The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Daughter with tics - need help
My 15yr old daughter started having repetitive motions approx. 6yrs ago. At that time she had just lost her grandmother and her retarded aunt moved in with us. It was VERY stressful with the aunt living here as she was not well behaved and took most of our time. We moved her into a home and established some normalacy again in our lives. The repetitive motions continued but stayed at the same level. When she was 12 I broke my leg and ankle severely and two days later my son (her younger brother) was diagnosed with ITP. For 9 months she basically helped run our home with the help of a friend of hers that came to live with us. Nonetheless, very very stressful for her. Immediately after I was able to walk again and her brother began to heal (using homeopathy), her repetitive motions turned into all out tics. I will describe them to you as best I can. They are all upper body tics. Occurring above the waist. They normally always involve her arms pulling up or outward and at times are strong enough to bend her in half at the waist. If she touches her face it also causes her to tic. They are much worse prior to her cycle and are very aggravated by the hot water of a shower.We have been using homeopathy for her for more then 2yrs. Her first remedy was calc silicata. The tics got worse about 6 months after starting it. We tried several other remedies and finally calc carb 200C made the tics stop but only for about 3 months. After that, they came back and the calc carb no longer worked. We tried the strep nosode and had some success with it for about 3 months. Since then (about 6 months now) we've not been able to find a single remedy that will help her. We've tried all of the 'normal' tic remedies. Stramonium, belladonna, etc. She very much fits the calc picture as she does well mentally when she's on a calc remedy but not for long. She always is either stuffed up or suffering from a runny nose. She loves cheese and vinegar condiments. She cannot eat very much during her cycles because she just doesn't feel like it. She has short cycles (25 days or less) and has severe cramping with cycles that goes down her thighs. She has severe cystic acne on her face, back, uppers arms and chest. She picks at it constantly which has caused significant scarring. She does not express emotion, cannot ask for what she needs, is afraid to make mistakes, is VERY creative. She can teach herself anything. She has taught herself to knit and crochet, is a good artist, and an excellent teacher. She plays piano and teaches 6 students at 15yrs old. On the flip side, she does not like to have someone teach her unless it's a subject she absolutely wants to learn. She does not tolerate lying AT ALL and cannot lie herself. She's very responsible but is also afraid of upsetting her father if she does something wrong. She seems to struggle with me as well since I broke my leg but I'm not sure I can put words to it. She did admit that she felt like she does not get the attention she needs when she needs it since our son got ITP. But she also admitted that in her head she knew this wasn't true, but in her heart, because we can't find a remedy for her tics that it's how she feels. We recently tried calc mur with her and so far I'm not seeing any response. She's feeling pretty hopeless. Can anyone give me any direction?
A few things I forgot to note, she is very sensitive to the light. She cannot have many lights on or it hurts her eyes. She has excessively greasy hair and has to wash it sometimes twice a day (AM and PM).
I keep thinking of things that might be helpful. She hates to be touched. Her dad and I can hug her and she wants us to, but she does not like to have her personal space invaded by anyone else.
[message edited by mykidsmom on Fri, 05 Apr 2013 06:56:21 BST]
mykidsmom on 2013-04-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ kadwa last decade
She did not respond to ignatia at all and nat. mur has not been tried as it never reportized (sp?) out when our homeopath ran her symptoms through. Should I try it?
mykidsmom last decade
Please give her a single dose of Natrum Mur 200 and see how that affects in 15 days. Only one dose, not daily.
♡ kadwa last decade
I will dose the nat. mur. I wanted to ask you if you see this as an acute remedy for her tics or as a constitutional? Today someone explained to me that if she had a bee sting I wouldn't treat her with a constitutional, but with apis for the bee sting. Do you view the nat. mur this way? Just wondering if she will eventually need a different remedy as a constitutional? Thank you for your help. I'll let you know how dosing goes.
mykidsmom last decade
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