The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Homeopathy is fake
From bbc website:'However, many of the ingredients of homeopathic cures are poisonous if taken in large enough quantities. So homeopaths dilute the substances they are using in water or alcohol. This is where scientists become sceptical - because homeopathic solutions are diluted so many times they are unlikely to contain any of the original ingredients at all.
Yet many of the people who take homeopathic medicines are convinced that they work. Has science missed something, or could there be a more conventional explanation?
The Placebo Effect
The placebo effect is a well-documented medical phenomenon. Often, a patient taking pills will feel better, regardless of what the pills contain, simply because they believe the pills will work. Doctors studying the placebo effect have noticed that large pills work better than small pills, and that coloured pills work better than white ones.
Could the beneficial effects of homeopathy be entirely due to the placebo effect?
HopelessEjaculator on 2012-09-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yea the placebo effect worked well on my dog too. Actually my dog was also a qualified scientist & also probably knew that I had put 2 drops of Euphrasia-30 in his food so he ate the food & became well in less than an hour.
♡ AsadGhumman last decade
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