The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Herbal Remedies For Achalasia
Achalsia is a disease in which the tube responsible for carrying food from mouth to the stomach is affected. Achalasia is a grave stomach disorder that disturbs the functionality of the tube responsible for carrying food from mouth to stomach (esophagus) by upsetting the competence of esophagus to transmit food to the stomach.johndalsen on 2012-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
there are 272 remedies. one should individualize to arrive at the remedy.
throat; esophagus: abies-n acal acon(3) aconin aesc(3) aeth agar agath-a all-c(3) all-s alum(4) alumn(3) am-c(3) am-caust(3) am-m ambr aml-n ammc anac(3) anath ant-s ant-t apis(3) arg(3) arg-cy(3) arg-n(3) arn(3) ars(4) ars-s-f arum-t arund asaf(4) aster(3) astra-e astra-me bamb-a bapt(4) bar-c(4) bar-m bar-s bell(4) benz-ac bism bov brom bry bufo c-di-o cact(4) cadm-s cahin(3) caj(3) calc(4) calc-acet calc-ar calc-caust(3) calen camph(3) cand-a cand-p cann-i canth(3) caps carb-ac(3) carb-an(3) carb-v(3) carbn-s(3) card-m cass caust(3) cedr cham chel(4) chin(3) chin-s chlol(2) cic(3) cimx(3) cist clad-r clem coc-c(3) coca cocain cocc(4) colch(3) coloc con(3) convo-d croc(3) crot-c(3) crot-h(3) croto-t(4) cund cupr(3) cupr-acet(3) cupr-ar cupr-s cur cycl(3) der dig(4) dor dros echi-a elaps(3) elat electr emer erig ery-a eucal eug euph(3) ferr ferr-i ferr-ma fic-m gard-j gels(4) gent-c gink graph(3) guare(3) gymn ham(3) hell hep(3) herin hom hydr-ac(3) hydrc Hydro-c hyos(3) hyper ictod ign(4) iod(3) ip iris(3) jab jatr kali-ar kali-bi kali-br kali-c(4) kali-chl kali-i kali-n Kali-sula kola kreos lac-ac(3) lach(4) lact lam lar-ar laur(4) leuc-c lob(3) lob-c lob-s lyc(3) lyss(3) maia-l manc(3) meny(3) merc(3) merc-c(4) merc-i-f merc-i-r merc-s-cy mez(3) micro-a mit morph mur-ac(2) naja(3) nat-ar(3) nat-c(3) nat-glt nat-m(3) nat-s nicc nit-ac(4) nit-m-ac nit-s-d nux-m(3) nux-v(3) oena ol-an(3) op(3) ory-c ox-ac ozon(3) paeon parth petr phos(4) phyt(3) plat(3) plat-m plb(4) plect podo polyg pop-c ptel puls(3) pyrog rad-br ran-b ran-s raph rat rhus-t(4) ric rumx rumx-a sabad(3) sabin salx-f sang(4) sanguin-n sarr sars schin scroph-n sec(3) seneg sep(3) sil(3) sin-a(3) sin-n sium(3) sol-n spig spira spirae stram(4) stroph stry sul-ac(3) sul-i sulph(3) sumb tab(3) tarent(3) tax thal ther tour-w trachy-a trio tus-f upa ust vani-p verat(4) verat-v(3) verin(3) vesp vinc wild wye x-ray xan zinc(4) zinc-m zinc-o zinc-p zinc-s
throat; esophagus: abies-n acal acon(3) aconin aesc(3) aeth agar agath-a all-c(3) all-s alum(4) alumn(3) am-c(3) am-caust(3) am-m ambr aml-n ammc anac(3) anath ant-s ant-t apis(3) arg(3) arg-cy(3) arg-n(3) arn(3) ars(4) ars-s-f arum-t arund asaf(4) aster(3) astra-e astra-me bamb-a bapt(4) bar-c(4) bar-m bar-s bell(4) benz-ac bism bov brom bry bufo c-di-o cact(4) cadm-s cahin(3) caj(3) calc(4) calc-acet calc-ar calc-caust(3) calen camph(3) cand-a cand-p cann-i canth(3) caps carb-ac(3) carb-an(3) carb-v(3) carbn-s(3) card-m cass caust(3) cedr cham chel(4) chin(3) chin-s chlol(2) cic(3) cimx(3) cist clad-r clem coc-c(3) coca cocain cocc(4) colch(3) coloc con(3) convo-d croc(3) crot-c(3) crot-h(3) croto-t(4) cund cupr(3) cupr-acet(3) cupr-ar cupr-s cur cycl(3) der dig(4) dor dros echi-a elaps(3) elat electr emer erig ery-a eucal eug euph(3) ferr ferr-i ferr-ma fic-m gard-j gels(4) gent-c gink graph(3) guare(3) gymn ham(3) hell hep(3) herin hom hydr-ac(3) hydrc Hydro-c hyos(3) hyper ictod ign(4) iod(3) ip iris(3) jab jatr kali-ar kali-bi kali-br kali-c(4) kali-chl kali-i kali-n Kali-sula kola kreos lac-ac(3) lach(4) lact lam lar-ar laur(4) leuc-c lob(3) lob-c lob-s lyc(3) lyss(3) maia-l manc(3) meny(3) merc(3) merc-c(4) merc-i-f merc-i-r merc-s-cy mez(3) micro-a mit morph mur-ac(2) naja(3) nat-ar(3) nat-c(3) nat-glt nat-m(3) nat-s nicc nit-ac(4) nit-m-ac nit-s-d nux-m(3) nux-v(3) oena ol-an(3) op(3) ory-c ox-ac ozon(3) paeon parth petr phos(4) phyt(3) plat(3) plat-m plb(4) plect podo polyg pop-c ptel puls(3) pyrog rad-br ran-b ran-s raph rat rhus-t(4) ric rumx rumx-a sabad(3) sabin salx-f sang(4) sanguin-n sarr sars schin scroph-n sec(3) seneg sep(3) sil(3) sin-a(3) sin-n sium(3) sol-n spig spira spirae stram(4) stroph stry sul-ac(3) sul-i sulph(3) sumb tab(3) tarent(3) tax thal ther tour-w trachy-a trio tus-f upa ust vani-p verat(4) verat-v(3) verin(3) vesp vinc wild wye x-ray xan zinc(4) zinc-m zinc-o zinc-p zinc-s
♡ kadwa last decade
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