The ABC Homeopathy Forum
to joe: arnica 6c sensitivity to long term use???
Joe,I, like many here, have been successfully using the arnica 6c split dose suggestion for sleep and it's working quite well for me. Since you've been doing it for 9 years, I assume you have a greater understanding of long-term use and possible sensitivity or perhaps the body's need to up the dose over time. With this in mind, do you think it's okay to just continue the split dose of 6c every night for years and years with just a nightly succussion of 4 to 6 shakes? Or would one need to increase the potency greatly over time?? I'm not any kind of expert with homeopathy so maybe this is a novice question. If so, please forgive my ignorance. I just really like the effect and I don't want my body to get so used to the dose that it stops working. By the way, it seems that neither coffee or mints have altered the effectiveness of this remedy for me. It sort of proves, at least as my body is concerned, that coffee and mints do not antidote arnica's effectiveness. Oh, also, my husband has been using the arnica at night as you outlined and has found that his hip pain and knee discomfort is much better. Thank you! What an added bonus!
Jane525 on 2005-08-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It feels good to know that you have found that my 'discovery' of using Arnica for sleep has helped you and your husband. As you know I have attracted a lot of unnecessary flak on this forum and I do hope that I will not have to waste any more time in replying to them when there is so much work to do to help anyone positively.
I too have discovered that there is sometimes the need to up the potency of the remedy from 6 to 30 when I find that the 6 is not as effective as it was. There is absolutely no harm to use the higher potency if you find that you are more comfortable with it. Remember that every time you succuss the bottle, you lift the potency of the remedy just that bit above the last potency before you banged it. Quite frankly I cannot rationally explain how this occurs but it is through a process of observation that I have accepted this fact.
It is interesting to note that coffee does not antidote the remedy. I do not think however that if you take coffee after dinner that you can sleep, with out without the Arnica. I too take a cup of coffee in the morning and I use just half teaspoonful Nescafe in a glass of non fat milk and this does not affect my response to the Arnica which I take last thing at night.
Your husband's response to the Arnica is also quite normal and there are instances of another case which I believe has posted under 'crutbh' where she refers to a long standing spinal injury which has been cured by the Arnica.
This is the reason why I do really consider it a Miracle Remedy. It would be true to state that if one in is doubt to suggest a remedy, think of Arnica !
If it does not help immediately, one can always buy time to think of
another. It will never harm anyone by causing the various negative reactions that were reported on another forum where I had advised its use, including a heart attack !
It feels good to know that you have found that my 'discovery' of using Arnica for sleep has helped you and your husband. As you know I have attracted a lot of unnecessary flak on this forum and I do hope that I will not have to waste any more time in replying to them when there is so much work to do to help anyone positively.
I too have discovered that there is sometimes the need to up the potency of the remedy from 6 to 30 when I find that the 6 is not as effective as it was. There is absolutely no harm to use the higher potency if you find that you are more comfortable with it. Remember that every time you succuss the bottle, you lift the potency of the remedy just that bit above the last potency before you banged it. Quite frankly I cannot rationally explain how this occurs but it is through a process of observation that I have accepted this fact.
It is interesting to note that coffee does not antidote the remedy. I do not think however that if you take coffee after dinner that you can sleep, with out without the Arnica. I too take a cup of coffee in the morning and I use just half teaspoonful Nescafe in a glass of non fat milk and this does not affect my response to the Arnica which I take last thing at night.
Your husband's response to the Arnica is also quite normal and there are instances of another case which I believe has posted under 'crutbh' where she refers to a long standing spinal injury which has been cured by the Arnica.
This is the reason why I do really consider it a Miracle Remedy. It would be true to state that if one in is doubt to suggest a remedy, think of Arnica !
If it does not help immediately, one can always buy time to think of
another. It will never harm anyone by causing the various negative reactions that were reported on another forum where I had advised its use, including a heart attack !
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thak you, Joe. So far, the 6C seems to be working beautifully. I also injured my foot (stepped on a shell in a lake and cut it badly causing bruising and swelling). The ongoing use of arnica for sleep increased the healing of the foot like gangbusters!
One more question: what, if any, mental changes might I be experiencing on a subtle or not so subtle level with the ongoing use of arnica for sleep? I ask this because, while I have not taken a lot of homeopathic remedies, the ones I have taken for emotional imbalances certainly caused a slight to major aggravation within a day or so and then leveled me out beautifully. I'm speaking here of Ignatia and Belladonna. This idea for arnica intrigues me. I don't want to "PROVE" the remedy by continual use. Is that possible??
One more question: what, if any, mental changes might I be experiencing on a subtle or not so subtle level with the ongoing use of arnica for sleep? I ask this because, while I have not taken a lot of homeopathic remedies, the ones I have taken for emotional imbalances certainly caused a slight to major aggravation within a day or so and then leveled me out beautifully. I'm speaking here of Ignatia and Belladonna. This idea for arnica intrigues me. I don't want to "PROVE" the remedy by continual use. Is that possible??
Jane525 last decade
As long as you use Arnica 6c you will not experience any aggravation. I believe that even with the 30c it cannot do any harm.
It is possible that I am the only person in the whole world that has taken this remedy daily for over 9 years and I am convinced that I owe to it my present state of wellness which at 76 years of age is a priceless gift, without any ache or pain in my body and a text book BP 120/80 Pulse 65.
I have been trying to promote its use to others and as you probably know, attracted a lot of flak especially from members of the Otherhealth forum which caters to a more homeopathically literate group of members. If you are interested, you can read all about my experience which I posted yesterday on "Homeopathic Warfare (copied)"
Arnica has never done any harm to the best of my knowledge and I consider it my Miracle Remedy with good reason.
It is up to those who read my posts on this forum to also consider using it, preferably in the wet dose and after they have also experienced the true benefits that this remedy can make in their lives, report their response.
It is possible that I am the only person in the whole world that has taken this remedy daily for over 9 years and I am convinced that I owe to it my present state of wellness which at 76 years of age is a priceless gift, without any ache or pain in my body and a text book BP 120/80 Pulse 65.
I have been trying to promote its use to others and as you probably know, attracted a lot of flak especially from members of the Otherhealth forum which caters to a more homeopathically literate group of members. If you are interested, you can read all about my experience which I posted yesterday on "Homeopathic Warfare (copied)"
Arnica has never done any harm to the best of my knowledge and I consider it my Miracle Remedy with good reason.
It is up to those who read my posts on this forum to also consider using it, preferably in the wet dose and after they have also experienced the true benefits that this remedy can make in their lives, report their response.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I took arnica 6c in the split dose method yesterday once in the AM and again at bedtime as usual. I slept very deeply and awoke even more refreshed and ready to take on the day. Is the refreshing quality of sleep and the lack of desire to linger in bed a typical reaction to this remedy??? Fascinating, Joe.
Also, what has been your experience: are the globules better than the liquid drops or is there no difference? I'm thinking of buying the liquid drops next time to experiment but I thought I'd get your take on it first.
Thank you.
Also, what has been your experience: are the globules better than the liquid drops or is there no difference? I'm thinking of buying the liquid drops next time to experiment but I thought I'd get your take on it first.
Thank you.
Jane525 last decade
I am glad that Arnica continues to help you to sleep deeply, thereby improving the benefits that you derive from sleep. This proves, especially to those who did not believe me and proceeded to vilify me recently, that it is not a figment of my imagination. I do not think that the effectiveness of Arnica will fade over the years as you succuss the bottle before each dose and this increases its potency ever so slightly and is more effective to the body to derive the benefits that you are now enjoying from your nightly dose. I do not find that it has lost its efficacy on myself after 9 years of use.
I do wish that others, especially the "classical" homeopaths will listen to my advice and use it themselves, and verify if my claims can be replicated by themselves. It is just that they are so set in their ways that they cannot see the proverbial wood for the trees !
I do hope that more people will use this Miracle Remedy and enjoy the benefits that I and many others like you have derived from the use of Arnica 6c every night.
Please spread the word about your experience to your friends as the regular use of Arnica will only do those who react positively to it a lot of good as it has done to me throughout the past 9 years. I mentioned this as some do not react at all, while one had even got a heart problem which he attributed to his one dose of Arnica which I feel is unbelievable as his motive was to publicly disgrace me on another forum. As you know I do not get any compensation for spending many hours on the computer to advice those who seek assistance. It is just the satisfaction that I get out of reading a post like yours that makes my contribution to this forum so meaningful.
Answering your question about whether you should use globules or the liquid remedy, it really does not matter what you use. I use the Liquid remedy as I have over 500 remedies in my stock and they are all in ethanol. I use the liquid to activate the globules when I give the remedy to anyone who comes to me for assistance.
I note that you take coffee but I would prefer that you only use it only in the morning and not too often as it can antidote the remedy.
Please keep in touch with me either on this forum or by email in the future.
I do wish that others, especially the "classical" homeopaths will listen to my advice and use it themselves, and verify if my claims can be replicated by themselves. It is just that they are so set in their ways that they cannot see the proverbial wood for the trees !
I do hope that more people will use this Miracle Remedy and enjoy the benefits that I and many others like you have derived from the use of Arnica 6c every night.
Please spread the word about your experience to your friends as the regular use of Arnica will only do those who react positively to it a lot of good as it has done to me throughout the past 9 years. I mentioned this as some do not react at all, while one had even got a heart problem which he attributed to his one dose of Arnica which I feel is unbelievable as his motive was to publicly disgrace me on another forum. As you know I do not get any compensation for spending many hours on the computer to advice those who seek assistance. It is just the satisfaction that I get out of reading a post like yours that makes my contribution to this forum so meaningful.
Answering your question about whether you should use globules or the liquid remedy, it really does not matter what you use. I use the Liquid remedy as I have over 500 remedies in my stock and they are all in ethanol. I use the liquid to activate the globules when I give the remedy to anyone who comes to me for assistance.
I note that you take coffee but I would prefer that you only use it only in the morning and not too often as it can antidote the remedy.
Please keep in touch with me either on this forum or by email in the future.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Just an update on the arnica 6c, split dose vs. regular dose method:
I mentioned that I took the regular method (1 teaspoon from remedy bottle) and had trouble sleeping. Well, repeated same method last night and slept deeply all night. So, I can't really tell which is the preferred method for suggesting the dose.
If you haven't already, check more recent info I posted on the thread that deals only with ED.
Thank you.
Just an update on the arnica 6c, split dose vs. regular dose method:
I mentioned that I took the regular method (1 teaspoon from remedy bottle) and had trouble sleeping. Well, repeated same method last night and slept deeply all night. So, I can't really tell which is the preferred method for suggesting the dose.
If you haven't already, check more recent info I posted on the thread that deals only with ED.
Thank you.
Jane525 last decade
It is interesting to note how Arnica reacts. I alternate the dry dose with the split dose and they both seem to work in the same manner.
Thank you for reporting on your experience with Arnica which is so rare for those who use the remedies that I recommend and just forget all about it after they are cured.
It is not that I expect any thanks but it would be nice to know if a difficult is helped so that I and others who follow these cases, especially those who follow my own brand of treatment which has attracted so much unnecessary flak, can learn to accept that my methods also do work successfully, especially when their own classical methods fail.
It is interesting to note how Arnica reacts. I alternate the dry dose with the split dose and they both seem to work in the same manner.
Thank you for reporting on your experience with Arnica which is so rare for those who use the remedies that I recommend and just forget all about it after they are cured.
It is not that I expect any thanks but it would be nice to know if a difficult is helped so that I and others who follow these cases, especially those who follow my own brand of treatment which has attracted so much unnecessary flak, can learn to accept that my methods also do work successfully, especially when their own classical methods fail.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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