The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kidneystones with hydronephrosis
I am a 42 years old male, recently i developed severe pain in right lower abdomen with vomiting. Ultrasound showed 2 stones in the right and left calyx ( less then 3mm) and one in the uretrovesical juction measuring 5.9 mm) with mild hydronephrosis. Now after 3 days, there is only distension i feel in the abdomen, Urine output is noraml. Please advise whether a stone in UV juction of 5.9 mm with hydrnephrosis can be treated with homeopathymonachand on 2013-01-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes it can be expelled by homeopathy!
Please tell some more about yourself...
Also tell what do you feel about the stones that have been detected?
Dr. Yogesh
Yes it can be expelled by homeopathy!
Please tell some more about yourself...
Also tell what do you feel about the stones that have been detected?
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
Dear Dr,
Thnx for the reply. Please let me know what homeopathic medicine can i take, also let me know how long will it take for stones to be removed.
Thnx for the reply. Please let me know what homeopathic medicine can i take, also let me know how long will it take for stones to be removed.
monachand last decade
Please tell some more about yourself...
Also tell what do you feel about the stones that have been detected?
Dr. Yogesh
Also tell what do you feel about the stones that have been detected?
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
bansude suryakant last decade
please let me know what medicine i should take for this. I am also suffering from hyperthyrodism. My cravings are for salt, cold water and cold drinks even in winters is marked. I am of an average built, emotional kind of person. kindly let me know the treatment for UV calculi.
monachand last decade
I am also feeling feverish with chills. i am afraid if this is infection due to UV stone. waitng for reply
monachand last decade
Apis Mel 30 single dose on monday.
Berberis V 30 single dose on tuesday.
Cantharis 30 singledose on Wednesday
Lycopodium 30 single dose on thursday.
Strammonium 200 sigle dose on friday saturday & sunday.
Single dose means 2-3 drops of the dilution of the medicine in 15-20 ml of water
Berberis V 30 single dose on tuesday.
Cantharis 30 singledose on Wednesday
Lycopodium 30 single dose on thursday.
Strammonium 200 sigle dose on friday saturday & sunday.
Single dose means 2-3 drops of the dilution of the medicine in 15-20 ml of water
yogeshrajurkar last decade
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