The ABC Homeopathy Forum
problem of Slip disc and Uric acid
Hello doctor,I am 30 yrs old male. I am suffering from the problem of back pain from last 3 yr, but 1½ yr back I slipped from the height of 5 stairs and started problem in walking too with too much back pain. Then I consulted doctor and in MRI the problem of slip disc was found.
After long treatmentof allopathic,acupressure my disc came on the right position as confirmed by the coloured X-ray 4-5 months back.
But my pain still continues, especially in left hip and left leg,the pain of my back is get reduced but feels the stiffness in back especially when I wake up in morning.
The pain of left leg is also not like dat killing pain in veins like before,but sometimes I feel the same pain as before. I mean pain remain in the leg always but only sometime it causes that killing or screaming pain.
Then the Doctor told me to check my Uric Acid level in blood. In 1st test it came to 8.4 and in all further test it came to 5-6,but this is when I was taking the uric acid medicine named Zyloric. From last 4-5 months I m taking the Zyloric regularly, but still dont get any relief in my condition.
I take 1 tab.of Zyloric and 2 times Berberis vulgaris in homeopathy,but unfortunately no relief at all.
After a study on myself, I think that the uric acid is get deposited in my back and hips, which causes blockage in my veins again and again and causes pain,as earlier my acupressure doctors open the whole blockage of my veins through massage.The pain get increased by back bone exercises even i do them in front of pysio-therapists. I am not sure that whether I m rite or not.
So, plz tell me whether this is possible or not, and if yes the suitable medicine to remove the deposited uric acid in my back bone and hips.
Plz help me doctor as this problem is making my life like hell.
[message edited by SHILPY0009 on Sun, 28 Oct 2012 03:19:04 GMT]
SHILPY0009 on 2012-10-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I m experienced to handle ur case as I have cured some patients like urs. But due to professional busyness and also bcs of a bit long time procedure U need to contact me by mail. My mailing address is given here at my profile.
Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav
♡ Dr. Showrav last decade
Sorry to hear about you problems that you have been suffering from 3 years. Why don't you get a complete treatment once and for all? Try surgery along with your homeopathic medicines. And don't worry, spine surgeries are not risky or very expensive if you got for a good hospital like Nova Orthopaedic and Spine Hospital. Stop your suffering once and for all. Best of Luck.
rakshita last decade
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