The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Influence of external evil thoughts/force on health - what Homeopathy can do here?
Influence of external evil thoughts/force on health - what Homeopathy can do here?These are very tough cases, whether you beleive in this topic or not. They challenges the knowledge and medicines in hand. I treated them entirely as a medical disorder (esp in early part of my practice), although the patient's family continue to show evidence otherwise.
This experience greatly helped to find the limits of classical Homeopathy and lead to go, out of the box solutions. If you dont bring results for the need of a rational mind, there is no solution. I stayed strictly with Classical Homeopathy learnings and had mixed (very low) success. It challenged my 40 years classically trained mentor and motivated him to turn his experience to out-of-the box solutions for results (which lead to better success later!)
bottom line learning: improve nervous strength of the patient through all the tools that you are comfortable with. Use intercurrently the indicated remedies like Stramonium, ...
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In my last few years of research, I reconfirmed that ALUM (Shaving Alum) has an incredible contribution to mitigate the impact to the patient (external envy, anger, xx force,....).
Indian families, tie a rock of Alum (in some areas, they tie alum along with other stuff) near thier home entrance to ward of evil forces. Alum seems a 1000s of years tradition.
Even more interesting is, the bindi (that you see in most Indian ladies' forehead) is made of Alum, Lemon Juice and Turmeric. It could be a very thoughtful tradition to protect them. However, technology turned these women to wear stickers and dye today.
In US, Alum is available as Shaving Alum, ~ $8 in Amazon or for $1 in Indian Stores (not in all cities). In India and other countries, it is for Rs. 10 or 20 ($0.20) . Simply place them in the work desk or near bed at a 3 to 10 feet distance (not too close). It is found unconditionally beneficial in such cases or suspected patients.
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Let me end this with my very recent experience. This patient came down with appendicities (pain shooting high every 20 minutes for the last several hours. Started mild before this). Very specifics like Bell and Carbo Veg made little difference. Talking to him further, I understood he is working in US reservations and he mentioned that it is likely this. I did not think any further. Suggested him to take a dose of Phytolacca 6 and requested a report in the end of the day. He took it around 11AM and slept for 3 hours (his wife said, he never slept in the day, since she knows him). He woke up with no pain and never for the last 3 weeks!
♥ Reva V on 2012-10-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have placed some Alum about a foot from my chair and have also left some at home near my chair and also near my bed.
I have however not discovered any beneficial effects so far in about a month.
I have however not discovered any beneficial effects so far in about a month.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Reva,
This is very interesting topic you have started,this also falls in the space of occult science,though I have not treated any such case so far but am highly curious abut it and inclined to believe what you say.
I could'nt understand US reservation case will you pl explain it.
Today every body shows very scientific aptitude and homeopathy is questioned and asked for scientific proof.When the things are experienced it is only a fool who will ask for scientific explanation,when a homeopath saves life of a person from an acute attack of illness(life threatening) with a single dose of remedy I don't think he will come and ask to prove and give scientific
explanation.The personal experience I think is above all the scientific proofs and explanations. And thats what one should value most.I never bother to give such explanations .
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:59:48 GMT]
This is very interesting topic you have started,this also falls in the space of occult science,though I have not treated any such case so far but am highly curious abut it and inclined to believe what you say.
I could'nt understand US reservation case will you pl explain it.
Today every body shows very scientific aptitude and homeopathy is questioned and asked for scientific proof.When the things are experienced it is only a fool who will ask for scientific explanation,when a homeopath saves life of a person from an acute attack of illness(life threatening) with a single dose of remedy I don't think he will come and ask to prove and give scientific
explanation.The personal experience I think is above all the scientific proofs and explanations. And thats what one should value most.I never bother to give such explanations .
[message edited by bapu4 on Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:59:48 GMT]
bapu4 last decade
I think Reva is referring to a person who works on an
American Indian reservation. Of course , the tribes were
wiped out here in America with only some left. Just like
The aborigines were wiped out in parts of Australia.
Remaining tribes here - many live on protected lands-
called 'reservations'- and they have long ancient traditions
and ceremonies. The reservation lands are under the
rule of the tribes-to a large extent. American Indians have
a strong tie to the earth- and practically every person in
America knows if you build a house or live in a house-that is on
an Indian graveyard you will have bad paranormal activity.
Bapu, you should look at the site Homeopathy for Health in
Africa , where a famous homeopath and teacher has
moved his family and is treating AIDs. The cases and some
of the prescriptions are on the site. I saw a You tube interview
with him ( Jeremy Sherr) and he talks about it is so much
more simple to treat the Africans and refreshing bc they
don't have all the confusing 'noise' of the Western mind.
Inspiring what he is doing there.
I think Reva is referring to a person who works on an
American Indian reservation. Of course , the tribes were
wiped out here in America with only some left. Just like
The aborigines were wiped out in parts of Australia.
Remaining tribes here - many live on protected lands-
called 'reservations'- and they have long ancient traditions
and ceremonies. The reservation lands are under the
rule of the tribes-to a large extent. American Indians have
a strong tie to the earth- and practically every person in
America knows if you build a house or live in a house-that is on
an Indian graveyard you will have bad paranormal activity.
Bapu, you should look at the site Homeopathy for Health in
Africa , where a famous homeopath and teacher has
moved his family and is treating AIDs. The cases and some
of the prescriptions are on the site. I saw a You tube interview
with him ( Jeremy Sherr) and he talks about it is so much
more simple to treat the Africans and refreshing bc they
don't have all the confusing 'noise' of the Western mind.
Inspiring what he is doing there.
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Siomone,
Thnx alot,There is so much has happened in the history of the world and the scars still get oozy,feel very concerned about such innocent race from whom the mighty 'TIME' has robbed even their simple lifestyle for no fault of their's,people came from some where outside and pushed these tribes to the brink of extinction.
I will certainly see the video of Homeopath you mentioned my salute to such Missionary .
Thnx alot,There is so much has happened in the history of the world and the scars still get oozy,feel very concerned about such innocent race from whom the mighty 'TIME' has robbed even their simple lifestyle for no fault of their's,people came from some where outside and pushed these tribes to the brink of extinction.
I will certainly see the video of Homeopath you mentioned my salute to such Missionary .
bapu4 last decade
Dear Reva,
Thanks a lot to start such interesting topic.
Influence of external evil thoughts/force on health.
First of all we need to understand as to what we mean by
' external evil thoughts/force'
As far as my understanding of this goes the thoughts that would create harm to others & also self are the one that I perceive to be evil thoughts & NOT all those which the so-called preachers preach to us on religious forums.That all are only to induce fear psychosis in people & fill up their own pockets.
Now as for the effect on health, yes I do strongly believe that they do effect on one's physical health.
The rat's race of present day generation is a living example of unhealthy competition and the associated health problems they face.
The lack of concern for self & others is the order of the day and one pays a very heavy price on physical health front.
Homoeopathy does lot of repair work in this sort of problems & some of the medicine that has helped me in my practice are NATRUM MUR,STAPHSAGRIA,LYCOPODIUM,SULPHUR,AURUM MET,SEPIA etc.
Bach's flowers are very very useful but it takes a long time & lots of patience.
Thanks a lot to start such interesting topic.
Influence of external evil thoughts/force on health.
First of all we need to understand as to what we mean by
' external evil thoughts/force'
As far as my understanding of this goes the thoughts that would create harm to others & also self are the one that I perceive to be evil thoughts & NOT all those which the so-called preachers preach to us on religious forums.That all are only to induce fear psychosis in people & fill up their own pockets.
Now as for the effect on health, yes I do strongly believe that they do effect on one's physical health.
The rat's race of present day generation is a living example of unhealthy competition and the associated health problems they face.
The lack of concern for self & others is the order of the day and one pays a very heavy price on physical health front.
Homoeopathy does lot of repair work in this sort of problems & some of the medicine that has helped me in my practice are NATRUM MUR,STAPHSAGRIA,LYCOPODIUM,SULPHUR,AURUM MET,SEPIA etc.
Bach's flowers are very very useful but it takes a long time & lots of patience.
daktersaab last decade
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