The ABC Homeopathy Forum
ATTN JOE 2 1/2 month baby with reflux
Im a first time mother and dealing with a infant with reflux i feel so bad for my little guy. his doc did have him on prevacid but after 4 days of taking it he was crying for hours so i took him off of it i really thought it was quite odd to give something like that to an infant but with my little guy so uncomfortable all the time i was willing to try anything. i have read a little bit about something called natrum phos 6x helping with infant reflux and went and picked some up today so far he has had two doses after two different feeds both of the doses i gave were 1/2 a pill disolved in 1 teaspoon of formula so far i dont see much of a difference :( should i continue to try it out for a flew days ? am i dosing correctly ? my sons reflux isn't the worst case but it does cause him discomfort :( such as back arching during feeding and burping , a lot of spit up , grunting , bad smelling breathe and having a hard time settling down for sleep like when i am putting him down for a nap he will be sleeping in my arms and then randomly start arching his back and crying out this happenings sometimes for 30 mins before he even is able to fall alseep this is also happening hours later after he has had a feed ..along with the nat phos 6x does anyone else have anything natural that may help ? iv tried keeping him up right 30 mins after a feed and tilting his mattress so hes not laying flat both do not work :(shannn123 on 2013-02-01
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Shannon Blythe
I have responded to your post on my Website yesterday on:
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I have responded to your post on my Website yesterday on:
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♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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