The ABC Homeopathy Forum
left axillary arterial occlusion with anti phospholipid antibody syndrome with vitamin b 12 deficiency
a 22 yrs female and she had presented with on right side about 3.3 cm segment of axillary artery shows aabout 80 % stenosis.on left side about 3 cm segment of distal subclavian artery shows 70% diameter stenosis with significant circumferential wall thickening.
about 3.6cm long segment of lt axillary artery shows severe stenosis about 90% with significant wall thickenig.
in blood investigation are
kct: + ve.
dilutes russells's viper venoum test: +ve.
on allopathy treatment are with steroids
so any homoeopathy medicine is work for this type of disease condition and how to take medicine and how many time should be take ple give help.
jilesh tank on 2013-04-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try Arnica mont 3x 5 drops thrice in a day followed by weekly one dose of phosphours 1M
report me after 3 month...
dr.deoshlok sharma
report me after 3 month...
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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