The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Breast Abscess and Unpleasant Side Effects from Homeopathic Remedies
I have had a breast abscess in my right breast cause recurring problems for the last 4 to 5 months. The last western medicine approach almost 3 months ago was to have surgery and remove the milk ducts. The wound will heal quickly and very well but then turns red and it suppurates again. I took hep sulph after the wound started to act up again after the surgery and when I stopped taking it, it opened up. I am now taking calc sulph as the wound opened up again for the 2nd time in one month.In the interim I took nat mur as it seems to be the correct constitutional remedy for me. I didn't take very much of the nat mur, 30c, 3 then 2 pellets at a time, 3 then 2 times a day for 3 days. I started to experience intense kidney pain (after a night of too much booze to be honest) so I stopped the nat mur; I have to say that up until that point I was feeling like my old self again despite the fact that the wound was starting to cause me problems again.
I bring this up because even though I need the Calc Sulph to heal, I am having (lesser) kidney and liver issues again when taking it. I started with the calc sulph yesterday as follows:
2 6x pellets twice morning & pm
1 6x pellet once at night
1 30c pellet in the morning so far. My symptoms have dissipated during the day, but were quite brutal immediately after taking it. I'm not sure if I am healing from the 'top down' or if I am having a reaction to the calc sulph due to being so overly sensitive to all meds and detoxing as I am.
Sorry for the long post but I have been doing a ton of research and the puzzle pieces that I find, just are not adding up to a solution for me.
I also have a question as to what foods/liquids I should try to avoid at this time to enable better healing of the abscess.
Thanks very much in advance for any help!
clairemc on 2012-09-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I believe that the symptoms I am feeling today are related to my adrenals. I suffered from extreme adrenal burnout last year to the point of being bed-ridden for 4 months. I believe a healing crisis is putting my back to that delibitative state.
Please let me know if you have any insight as I have to make sure that I am on the right track so that I don't slip back into such a dysfunctional state with my body. I need to work!
Please let me know if you have any insight as I have to make sure that I am on the right track so that I don't slip back into such a dysfunctional state with my body. I need to work!
clairemc last decade
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