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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

extreme foot pain

I have a pain in the bottom of my foot near my heel. I have had 2 surgeries; one for plantar faciatis, the other to remove scar tissue from the first surgery. After each surgery, the foot pain went away, but then returned within a few months. It is so painful, I cannot even think to walk in my bare feet. I practically drop to my knees from the pain when I get in the shower each morning, because I have to take off my shoes to get wet. Sometimes, for no reason, the pain quits (but I can still never walk barefooted) during the day. This seems to occur about mid-to-late afternoon. I also notice that when I eat, the pain seems to diminish. Any suggestions?
I should also note that I contracted Guillian Barre Syndrome 16 years ago, which left residual neuropathy in the leg that I am now experiencing the foot pain.
  maryann on 2004-05-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
this case need more info---some key answers lie back preceding the contraction of Guillian Barre Syndrome 16 years ago...dis-ease name not help--symptomology is proper path the prescription.
John Stanton 2 decades ago
maryann: please give John more info (like what makes the pain worse/better -your thirst/appetite/sleep, any sensations "as if"?)

I like Thuja so far-but at this stage it is only guessing and very much uncertain.
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Thanks for taking an interest. I would like to offer more symptomology regarding my heel pain, but I am not sure what I can tell you. The pain is very intense in the A.M., even after I get to work (I have an office job, so I am not on my feet alot). When i do eat something (mid-morning), the pain dimishes slightly. When I eat lunch, sometimes it lessens even more, but then in the mid-afternoon (3:00-4:00), the pain is the most tolerable, but certainly not gone. It again begins to increase as the evening wears on. I cannot wear any shoes unless I put heel cushions in them. I can associate the pain to be very similar to having a stone in your shoe; the pain is very isolated and sharp; I constantly get a callus in the painful area, which I periodically have removed by a podiatrist.
Sleep patterns do not make much of a difference; however, I do notice an increase in pain when I am on my feet at home alot and, in particular, standing in one spot for long periods of time (like cooking in the kitchen).
My ankle gets very swollen, and the drs. tell me it's because of the Guillian Barre; when I contracted it, temperature changes occured in in the leg that was most affected; that leg, from the mid-calf down to my ankle, also turns a very splotchy deep red, purple and sometimes blue; this too, I am told, is attributed to the residual effects of the disease.
Does this help?
maryann 2 decades ago

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