The ABC Homeopathy Forum
misslmodest on 2005-08-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear,i got some informations for u regarding Germanium met from internet for your information that reads.
Germanium enhances the availability of oxygen to both normal and cancer is well known that cancer cells worst enemy is an oxygen rich inviroments---they die quickly.Several studies have shown GE-132,a laborty version of the naturally occuring compound from japan,has excellent anti-tumor activites and help the patient in strength and quality of is thought to do this by strengthening the immune system.germanium also seems to stimulate interferon production.i hope it shall help u.
Germanium enhances the availability of oxygen to both normal and cancer is well known that cancer cells worst enemy is an oxygen rich inviroments---they die quickly.Several studies have shown GE-132,a laborty version of the naturally occuring compound from japan,has excellent anti-tumor activites and help the patient in strength and quality of is thought to do this by strengthening the immune system.germanium also seems to stimulate interferon production.i hope it shall help u.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Google 'Germanium Metallicum stranger in a strange land' without the quotes. It covers a proving at first, but a little more than halfway down the page it covers the symptoms calling for it.
kwgrid 7 years ago
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