could take potentially up to three months to find the right one !

.......classical.homeopathy can require a lot of patience which most people don't have
santinosharma last decade
Minimum dose is there to safeguard the patients. It is not there for any other reason. Faster results is not always in the patients best interests if it comes with more aggravations or proving symptoms. It is also not in their best interest if you do not allow the patient themselves to process and experience the changes at the pace that suits them. It is not about us, it is not about our likes or dislikes, it is not about our impatience or our desire to do things a certain way. Cure has its own speed, determined by the patient. It is not determined by us. We do not control other people, we simply instigate the change and then observe. Health and disease did not suddenly change because we began to live in a 'modern age'. These patterns and behaviours are part of the laws of nature and have always existed. Despite what modern man might think, we do not control the laws of nature. We live within them, and we learn that be living in harmony with them our lives are better. It is when we try to make things happen our way, that we experience conflict, and this often leads to disease.

Dieting and exercise take a lot of patience and time too. Does that mean that diet pills and surgery is the better way to go? If you want to remain more youthful, is it better to use good nutrition, yoga, meditation, or just go for bo-tox and plastic surgery? This is the difference between homoeopathy and orthodox medicine, we try to respect and obey the laws that nature has set in place. They do not, and believe that man is smarter and superior to all other life. They believe that the body is just a machine to be altered at will, whereas we believe it is the seat of the soul, and how you treat it is more important than making it give you a particularly result.

Homoeopathy is not just a method, it is a way of living. If people do not want it, there are plenty of orthodox doctors in the world happy to hasten their way to an early grave. Our role, as has been the role of all real healers, is to safeguard and nourish the spirit and body both, to allow people to reach their full potential.

Like anything worth doing, it is worth doing well. One does not become a sportsman or an artist by simply finding the fastest way there. Hard work, time, even pain is necessary to forge someone into the best they can be. The journey IS important, not just reaching the destination.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Brisbane i respect what you say and agree that yoga healthy diet and exercise is the key to health.

but its not fair to compare something like weight loss with chronic health problems. when suffering health problems a patient cannot wait an hour let alone days and weeks. immediate results are often needed. its not in our interests that I'm speaking its in their interests.
santinosharma last decade
Why can it not be compared? Obese people can be pretty impatient to change it. Is it better to give them the quick and easy option then? Isn't obesity an example of a chronic health problem?

What about a prediabetic state? Better to change the diet and to exercise, or just to go straight on to the oral medication?

Patients cannot wait because they have been taught by modern medicine not to wait. They need to be re-educated about what nature intended. That was the point of my last post (at least in part). Modern man thinks they can boss nature around, just because they are in a hurry and have other things to do. Modern society has become obsessed with speed, but less interested in quality. In its own way, it is a kind of sickness, where fast results are more important than how we get those results. Immediate results are not needed, they are just desired, and human desires and human needs often conflict with each other.

The patients look to me for guidance. When I do not expect instant results, nor do they. When I explain the process they have to go through to get permanent cure that affects them across all levels, they will accept that. My expectations shape their expectations. It is not true they will not wait. My patients wait regularly, with an understanding of why they are waiting. Sometimes in fact my clients are even more patient than I am, insisting we wait a little longer to see if the process of change has finished.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi homeopathic physicians !!!
Here is an undergraduate pharmacist.
I have a question regarding your comments above and want to know about a remedy.
My question is ..HOMEOPATHIC medicines have some side effects??
And taking a remedy from you about ACNE VULGARIS personally for myself. .
I am 21 years old studying pharmacy but when I am going day by day with my study ,I am loving homeopathy....
I respect yours profession...

I used azithromycin and isotetrinoid for one month. ..
Isotetrinoid--for the removal of waste cell's. ..
After that proceed the treatment with only azithromycin like 5 doses in 15 days. ...
Now whenever I use the medicine, acnes disappears and whenever I leave appears then...
Simple pimples with patches on the face. ..I Know a lot of homeopathy because of my personal interest. So, PLEASE PRESCRIBE ME MEDICINES THAT I CAN GET RID OF ACNE VULGARIS..
MUSA M SHER 7 years ago

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