The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Male 31 : Male genital organ related problems
Dear Doctor,I am Dev from India and Im going through some physical problems which needs to be addressed by an expert I guess. Im 31 years old male, about 175 cm. (5 ft. 9 inch.) tall and weigh about 75 Kg (165 lb.). My problems started (in my teenage years) with conventional sexual problems which are faced by most of the teens. Later on it became a primary reason of my depression. Then I started reading books by renowned people such as Dr. David Delvin, Masters & Jones, Chia & Abrams etc. and of course Kama sutra. All of them seemed to console me for that time. But not for long. With time passing by I became more and more conscious about my sexual features. I seem to be below average. I tried some penis enlargement exercises such as jelqing, vacuum pump etc. I believe Im sexually properly charged. My penis is 1.5 inch long when flaccid and about 9 cm. (3.5 inch.) and 8 cm. (3 inch.) thick (girth) when fully erect. Now here are some points Id like to draw your attention towards.
1. When I was a child (about 5 years old) I was bitten by a wood ant (Formica) on my penis. Only home remedies were applied. I took me a long time to recover. My penis was swollen thrice its size. After home medication my pain was minimized, but, my penis took an awful long lime to get back to its original shape and size.
2. I started masturbating at the age of 11-12 (one of my cousin taught me that). I still do it very often, almost every day 1-3 times.
3. I started smoking at the age of 16
4. At the age of 18 I started smoking marijuana and continued for straight for 2 years rarely missing it for a day. I dont smoke marijuana anymore.
5. I am a heavy smoker. I smoke about 2 packs of cigarettes (20 pcs.) on a good day.
6. I drink once a week. I mostly drink a quarter Rum (180 ml).
7. I take more than 3 liters of water per day.
8. I do take nutritious food and try to avoid junk food (about a year back it was just the opposite).
9. I took Andriol Testocaps (an allopathic testosterone medicine taken orally) straight for 6 months. I got no enhancement in my organ size. But my sexual urge increased dramatically. As I have already told that I am sexually very active, hence, I realized that this sexual overdrive because Andriol was not of any good for me at all. So I stopped taking it.
10. I had undergone hydrocyl surgery on my left testicle at the age of 25.
11. I am crazy about sex and I do it as often as possible apart from masturbating (Im not married yet). I had sex with many partners. I dont have HIV (medically tested) or Hep.-A/B but not sure about other STDs.
12. I can have multiple orgasms in one sitting. Though I cant hold my orgasm for long. I have to cum at least twice to present my partner(s) an orgasm in most cases. I stimulate them with all the techniques except deep penetration. I learnt from almost every partner that they love deep penetration and deep thrusts especially when the tip of the penis kisses the cervix of a female. I could never achieve this because of the length of my penis. Also my penis is very thin too. I put my thumb inside my partners vagina along with my penis to give them a feel of a penis with thick girth. Again, thats a consolation for me and for them too.
13. My penis becomes flaccid from erect immediately after ejaculation. Then it takes some time to erect again, which is normal I guess. But it is annoying for my partner(s) as they dont appreciate quick ejaculation. Neither do I. I tried some medicines (again allopathic) Vigora, Penegra, Edegra, Caverta etc (these are all cheap substitute of Viagra). They seem to work a bit. But after 30-40 minuites I get intense pain in my chest (inside the cavity underneath sternum bone on the chest) and a nausea like feeling. These factors again prevent me from getting an erection. So I stopped it.
14. I have insomnia as I worked in night-shifts in call centers for 7 years. While working in call centers, I had developed a habit of abusing drugs (Spazmoproxivon), which Im quitting gradually. But I cant go to sleep without sleeping pills (Alphrazolam 0.5).
15. I had always been obese. But Im trying to control my body weight now.
16. At times sperm comes out of my penis while urinating or moving bowels. And at times saliva like slimy clear (like water) fluid.
17. At times I get tremendous burning sensation inside the tip of my penis while urinating. As if there is a small cut inside the tip or something is biting it from inside. Burning sensation remains even after urinating. I feel like my urination is not complete. At that point I have sit in the toilet for a long time and try to urinate again and again (but without any more urine in the bladder it becomes very painful). This relieves the pain to some extent. At this time colour of my urine happens to be yellow and very smelly. I face this situation irregularly. Theres no pattern. However, it happens to occur more when I do not urinate after masturbating or having sex.
18. I have mentioned earlier that I do jelqing (wet jelqing with olive oil). When I pull my penis downwards I feel a pain in my lower abdomen (I guess its the place where the urinary bladder is located). The pain is very sharp as if a needle is being poked. Pulling my penis upwards or sidewise doesnt cause any pain.
19. I even tried some Ayurvedic remedies from one of those fake doctors whose advertise can be found in any public toilet just to find how bogus they are.
20. At a point I became so desperate that I determined to get surgery in order to get my penis enhanced. But I refrained myself from doing so. Because, in India this kind of surgery is not readily available. It is too expensive to afford. With this method my penis may be enlarged, but, other problems will still remain. Lastly, I did some research on the net and learnt about the adverse effects of such surgery.
Well, thats about it. Now, I am pretty much worried about my male sexual features. I have missed one thing. I took measurement of my penis about a year back. Then it was 1 cm shorter than what it is now. So, it is evident that my penis is able to grow still at this age and something is keeping it from growing. Now, I am confused about which of my actions (consumption of Andriol, jelqing, vacuum pump etc.) is/are responsible for this growth! I want to be completely potent in making love with my partner(s). I really hate it when they complain about my quick ejaculation, lack of ability to give deep-thrusts, inability to touch their cervix (they refer to it as Vaginal Flower. Funny name, I know.) with my short penis, inability to fill their vagina tightly because of my thin penis (in some specific postures such as missionaries, cow-girl, doggy etc.) and little amount of semen I ejaculate (this is not a problem I know. This happens because I have to ejaculate multiple times and Im no semen-tank). I am about to get married. I am frustrated of my situation and I guess if this situation continues after my marriage then nothing would be able to stop from turbulating our marriage and might result in to separation. In a world survey it was published that about 80% unsuccessful marriage is because of unhealthy sex life. I dont know if this number is true or not, but, I dont want our marriage to be counted in that number. I need your expert help. Please help me.
Following are the areas I need help.
1. I need to increase my penis length to at least to 17 cm. (7 inch. approx.)
2. I need to increase my penis girth to at least to 15 cm. (6 inch. approx.)
3. I need to decrease my masturbation habit. But, I dont want to decrease my sex drive or stamina.
4. I need to stay longer.
5. Sperm discharge while urinating or passing bowel has to stop.
6. Burning sensation has to go away.
7. Expecting to achieve rock-solid erection.
So far these are the things I need to be helped. Maybe, you are thinking how crazy I am and I need my head fixed first rather than my genital disorders. I promise, I will get my head examined right after I get my genital disorders fixed. Maybe, if I get my genital disorders fixed then my head will automatically get fixed. Please help me doc. I am desperate.
Please do not hesitate to ask for any further information. I hope youll do your very best to help this poor soul. Ill be looking forward to you.
Thanks and regards,
PS. May I ask for your contact phone number so that I may talk to you in person?
mand3v on 2013-05-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls fill the following detail and send to me
It isnowuniversallyacknowledgedthatyourmindhastremendousinfuence onyourbody.
For giving proper treatment it is absolutely necessary for us to understand your emotional and intellectual nature. We can thus treat you as a whole.
In ordertounderstandyouwewillbeaskingcertainquestions.Answerthemfreely,carefully
and completely. This information will help us much in giving you the correct remedy. Also such a remedy will help improve your mental make up.
Answer freely. Answer frankly. Answer completely.
Are you anxious ? About which matters ?
Are you fearful of anything such as animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, sudden noises, thunder, of the future, of something unknown, high places, etc. ? Fearful of animals
Are you doubtful or suspicious? Of what ?
What are you jealous about ?
Of whom? From what symptoms do you suffer when jealousy ?
In which matter are you impatient ?
Hurried ?
How long do you remember hurts caused to you by others ?
How much revengeful are you ?
What are you proud of ? Does your pride get easily hurt ?
Depress, Brooding, etc. ?
Do you ever become suicidal ? When ? If so in what manner do you contemplate to end your life ?
Even then, are you afraid of dying ?
When are you cheerful ?
Are you sexual-minded ?
Any unwanted thoughts any time ?
What are they ?
Have you any imaginary sensations or fears ?
Do you hear voices, or that you are called, or anything else in this line keeps on occurring in your mind unduly ?
How is your memory ?
For what is it poor? e.g. names, places, faces, what you have read, etc.
Do you weep easily ?
What makes you weep ?
How do you feel after weeping ?
How do you feel if someone offers sympathy and consolation ?
Are you easily irritated ?
What makes you angry ?
What bodily symptoms do you develop when angry ? e.g. trembling, sweating etc.
Do you like company ? Or like to remain alone ?
How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanliness in your surrounding ?
What are the greatest griefs that you have gone through in your life ?
What are the greatest joys that you have had in life ?
What activities you deeply like ?
Are there any matters which you deeply dislike ?
In your opinion, which aspects of your mind and moods are not agreeable to you. Inspite of your awareness and maturity, are you unable to change these aspects ?
Give a clear cut picture of your situation in life and your relationship with each of your family members, friends and associates in work.
How does the future look to you ?
When you are free, what thoughts come to your mind ?
Are you worried or unhappy over any personal, domestic, economical, social or any other condition ?
If so describe in detail :
It isnowuniversallyacknowledgedthatyourmindhastremendousinfuence onyourbody.
For giving proper treatment it is absolutely necessary for us to understand your emotional and intellectual nature. We can thus treat you as a whole.
In ordertounderstandyouwewillbeaskingcertainquestions.Answerthemfreely,carefully
and completely. This information will help us much in giving you the correct remedy. Also such a remedy will help improve your mental make up.
Answer freely. Answer frankly. Answer completely.
Are you anxious ? About which matters ?
Are you fearful of anything such as animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, sudden noises, thunder, of the future, of something unknown, high places, etc. ? Fearful of animals
Are you doubtful or suspicious? Of what ?
What are you jealous about ?
Of whom? From what symptoms do you suffer when jealousy ?
In which matter are you impatient ?
Hurried ?
How long do you remember hurts caused to you by others ?
How much revengeful are you ?
What are you proud of ? Does your pride get easily hurt ?
Depress, Brooding, etc. ?
Do you ever become suicidal ? When ? If so in what manner do you contemplate to end your life ?
Even then, are you afraid of dying ?
When are you cheerful ?
Are you sexual-minded ?
Any unwanted thoughts any time ?
What are they ?
Have you any imaginary sensations or fears ?
Do you hear voices, or that you are called, or anything else in this line keeps on occurring in your mind unduly ?
How is your memory ?
For what is it poor? e.g. names, places, faces, what you have read, etc.
Do you weep easily ?
What makes you weep ?
How do you feel after weeping ?
How do you feel if someone offers sympathy and consolation ?
Are you easily irritated ?
What makes you angry ?
What bodily symptoms do you develop when angry ? e.g. trembling, sweating etc.
Do you like company ? Or like to remain alone ?
How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanliness in your surrounding ?
What are the greatest griefs that you have gone through in your life ?
What are the greatest joys that you have had in life ?
What activities you deeply like ?
Are there any matters which you deeply dislike ?
In your opinion, which aspects of your mind and moods are not agreeable to you. Inspite of your awareness and maturity, are you unable to change these aspects ?
Give a clear cut picture of your situation in life and your relationship with each of your family members, friends and associates in work.
How does the future look to you ?
When you are free, what thoughts come to your mind ?
Are you worried or unhappy over any personal, domestic, economical, social or any other condition ?
If so describe in detail :
♡ deoshlok last decade
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