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Bruxism /teeth grinding

Hello dr.(s)
I am suffering from Bruxism/teeth grinding since 2008 till now, i have tried many medicines, posted on ABC homeopathy forum. Some one gave me Cina up to 1m for worms etc but nothing went favourable for me.

Only one alopathic medicine worked for me that is names here as TERNELIN it is given for muscle relax purpose but it has side effects if it continuous for some longer time, my tongue was burning and it was became sensitive.

I need some medicine in the Homoeopathic.

Thankx in advance
  nadeem4u on 2012-10-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Podophyllum 30, every night before going to sleep. This has helped many even very chronic cases. After a week try, please add Belladonna 30 in the morning and write back.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Bundle of thanks Dr. Reva V. I will surely do it and update you in this regard.

thank you so much im tired from this and damaged my precious teeths as well and now my teeths has become sensitive i feel Hot and cold even thats why i am using medicated tooth paste.

nadeem4u last decade
Dear Dr. Reva V

I have taking the Podophyllum 30 continuously in the night, and since today morning i have started Belladona too.
I have stopped grinding the teeth's, I had checked it before the start of belladona.

As my case is chronic, please tell me how longer i may continue the medicine. I dont have any problem to take it even for the longer period.

And yes I am really THANKFUL to you! i dont know your contact # otherwise i would have called u for the thanks.

Before this I had posted many times for the same issue but peoples didnt bothered to reply.
nadeem4u last decade
Please stop Podophyllum 30 and start taking Belladonna 30, every morning, once a day for the next 7 days and write back.

With Prayers,
Reva V
Reva V last decade
Dear Dr. Reva V

I am taking the Belladona, and observed that Im not clenching my teeths any more.

Please suggest me further.

Before this I had once used alopathic medicine, when I stopped to take that, I again start the grinding of teeth.

Thanks for your help. Im really grateful to you!

Have a nice day
nadeem4u last decade
Please take Belladonna, every 3rd day (with 2 days gap) for the next 1 month and stop it afterwards. This means, the medicine is not taken for 2 days between each dose of Belladonna.

Please avoid processed food, where possible.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Dear Dr. Reva V,

I took the belladona as per your suggestion means every 3rd day, (with two day gaps) for 1 month and then stopped. Now again Im grinding the teeths, not to that extent . what may i do, please suggest me.

thanks in advance.
nadeem4u last decade
Please take Podophylum 30 once again, every night for 3 days only and leave a gap of 4 days. After this week, if you still have, you can repeat the same way.
Reva V last decade
What's does really wonder me is the fact that many people here (even with Dr. as title) say take remedy X many times, then take remedy Y after that too, but do not ask for further details.

I mean that Podophyllum could help is only by chance. That Belladonna could help is only by chance too.

Both Belladonna and Podophyllum are so different, that only few questions would help to make an more accurate choice.
Lamary 7 years ago
How many pellets is one dose?
paul1980be 7 years ago

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