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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stress-Induced Derealization?


I feel kind of embarrassed posting this, but oh well.

I'm still quite young, but I have NEVER DONE DRUGS.

I have, however, always been somewhat of a perfectionist. Now in high school, I've been obsessing about excellence all of the time. Compounding this, I have been having issues with my family. For instance, I can’t seem to get along with my brother at all. Although this might not seem like much, it has definitely taken a toll on me. I am also aware that my family is prone to mental illness. I know several of my relatives are currently suffering from depression, and of one that committed suicide awhile back.

Anyways, for a few years, I have progressively been having constant feelings of derealization. I always feel 'dazed,' unable to concentrate, forgetful, and tired (probably due to the stress). It seems like everything is so surreal, and almost like a dream. The worst part, however, is that nothing seems real. I feel completely drained of many of my emotions. These all cause problems for me, because I find that I have to compensate for my lack of concentration by studying something over and over until it finally just sinks in. I am always making blunders that make people around me frustrated and angry, which makes me feel like a total idiot. I always worry about forgetting relatives and happy memories, so I have started a journal to help me remember things that I don’t want to forget. I know that memory problems may be common in some people, but not like this in teenagers. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.

As I alluded to, this problem has been around for a few years, but has only progressively gotten worse. I only recently learned about these types of disorders in a psychology class that I’m taking. Although this could be worse, I’m still worried. Is this problem stress-related in your opinion(s)? Have I inherited some sort of predisposition toward mental illness from my family? What on earth should I do, because this is real?! I wish somebody could give me some pointers, because I feel like I’m going crazy. I’m only a high schooler, but it seems like I am bearing the burdens of an adult.

Thanks for any help.
  jone1 on 2005-09-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
For the cure of your problem.The following medicines may be tried.
1.Aur met 200c.a dose thrice on first day.second day twice,third day only once.and repeat this medicine after 15 days.on other days take picric acid thrice daily.A dose is 5 drops mixed in a little water.These medicines will save you from disaster.
sajjadakram635 last decade
i know how you feel man. im 15 and have been having the same kind of problems for 2 years. i hate it.
i think some of it or can be related to stress, as it comes on very badly when im angry or something. but it always lurkes when im not. the only time it ever seems to go is when im so busy doing something that i completely forget about.

but this has been an ongoing thing for 2 years, i had a break from it for about 6 months inbetween, but then came back.

if anyone can find a reason whyh this is happening i'd also liek to know. mine started when i had a bad trip of cannabis, like alot of other people in another thread.

good luck man.
Muler last decade
hey man i also have dr and have been dealing with it for 10 years. I started getting it when i was ur age im 25 now. I noticed that it came on for me suddenly one day while in school and felt like my vision was blurry. It then went away after school was over. It seemed to me that it was worse during stressful times.

Are there times that this gets better for u or worse?

Is there a degree to how bad this is for u . 1 being not bad and 10 the worst.

If it gets better, When? during what parts of the day ..what are u doing when it gets worse?

i want to help i think if u answer these questions it can help me help u.
danneeeboy777 last decade
It's crazy because you feel like you are in your own world and nobody understands what is going on but you. I have had this feeling for about two months now. I lost my job around that time and have alot more time on my hands and that is when the feelings started.I would like to know some techniques to get rid of this feeling.
tjgadson last decade
i am only in high school too and im going through the EXACT same thing. i feel forgetful and i feel empty and i cant even cry anymore. i feel as if i have no feelings and im so confused about everything.
renee1234 last decade
oh and i have never did
drugs either, but i did try smoking with my friends and thats what triggered my panic attacks, then i went through depression and now i have the derealization feeling like all day. and its making me depressed. i hate this feeling. but i have hope becuase my friend went through the same thing and hers went away becuase she stopped thinking about it. im trying to do the same but i worry alot.
renee1234 last decade

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