The ABC Homeopathy Forum
tremor and paralysis
I am so grateful for the help you have given me in the past. I am learning more about how to describe symptoms and would appreciate it if you would review my husband's circumstances. Thank you.My husband is in a wheel chair and cannot move his legs. He has severe reactions to anything containing sulfur. He also accumulates iron and ammonia.
He has times during the day when he almost seems drunk-very weak, voice slurred, unable to hold himself up and his fingers curl in. It is worst just before and following a bowl movement, usually afternoon and/or evening.
He is easily irritated, frustrated and angry . He also does not like to be touched. He also has a tremor in his right arm which makes it hard to eat, use the computer or brush teeth.
[message edited by niebuhrfamily on Sat, 06 Apr 2013 07:55:19 BST]
[message edited by niebuhrfamily on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 05:48:13 BST]
niebuhrfamily on 2013-04-06
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