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Nux Vomica:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nux Vomica - matches almost perfectly, but

When I used it I did not see any changes. Is this due to:
* too small of a doze?
* needing to take it more than once?
* need to uncover the previous layer with some other remedy first?

About me - looking to alleviate symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis.
  ndtobe on 2013-04-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi, MS is difficult to treat, and you have to have
supervision on dosing. You cannot figure out
the dosing.

You need a very experienced homeopath to guide you.

Some people are using this FDA approved substance
that is approved for heroin withdrawal but using it
in very low dose, and I have read that many are using
an even lower mirco dose now. It is called low
dose naltrexone. Google ldners.org abou this. It
helps many alleviate symptoms.

If you want to get in depth about this- you can order
MS papers by Dr. Andrew Saine, who has cured MS,
but that would probably be too technical. The papers
on that were available on Minimum Books, but now
Minimum book has been sold, so I don't know the
new website.

I have seen you tubes of people, who have a lot of money,
get a lot better thru Stem Cell Therapy in a Panama clinic.

Since this is an auto immune disorder I would work on
boosting your immune system, and I suggest that you
add in here a Mushroom formula, by New Chapter.
Called Lifeshield Immunity- Get it from Amazon and
find the price of $30 for 120 caps as the cheapest I could
find- these have a definite effect on your immune system
and you don't feel anything bc it is food- you just
feel normal and better.
simone717 last decade
Thank you simone717. I am already on LDN and am using a mushroom formula :)
As far as 'boosting' the immunity - it's a double-edged sword - it is my immunity that is killing my glial cells, so making my Immune system stronger will make this killing stronger.
I think I need not 'boosting' but 'balancing', but I think you meant just that.
I realize it is a difficult condition, but still am pretty sure that I can pinpoint my own symptoms better than any other person that does not live in my body.
I am taking a thirt course of Homeopathy at my medical school where I am studying to become ND, so soon I would be the one who diagnoses. Who else to practice on,but myself
ndtobe last decade
I have to say that all homeopaths I have known,
plus the authors of the many books I have read, do not believe
in diagnosing yourself. You just cannot be objective
enough. Some of them don't even want the other
homeopaths to tell them the remedy they are being
given, bc they know they will then start disagreeing
with it.

On the immune system , a semantic difference, as
I believe a strong immune system means
a 'balanced' immune system. If I were you I would
find homeopaths that have had a lot of success
on auto-immune disorders and work with one of
them, online if you have to.

You may have the right remedy, but if you do not
dose it right, have right potency you won't get
anywhere, and you simply do not have the information,
that someone with years of experience would have,
it is not possible to gain that wisdom from what
you have studied so far.

Good luck to you.
simone717 last decade

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