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Dr. Showrav please help......unwanted facial hair

My wife who is 29 years old female needs your kind attention. She has very thin unwanted facial hair. These are located near to vesicles, a little bit on upper lip and on chin and some on forehead.
She drinks water as per her requirement and has balance diet. Her weight is 50KG while height is 5’ 4”.
Please suggest some medicine that removes these hairs permanently without having any side effect. She also has hair fall problem. Please also address this problem in your prescription.
  healing_soul on 2012-11-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr. Showrav plz respond.
healing_soul last decade
I need to see her photos first. please mail me at my gmail address given here.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dr. I mailed you the pics, please suggest some medicine. And please let me know if these hairs could be completley removed?
healing_soul last decade
It is really critical to say in advance about the hair completely removable or not. Bcs it depends on hormone balance of ur wife. But at least u can try homeopathy without any other side effects.

Thuja 200c liquid German made
Olium Jac Q liquid German made

Collect above medicines and notify me.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Ok Doctor. i got the medicine from market. Please tell me how to use it.
healing_soul last decade
2 drops of thuja with half cup water makes a dose for her. Daily one dose of thuja at morning 30min before meal.

Take a cup of water and 20 drops of oleum jaq mix with it. Take piece of cotton and wet it with that mixture and jently apply the medicine on hairy skin of her face with rubbing.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
for how long this mediciation to take?
healing_soul last decade
at least for one month.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
i am 24 years old.I have irregular period,No hormonal problem,no PCOS but have more unwanted facial hair.I have treated for both period problem and unwanted facial hair but no result.Homeo Dr. suggested me to take Olium jec every day 10 drops mix with water.i took this medicine 3 months but no result.another homeo dr. gave me thyroidium.After taking thyroidium two/three days i observed some hair removed but again it grow.some hair becomes thick and dark. no result.what can i do.I observe this problem is increasing what can i do?
maklina18 9 years ago
try thuja 10m once a month for three months
mnaari 9 years ago
How to take this medicine?Has its any side effect?My weight is increasing day by day now it is 64kg and height 5 feet.Please suggest.What can i take for period problem?
[message edited by maklina18 on Tue, 08 Dec 2015 06:24:55 UTC]
maklina18 9 years ago
Plz suggest....
maklina18 9 years ago

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