The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Itchy Dog - can I start over at a lower dose of the same medicine
Several months ago, I gave Puddin 3 doses of Sulphur 30C - 8 hours apart. She stopped almost all itching for a week then started back.Several months later, I gave her one dose of Thuja 30C. After 3 weeks, her itching was greatly reduced and her ears stopped smelling.
she stayed almost itch free for 5 weeks then started back.
We got some very limited and very temporary results with Pulstilla - although she fits the personality profile of pulsatilla almost to a 'T'
After reading more about sulphur. I feel like, after Pulstilla, she really fits the Sulphur picture and I was wondering if I can start over with sulphur at a lower dose (like 6x) and work my way up if necessary
Puddin is most likely a basset/dachshund/beagle ( but it's just a guess)
Her itching started in Spring 2011 when she was about 2 years old.
She has been vaccinated 3 years in a row, but i now plan to go to just rabies once every 3 years. She was vaccinated in March 2009, March 2011 and March 2011 - but I can't remember for sure exactly when in the spring 2011 that Puddin's symptoms started.
She only gets fresh cooked and some raw meat - no commercial foods.
She is friendly, very smart, affectionate.
Her skin looks fine, she is just itchy all over. Sometimes read from all the chewing and scratching
More info on Puddin is available at a link at weenydog (dot) blogspot (dot) com
latrenda on 2013-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her a weekly dose of Sulphur 30 for 3 weeks. Don't give next dose if she gets considerable relief with 1st or 2nd dose.
♡ kadwa last decade
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