The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Relationship between Nat Mur and Lyc
Hello,Can anyone briefly explain the relationship between Nat Mur and Lyc, and advise if they are complimentary to each other?
Some texts do state so, but if anyone can comment on their experiences with these remedies will be much appreciated.
Also if there are some related links to reading on the above, please post here.
Many thanks.
stickyfingaz99 on 2013-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Lycopodium is generally outspoken and doesn't bear with people whom he doesn't like. Natrum Mur bears well people around him. Lyc is a remedy of anger fear and worthlessness. Natrum Mur is a grief remedy. There are many rubrics in these two remedies and such simplistic differentiations won't actually work. You may read Prof Vitoulkas on these remedies.
♡ kadwa last decade
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