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Kid with recurrent throat infections and fever Page 2 of 2
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Mr. vikas it seems you are trying to conclude on a constitutional remedy for him. Is the info provided till now suffice or anything further required. I would try to supply all info today itself so we may proceed lil faster.
Thanks & Regards.
Thanks & Regards.
Mishraneha last decade
Another thing that crosses my mind is that he likes to lay down on floor a lot. Whole day he likes to spend time on floor. Can't say why . May ne coolness of floor attracts him.Not sure.
Mishraneha last decade
Let me summarize
1) Recurrent Throat Infections
2) Talkative
3) Busy all the time
4) Likes Music
6) Mingles well with people
7) Loves Bathing
8) No specific fears
9) Sweats on body and especially head while sleeping
10)Weeping on waking up
Any other thing you would like to add
1) Recurrent Throat Infections
2) Talkative
3) Busy all the time
4) Likes Music
6) Mingles well with people
7) Loves Bathing
8) No specific fears
9) Sweats on body and especially head while sleeping
10)Weeping on waking up
Any other thing you would like to add
vikas_grower last decade
1) Can you put more light on 'Constantly complains that he is feeling hot'
2)Is his sweat smelly
3) Does he salivate during sleep
4) Does he have any skin problems like boils etc
2)Is his sweat smelly
3) Does he salivate during sleep
4) Does he have any skin problems like boils etc
vikas_grower last decade
Summary looks correct.
1) At sleep time when i try to cover him he complains feeling hot. Even when it's pretty cool he insists on not covering him whole night whenver i cover him up he pushes it out.
2)His sweat is smelly.
3)He does not drool when sleeping.
4)No skin problems as such just normal dry skin.
Just a minor correction in summary not much intrested in eating. Lacks that thrive.
[message edited by Mishraneha on Thu, 03 Jan 2013 17:27:21 GMT]
1) At sleep time when i try to cover him he complains feeling hot. Even when it's pretty cool he insists on not covering him whole night whenver i cover him up he pushes it out.
2)His sweat is smelly.
3)He does not drool when sleeping.
4)No skin problems as such just normal dry skin.
Just a minor correction in summary not much intrested in eating. Lacks that thrive.
[message edited by Mishraneha on Thu, 03 Jan 2013 17:27:21 GMT]
Mishraneha last decade
1) HE CRIES WITH RED FACE - can you put more light on that , does his face turns red during anger . Does the whole face becomes red or the redness is in spots
2) HE WAKES UP CRYING - can you put more light on that ,
3) HE CRIES ALL THE DAY - what soothes him as when he was an infant did he use to cry all the time also and if yes what used to calm him .
2) HE WAKES UP CRYING - can you put more light on that ,
3) HE CRIES ALL THE DAY - what soothes him as when he was an infant did he use to cry all the time also and if yes what used to calm him .
vikas_grower last decade
please raed about brent at the below address , any similarities
vikas_grower last decade
1) HE CRIES WITH RED FACE he face turns red with anger and whole face especially head area.
2) HE WAKES UP CRYING In the morning how lovingly we wake him up, he gets up whining and crying. We have to sing his favorite songs to avoid early morning irritability.
3) HE CRIES ALL THE DAY Yes, as an infant he used to cry big time. He wanted to be in lap. Now, fulfilling his demands console him or sometimes when his demand cannot be fulfilled then either we leave him crying or we try to distract him, taking him out or showing things out.
I read the case study. There are many similarities:
He had to do things his own way (3) and was very obstinate (3).
He wept from anger or frustration (2). He had very little patience (3). He repeated his requests many times (3). He became easily frustrated, like when he tried to put together a puzzle, and gave up.
He insists on doing things on his own like brushing his teeth, if not done his way..another show would start.
But Unlike Brent he is not irritated by other kids touching him. He likes it and touches back which is a game for him.He is not teething.
And for your knowledge I have chamomilla 6 with me. It is in Liquid form. There was a I time when he was around 16-17 months old and teething, I was so exhausted with his crying and irrtability that I had given him two three drops on suggestion of someone and I remember it had worked.
2) HE WAKES UP CRYING In the morning how lovingly we wake him up, he gets up whining and crying. We have to sing his favorite songs to avoid early morning irritability.
3) HE CRIES ALL THE DAY Yes, as an infant he used to cry big time. He wanted to be in lap. Now, fulfilling his demands console him or sometimes when his demand cannot be fulfilled then either we leave him crying or we try to distract him, taking him out or showing things out.
I read the case study. There are many similarities:
He had to do things his own way (3) and was very obstinate (3).
He wept from anger or frustration (2). He had very little patience (3). He repeated his requests many times (3). He became easily frustrated, like when he tried to put together a puzzle, and gave up.
He insists on doing things on his own like brushing his teeth, if not done his way..another show would start.
But Unlike Brent he is not irritated by other kids touching him. He likes it and touches back which is a game for him.He is not teething.
And for your knowledge I have chamomilla 6 with me. It is in Liquid form. There was a I time when he was around 16-17 months old and teething, I was so exhausted with his crying and irrtability that I had given him two three drops on suggestion of someone and I remember it had worked.
Mishraneha last decade
Okay Lets try Chamomilla but please buy Chamomilla 30C in liquid form of Dr Reckewegg / Wilar Schawabe Brand ( new packed bottle of 10 to 15 ml ) and a bottle of natural water of QUA/ TATA Himalayan Brand and then we will dicuss the dosing proceedure and stop all medication for now - Munostim , BC 10 , Phytolacca etc .
The theory is that any medicine which will improve his general disposition will cure his tonsil infection permanently .
The theory is that any medicine which will improve his general disposition will cure his tonsil infection permanently .
vikas_grower last decade
Ok. The one I have if from Dr. Reckewegg only. But I will but new one. Is this related to his immunity as well? He is not a healthy looking child. Doe snot show up anywhere on weight and height chartfor his age though he has bigger head.
Mishraneha last decade
Ok. The one I have if from Dr. Reckewegg only. But I will but new one. Is this related to his immunity as well? He is not a healthy looking child. Does
not show up anywhere on weight and height chartfor his age though he has bigger head.
not show up anywhere on weight and height chartfor his age though he has bigger head.
Mishraneha last decade
Nehaji ,
Please understand recurrent tonsil infections are not an immunity problem though they appear like that to you , its nature way of telling you and us that look deeper into him and cure the underlying pathology which on a more deeper level is preventing him from a leading a normal carefree and merry life that children naturally do. Hence read into mother natures meessage and dont get distracted by the immunity part . If we can make him a happy child the messages ( infections ) of mother nature would have had serve their purpose and you will have a healthy , frolicking child around you.
Please understand recurrent tonsil infections are not an immunity problem though they appear like that to you , its nature way of telling you and us that look deeper into him and cure the underlying pathology which on a more deeper level is preventing him from a leading a normal carefree and merry life that children naturally do. Hence read into mother natures meessage and dont get distracted by the immunity part . If we can make him a happy child the messages ( infections ) of mother nature would have had serve their purpose and you will have a healthy , frolicking child around you.
vikas_grower last decade
Fine. I am keeping faith in you. Anything for his betterment.I would start medication from tomorrow itself. Please let me know how to proceed with those two the medicine and water.
Mishraneha last decade
I am also keeping my fingers crossed . Lets see home Chamomilla 30 C fares .
The dosing procedure is as follows
1) Please note that from the natural spring/mountain water bottle take out 50 ml of water .
2) Make sure the child has not eaten anything for about a hour before you give the medicine .
3) Now pour one to two drops only from the Chamomilla 30C bottle to the remaining water in the water bottle .
4) Close the cap of the water bottle , gently turn the bottle upside down so that drops mix uniformly in the water in the bottle .
5) Wait for 5 minutes , shake the water bottle gently and take one capful of water from the water bottle and give it to him .
6)Wait for 15 minutes , take another capful from the bottle and give
7) That completes the dosing and now throw the water bottle away .
No more medication , no more dosing for the next two weeks
Wait for seven days and then report , no medicine is to be taken in next 15 days s .
I repeat no Chamomilla 30 c is to be taken again .
In case of any confusion , please ask . I repeat in case of any confusion please ask .
Now what can be expected ,
a) Slight aggravation of symptoms followed by amelioration after a day or two
b) Amelioration starting after a day or two
c) No effect
By amelioration i mean you would notice some change in his behaviour for better like on waking crying will be reduced , he will a wee bit more patient , slightly less angry , slightly less weepy , can remain still for a longer period .
The dosing procedure is as follows
1) Please note that from the natural spring/mountain water bottle take out 50 ml of water .
2) Make sure the child has not eaten anything for about a hour before you give the medicine .
3) Now pour one to two drops only from the Chamomilla 30C bottle to the remaining water in the water bottle .
4) Close the cap of the water bottle , gently turn the bottle upside down so that drops mix uniformly in the water in the bottle .
5) Wait for 5 minutes , shake the water bottle gently and take one capful of water from the water bottle and give it to him .
6)Wait for 15 minutes , take another capful from the bottle and give
7) That completes the dosing and now throw the water bottle away .
No more medication , no more dosing for the next two weeks
Wait for seven days and then report , no medicine is to be taken in next 15 days s .
I repeat no Chamomilla 30 c is to be taken again .
In case of any confusion , please ask . I repeat in case of any confusion please ask .
Now what can be expected ,
a) Slight aggravation of symptoms followed by amelioration after a day or two
b) Amelioration starting after a day or two
c) No effect
By amelioration i mean you would notice some change in his behaviour for better like on waking crying will be reduced , he will a wee bit more patient , slightly less angry , slightly less weepy , can remain still for a longer period .
vikas_grower last decade
Please note that about 50 ml of water was taken out from bottle to ceate some space in water bottle , you just discard this 50ml of water and it is not to be used for dosing.
vikas_grower last decade
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