The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Child: Fever Intermittent.Rash.Cough
I posted on Tuesday...things have changed in my 4 year-old son's condition...Fever since Monday night...but not all the time...will be fine for 8-10 hours and then the fever will return. He will shift between red ears and face to pale face. He has developed a choking/drowning sounding cough during sleep and in the morning. He has also developed a semi-circle rash from the bottom of his neck to his breastbone. My naturopath had me give him a dose of pulsatilla 30CH in water which seemed to help last night when this happened, but now it's happening again tonight. He will play and be quite content and then so fatigued and hot. The heat is radiating from his body.
He has never been sick for this's normally 2-3 days and better.
mjoali on 2012-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him Bryonia 30 in the morning and evening for 3 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
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