The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sweaty Palms and Feet
Hi,I am suffering from Hyperhidrosis, Excessive Sweating Hands and feet area.
Is there any remedy for that?
1. Name:
2. Age: 27
3. Sex: Male
4. Country: India
5. What exactly is happening?
Excessive sweating since childhood but now this is irritating more as its making me nervous every time if I have to meet someone.
6. Which side and where your perspire more?
Palms and feet
7. What comes to your mind?
Not want to shake anyone's hand hide my feet and hands
8. How did that feel like?
9. Current medicine you are taking None
10. Family back ground No
11. When increases/Decreases
Public Speaking,meeting a new person, sweaty feet all the time.
One more thing,I would like to mention, since 2 years, I am also facing hair fall problem.
Please help me out.
gouravjain56 on 2013-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dhundhun last decade
Palms/feet used to be cold but only while sweating otherwise normal.
And sweating does not depends on temperature but starts anytime in AC/Non-Ac. Mostly it starts whenever I feels a little bit nervous or excited.
Food preference- Strictly Vegetarian. There are not such specific desires or aversions.
Palms/feet used to be cold but only while sweating otherwise normal.
And sweating does not depends on temperature but starts anytime in AC/Non-Ac. Mostly it starts whenever I feels a little bit nervous or excited.
Food preference- Strictly Vegetarian. There are not such specific desires or aversions.
gouravjain56 last decade
Sweating in palms is so much like I could see water droplets on my palms or Keyboard/desk where i kept my hand.Between I am software engineer.
gouravjain56 last decade
1. Sulphur 12 one dose in morning for 10 days
2. Kali Phos 6x three does i a day for 10 days
Start both together. Don't take anything 30 minutes before or after taking Sulphur.
2. Kali Phos 6x three does i a day for 10 days
Start both together. Don't take anything 30 minutes before or after taking Sulphur.
dhundhun last decade
Hi, Thanks a lot!! I will surely try this. But what does 1 dose actually many tablets/drops. And Do i need to avoid anything in food intake like Onion, tea, coffee etc. Please let me know.
gouravjain56 last decade
When you buy Sul 12 in pills, four pills = one dose. Don't take any thing 1/2 hour before and after taking it. So good time to take it is early morning. After giving 1/2 hour gap, there is no need to be strict with avoiding onion, tea, coffee for this remedy.
Kali Phos 6x - four mini tabs/pills = on dose. No need to be strict as mentioned above. Ten minutes gap should be OK.
Kali Phos 6x - four mini tabs/pills = on dose. No need to be strict as mentioned above. Ten minutes gap should be OK.
dhundhun last decade
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