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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

urgent- burn

i poured boiling chicken broth over most of my left hand tonight. (have been alternating cold water w/ melaleuca/tea tree gel).

i am:
tall, slender, olive complexion, tend to be (but am slowly consciouly changing): perfectionistic, overly-guilty, emotionally absent, smart, poor memory, *spacey*. leave out letters when I write, unconsciouly hold my breath almost constantly.

thanks for any help!!
  Rebecca on 2005-08-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
also feel to mention:
my last injury before this was also a burn to the left hand (tho it covered a much smaller area)

skin on hand feels tingly, mostly white w/ growing red patches, parts of it feel like they're on fire. cold water no longer helps. the burn gel helps if I also blow on it.

I am very angry lately about being betrayed, and also in grief. Also annoyed at having been so disconnected from myself, and others. if that helps.

Rebecca last decade
Your remedy is Causticum 1M.

Please follow the following instructions to use the remedy which you can get from your Homeopathic pharmacy in either liquid form or in globules:

Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 200ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid Causticum 1M into the 300ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Sip just 1 teaspoonful of the water from the cup every hour till the pain from burning stops. Do not exceed 6 teaspoonfuls for a day.

If you use this remedy within 3 hours of burning, there will be no blister on the skin that was affected.

You can immerse the hand in ice water till you get the remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Mr. De Livera-

I would like to take the causticum as you recommend. Unfortunately I live far from the city and today I have no car- I was hoping you might recommend a remedy that I have at home, I have about 75 remedies. Are there any others that you might recommend for my case??

My hand is now showing where the bad burn parts are with a large red patch. It is less sensitive than last night.

Rebecca last decade
try cantharis 6c, 12c or 30c.
sim123 last decade
I would prefer the Cantharis 1M,
Urtica Urens 1M is another. If you do not have these potencies you can use any that you may have all in the Split Dose.

Arnica is also useful to drain the plasma from the blister without hurting the skin which if it is broken can result in infection.

Calendula ointment is also indicated externally as it will assist in the cure.

You also mentioned anger and grief. Nat Mur 30c can help.

Since it is the second time that you got burnt, dont you think that you should take action to prevent a third ?
Joe De Livera last decade
THank you. I have started taking the cantharis. I do see improvement.

WHen you say split dose you mean in the bottle of water, every hour, correct?

Thank you for the nat mur recommendation. I actually started taking it last week bc it seemed indicated! I'm only taking one dose a week, tho, and I am wondering- will all this tea tree/melaleuca gel that I've been applying (it sure seems to remove the heat) antidote the remedy(s)?

"Since it is the second time that you got burnt, dont you think that you should take action to prevent a third ?"

Yes! I really appreciate you saying this. I am not sure what to do, tho, aside from the steps I'm already taking to keep becoming more mentally/emotionally present. Oh actually, I do- tonight I got off the phone to fix quesadillas. Whereas last night w/ the chicken stock I was on the phone. If you have another idea I'd be interested in hearing it.

Thank you kindly!
Rebecca last decade
You make the split dose in 300ml water in a bottle of spring water which you can get from a supermarket. You drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of the remedy and bang the bottle hard on your palm and watch the water fizzle. This potentizes the remedy and renders is more effective.
You sip a teaspoonful of the remedy and this constitutes a dose.

The Nat Mur will help you and this too can be taken in water as indicated above.

I would also suggest you take Arnica 6c twice daily as I feel that it would also help you to overcome your mental stress by helping you to sleep deeply and you wake up quite refreshed.
Joe De Livera last decade

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