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Posts about Alopecia, Arthritis, Vitiligo

Androgenic Alopecia2Arthritis3rheumatoid arthritis5Mother (66yo) suffers from painful cramps, stretched-painful nerve and osteo-arthritis22Chronic rheumatoid arthritis10Please help - need remedy recommendations for joint pain and psoriatic arthritis1Rheumatoid arthritis1Osteoarthritis26Rheumatoid arthritis5Osteoarthritis22


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

vitiligo alopecia and possible arthritis

i am 29 year old,male IT professional. i have vitiligo since i was 4. it is in control and aggravate with vitamin c. this year i developed pain in hands that doctor said is carpal tunnel but now all the tendons in my hand elbows and shoulders are badly affected. there ia bad range of motion and nodules are on some joints and tendons because of inflammation. my joints are so weak that i cant stand up without support if i sit down. joints stiff in morning and evenings. knees hurt if bend for more than 10.minutes. hands are most badly affected. i also have developed alopecia in eye brows, beard and genital area. sleep is bad too and too many dreams. i feel thirsty in night and have to get up to urinate as i keep.drinking water. the day i have bad joint pain my urine has more bad smell. feel positive but quality of life bad. please advise...thanks.
[message edited by rajatkhanna on Sat, 28 Jul 2012 04:46:35 BST]
  rajatkhanna on 2012-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Phosphorus 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine. Please don't take coffee one hour before or after the remedy.
kadwa last decade
dear doctor kadwa,

i can't thank you enough. the pain has gone down considerably. i can see 60% improvement in pain. vitiligo and alopecia is same though. i have alopecia in small round spots on my eye brows, beard moustache and genital area. Please advise. thanks a million.
rajatkhanna last decade
Also the hair fall from eye brows and genital area all the time. the hair at affected area is thinning and healthy hair is falling leaving round bald patches. head hair is thinning rapidly on temples and lots of grey hair appeared on beard and head. i have observed that warm climate, vitamin c, yogurt or curd and potatoe aggravate the situation of alopecia and joint pain.
rajatkhanna last decade
Please wait for another 15 days without taking any remedy and report back.
kadwa last decade
hello doctor kadwa,
the symptoms had reappeared but usually a bit less than earlier. Also i have been taking black seed oil with ginger at night for last 10 days. Strange thing happened. On saturday i had pasta with tomatoe puree and no black seed oil and on sunday evening i had an urge to sleep like a dead guy and in dinner i was out and i had matar paneer with less paneer(i realize now that it was cream gravy), 1 small bowl of kheer, two or three small pieces of potatoe. last night my sleep has been unusally bad, my nose unusually dry, unquenchable thirst, this morning suddenly my gums are not bleeding, my joints pain is very less, my temples hair got thinner and brows and beard and moustache hairs are patchy and over night!! some joint stiffness is still there but not much pain but soles are tender. Please advise. if you may then pass me your number so that i can consult you professionally. Thanks.
rajatkhanna last decade
also am having some gas since yesterday. and there is some swelling in anus.
rajatkhanna last decade

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