The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Antidote for Lachesis
Hi, is there any antidote to Lachesis30. Just wondering what it is so it can bought and kept as a precaution if starting Lachesis 30.sujisuji on 2012-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please can someone tell me how long it would take for the effect of one dose of Lachesis 30 and one dose of Calcarea carbonica 30 to wear off so other homeopathic medications like cretaegus and cheledonium which were being taken before can be restarted?
Also, would apismel 200 have any negative impact if given 2 days after one dose of lachesis 30 and one dose of calcarea carbonica 30 are given?
Thank you for your help.
[message edited by sujisuji on Thu, 29 Nov 2012 05:30:59 GMT]
Also, would apismel 200 have any negative impact if given 2 days after one dose of lachesis 30 and one dose of calcarea carbonica 30 are given?
Thank you for your help.
[message edited by sujisuji on Thu, 29 Nov 2012 05:30:59 GMT]
sujisuji last decade
Can anybody prescribe antidote along with potency for Lachesis 1M given for 9 days to my 8 year old son. After the above dose was given my son gets boils on his right knee repeatedly
inderpreet.kular last decade
what should be the potency of cedron?
inderpreet.kular last decade
Hi inderpreet.kular,
Kindly explain the nature, colour & exact location of boils. Also tell something about your son's mood in general & how about the taste of his mouth along with any smell or over salivation in his mouth? His general body temperature?
Kindly explain the nature, colour & exact location of boils. Also tell something about your son's mood in general & how about the taste of his mouth along with any smell or over salivation in his mouth? His general body temperature?
♡ AsadGhumman last decade
Dear Asad Ghuman,
The following is the complete explanation -
My Son is 8 years old.He is intelligent with great memory but he is always lost in his own dream world and absent minded.He does not have any other problem but due to being absent minded he keeps his mouth open.
On 8 June 2013,keeping in mind all above symptoms homeopathy doctor prescribed Lachesis 1M to be given daily every morning after brushing his teeth.
We gave him this medicine for 9 days and after 9 days noticed that a boil has developed on his right knee. We have stopped giving him Lachesis 1M.
The Boil appears on right knee. When it appeared for the first time it was full of water like we get on being burnt and it dried down.
Now on 6 October 2013 a new boil has appeared on the right knee. The area around boil is red but only small water coloured discharge is coming out.
My sons mood is jovial but he gets irritated and cries when he loses in some game like badminton etc. He is a slow eater and takes about 30 minutes to finish his food. He prefers salty things in food.
The boil slowly receded and dried down. But now these boils keep coming back repeatedly.
Somebody suggested we should give him coffee we did that but boils keep on reappearing.
Kindly suggest some antidote to Lachesis 1M and also the potency.
The following is the complete explanation -
My Son is 8 years old.He is intelligent with great memory but he is always lost in his own dream world and absent minded.He does not have any other problem but due to being absent minded he keeps his mouth open.
On 8 June 2013,keeping in mind all above symptoms homeopathy doctor prescribed Lachesis 1M to be given daily every morning after brushing his teeth.
We gave him this medicine for 9 days and after 9 days noticed that a boil has developed on his right knee. We have stopped giving him Lachesis 1M.
The Boil appears on right knee. When it appeared for the first time it was full of water like we get on being burnt and it dried down.
Now on 6 October 2013 a new boil has appeared on the right knee. The area around boil is red but only small water coloured discharge is coming out.
My sons mood is jovial but he gets irritated and cries when he loses in some game like badminton etc. He is a slow eater and takes about 30 minutes to finish his food. He prefers salty things in food.
The boil slowly receded and dried down. But now these boils keep coming back repeatedly.
Somebody suggested we should give him coffee we did that but boils keep on reappearing.
Kindly suggest some antidote to Lachesis 1M and also the potency.
inderpreet.kular last decade
I simply can't understand why Lachesis was prescribed at the first place???
Kindly tell me about any smell/odour from his mouth or body & excessive salivation. Is the boil whitish on top? Is he impatient generally?
Kindly tell me about any smell/odour from his mouth or body & excessive salivation. Is the boil whitish on top? Is he impatient generally?
♡ AsadGhumman last decade
He keeps fidgeting and never sits idle . In school also he is moving around and he is very talkative.He lacks focus and concentration and he forgets to shut his mouth and keeps it open.
The boil has whitish top.
There is no smell /odour from his mouth and body and no excessive salivation.
The boil has whitish top.
There is no smell /odour from his mouth and body and no excessive salivation.
inderpreet.kular last decade
Done! Kindly get hold of the below remedy & ignore the earlier prescribed 'cedron':
1- Mercurius cor-30c
1- Mercurius cor-30c
♡ AsadGhumman last decade
Kindly give your son 3 doses of Merc Cor-30c in one day & see the results. If you see positive results, then continue for 2 more days.
If you have got liquid, then each dose = put 3 drops of Merc. Cor in quarter cup of water & drink 30min before or after taking food.
If you have good pills, then put 2 pills under the tongue & suck. 30min before or after taking food
If you have got liquid, then each dose = put 3 drops of Merc. Cor in quarter cup of water & drink 30min before or after taking food.
If you have good pills, then put 2 pills under the tongue & suck. 30min before or after taking food
♡ AsadGhumman last decade
I am also wondering if my daughter shouldn’t have been on Lachesis. You mention excessive saliva and she definitely has that now.
Is that a sign that it was not the right remedy?
Is that a sign that it was not the right remedy?
Christinemilne 9 months ago
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