The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Stuttering in 7 year old boy - UPDATE #2
I want to thank you all in advance for your time and advice in trying to help my son heal. I deeply appreciate it.My son who will be 7 on 6/29 has stuttered since he was 2.5. We thought he would grow out of it since he is highly verbal and his brain couldn't keep up. But now it has continued and seems more tic-ish with mostly blocking as opposed to his previous repetition of words. I found these questions in another post and hope this helps with treatment:
1) Tell about the appearance of the child. Colour of hair: Colour of eyes: Skin: Complexion: Build: Posture:
Height: Weight: Nails: Other details
Brown/Black coarse hair, brown eyes, olive complexion/clear, thin build, solid posture (prone to laziness so slumpy sometimes), 55lbs, 49', nails firm but some are pitted, had excema as a small child but has since outgrown, skin is normal but prone to dryness,
2) Can you give details about ailments/conditions running in child's family. At the least give details of its parents.
Husband has Diabetes II and it runs on both sides of the family (I am fine and totally healthy), high cholesterol on father's side, no hx of stutter anywhere in the family, alcoholism mostly on my side (not me) but suspected on dad's side too (not dad)
3) What does the child suffer from in terms of symptoms (complaints in the order of priority)?
Allergies to foods/animals. Just peanuts now but was allergic/sensitive to a sig amount of foods when little. Becomes allergic to any animal with fur he touches (cats, dogs, rabbits, horses right now). Has had contact dermatitis to unknown this season x2. Prone to ear infections, tubes in ears from 16 mos to 6yrs. Has been getting headaches after eating recently (not sure what could have caused this).
4) Can you connect these complaints to any other events? What was going on in in child's life personally, physically, emotionally, socially, environmentally when the complaints came on?(For this question you need to answer what was going on when he started stutter in the first place)
I don't know if anything directly preceded the onset but it may have. We had just moved but he didn't seem fazed by it. He had acid reflux as a baby was on a ton of meds including Mylanta, zantac, prevacid, pepcid, claritin, antibiotics for chronic ear infections, hypoallergenic formula, soy milk after formula, fully vaxed on time (I don't vax anymore and I hate that I chose this for him). There is ton of mommy guilt here :( Has bi-lateral coordination issues and hit his head on concrete 3+ times (none resulting in unconsciousness but big goose eggs)(coordination issues...wouldn't use hands to stop fall).
5) What are the things, which aggravate the complaints and things which make the complaints feel better? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing, movement, climate, music, consolation, thunderstorm, exam or other important events, smell, noise,light etc.
He stutters all the time and consistently for months and months at a time. He always seems to have this tic in his speaking. Hiatuses were broken near his birthday and Christmas the past two years. He told us he doesn't like a lot of people around for Christmas so we are fixing that this year (busy xmases past years). He can smell anything from a mile away and is sensitive to loud noise but can tolerate it. His repetitions are less when on a break from school (32:1 ratio at school it gets loud!). And it gets worse when having to compete with someone when talking.
6) Describe thirst and hunger of the child? (Examples: Average or Excessive or
thirstless or loss of appetite or any other associated details)?
OMG this kid can eat...a lot...all day long. Not excessively thirsty but has some days here and there where he will drink a lot. Very fast eater.
7) Talk about child's sleep habits and problems if any.
Is fast to fall asleep and sleeps heavily but wakes up ~6:30am no matter what time he goes to bed. Seems tired but denies it and will not nap. He is a very sweaty sleeper. Rarely wakes up when asleep. Snores (had tonsils and partial adenoids removed). Talks in sleep sometimes.
8) What are the cravings and aversions in general? Any food/drink craving or aversion.
He craves sweets and does not like even slightly spicy food or strong tastes.
9) How does the child feel with heat or cold?
Indifferent with both. Pretty typical.
10) Talk about child's temperament, personality, fears/anxieties
Very intelligent, articulate, early and proficient talker, highly sensitive and is aware of everything around him, intuitive, thoughtful, prone to selfishness (not innately aware of other's experiences unless it impacts his own), compulsive and likes routine, does not handle criticism or correction well (feels unloved when limits are set), highly imaginative but not artistic, does everything fast (eats, talks, etc) but not hyperactive, loves to run, spin, and move but again is not hyperactive, loves animals and nature, emotionally intelligent, feels compelled to complete things and gets upset when he can't (this includes thoughts when talking), dependent, needs reassurance/validation.
11) Any other details about the child.
He has very high self-esteem, is secure, has lots of friends, and is not teased (or he's not aware of it). Our home life is very calm and functional and my son can very easily articulate his feels and they are respected and validated. With regard to his personality I sum it up by saying he presents as a 'newbie' like the character from Starman played by Jeff Bridges. He is so curious and aware but also lacks an innate common sense. You have to teach/explain things that comes pre-programmed in most people. He is not athletic but more intellectual and cerebral. His gross motor skills developed oddly as a baby (never crawled or pulled-up or went from laying down to sitting or rolling over...basically sat or walked . I had to teach him how to stand up to walk from the middle of the floor as he refused to pull up on things). Had mild fine motor deficits that were easily corrected. He also seems to need nearly constant human interaction and until recently had difficulty playing alone or self-entertaining.
I hope this helps!
[message edited by Mom2Hapas on Sat, 01 Jun 2013 19:40:23 BST]
[message edited by Mom2Hapas on Thu, 06 Jun 2013 19:04:38 BST]
Mom2Hapas on 2013-05-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer the following questions:
How good is his memory? Does he remeber tasks, etc?
How good is his comprehension?
Does he pay attention to his personal neatness?
Please elaborate on 'Eczema as a small child but has since outgrown'. How was the problem resolved?
HOw is his behaviour when he goes out with you to your friend's house or lets say an unknown place? What is your interaction with him there?
How does he fare in new situations?
What are his fears? Dogs, Insects, Spiders, Heights, Dark, demons, new situations, etc
Does he procrastinate?
Where does he perspire? Trunk, legs, scalp, neck, etc
[message edited by Zady101 on Tue, 21 May 2013 21:05:18 BST]
Please answer the following questions:
How good is his memory? Does he remeber tasks, etc?
How good is his comprehension?
Does he pay attention to his personal neatness?
Please elaborate on 'Eczema as a small child but has since outgrown'. How was the problem resolved?
HOw is his behaviour when he goes out with you to your friend's house or lets say an unknown place? What is your interaction with him there?
How does he fare in new situations?
What are his fears? Dogs, Insects, Spiders, Heights, Dark, demons, new situations, etc
Does he procrastinate?
Where does he perspire? Trunk, legs, scalp, neck, etc
[message edited by Zady101 on Tue, 21 May 2013 21:05:18 BST]
♡ Zady101 last decade
How good is his memory? Does he remeber tasks, etc?
He has a phenomenal memory. I would say it is close to photogenic. When he was 2 he could remember the way back home from long distances when we were driving and would back seat drive all the time.
How good is his comprehension?
He is above average in most things mentally but sometimes his comprehension is off. If it is something out of the ordinary like if I would ask him to get a glass and take it outside he would get confused. All other comprehension is above average but sometimes I want to tell him 'this is not rocket science'. I would say his verbal comprehension is slightly less than average. He reads and comprehends what he reads and sees well above his age level.
Does he pay attention to his personal neatness?
Yes and no. He does not like messes and has a thing about his hair sticking up but he is not meticulous or compulsive about it. Both of my kids are unusually neat especially about their hands. But he will play in the dirt, etc. But he does not like touching things he would think are messy like finger painting or squishy things. He is perfectly fine, and probably prefers, fewer showers/baths than more frequent ones and his shirt is always dirty (he has a habit of chewing on it :).
Please elaborate on 'Eczema as a small child but has since outgrown'. How was the problem resolved?
When he was a toddler he would get patches of eczema on his joints (back of knees mostly). We didn't do anything to resolve just went away on it's own. I suspect it had something to do with his food sensitivities and when those regulated the eczema went away too. He would get flares with egg whites mostly.
HOw is his behaviour when he goes out with you to your friend's house or lets say an unknown place? What is your interaction with him there?
I hope I answer this in the way you need. But he would stick near me for maybe 30 mins and then maybe explore if something interests him. Generally he stays near me if he feels insecure. I usually allow this but often encourage him to explore or do something fun by giving him suggestions. He usually needs prompting to do this if it is a brand new situation. If it is a public place he has no reservations and runs off to play. Only if it involves unfamiliar people that would want to interact with him also. During a second visit to the same place he would have no problems.
How does he fare in new situations?
Kind of related above. He is generally reserved/anxious in new situations. He likes to know what is expected of him and what the rules are in new situations. But it varies. We went to the library the other day and there is a play area where he made instant friends with a boy he never met. He is very good at making new friends. But going to a new school or new situation he likes to know what to expect and what is expected of him. But he doesn't exhibit any behaviors and I've taught him how to cope and find his bravery. When he was 3 - 4 years old he was HIGHLY anxious and 'clingy' and would never leave my side or even try to play with other kids his age. He is very typical now. His overall personality is not one of reckless abandon.
What are his fears? Dogs, Insects, Spiders, Heights, Dark, demons, new situations, etc
Being alone and the dark. When he was 2 he would get extremely scared of anything dark even the darkness from a crevice in bright daylight. He also has an unusual attachment to me. He would scream whenever I would take a shower even if my husband was with him and I was talking to him through the shower door. He is much much better now and I've even left him home alone for 20 minutes and he's fine but he sleeps in the room with us and likes for us to be with him when he falls asleep. When he was younger he would see things (intuitiveness runs in my family). Like a pirate in the bathroom, a frog in his bed, a peacock at the pool. I'm sure this scared him too. Now, he doesn't see things anymore that he says but he still likes to be around people and especially me. I would say he is afraid of the dark as well. He feels pretty insecure when he is sleeping. He also does not like to be startled at all.
Does he procrastinate?
Yes. If I left him to his own devices he would most definitely wait until the very last minute.
Where does he perspire? Trunk, legs, scalp, neck, etc
Mostly the head/scalp. He is very easy to perspire there. I don't notice it anywhere else.
I also want to add that he is very rarely grounded. He is constantly in his head or in his imagination. When he was younger he couldn't even walk down the street without playing some imaginative game. He's improved somewhat but I've discovered that is why he eats so fast. He says he is pretending he is in a battle or some army-type fighting scenario in his head. If he is participating in some non-imaginative task he is in his head imagining something. We've been practicing 'coming down to earth' lately especially with eating and brushing his teeth ;). I think he just needs a lot of mental stimulation.
He has a phenomenal memory. I would say it is close to photogenic. When he was 2 he could remember the way back home from long distances when we were driving and would back seat drive all the time.
How good is his comprehension?
He is above average in most things mentally but sometimes his comprehension is off. If it is something out of the ordinary like if I would ask him to get a glass and take it outside he would get confused. All other comprehension is above average but sometimes I want to tell him 'this is not rocket science'. I would say his verbal comprehension is slightly less than average. He reads and comprehends what he reads and sees well above his age level.
Does he pay attention to his personal neatness?
Yes and no. He does not like messes and has a thing about his hair sticking up but he is not meticulous or compulsive about it. Both of my kids are unusually neat especially about their hands. But he will play in the dirt, etc. But he does not like touching things he would think are messy like finger painting or squishy things. He is perfectly fine, and probably prefers, fewer showers/baths than more frequent ones and his shirt is always dirty (he has a habit of chewing on it :).
Please elaborate on 'Eczema as a small child but has since outgrown'. How was the problem resolved?
When he was a toddler he would get patches of eczema on his joints (back of knees mostly). We didn't do anything to resolve just went away on it's own. I suspect it had something to do with his food sensitivities and when those regulated the eczema went away too. He would get flares with egg whites mostly.
HOw is his behaviour when he goes out with you to your friend's house or lets say an unknown place? What is your interaction with him there?
I hope I answer this in the way you need. But he would stick near me for maybe 30 mins and then maybe explore if something interests him. Generally he stays near me if he feels insecure. I usually allow this but often encourage him to explore or do something fun by giving him suggestions. He usually needs prompting to do this if it is a brand new situation. If it is a public place he has no reservations and runs off to play. Only if it involves unfamiliar people that would want to interact with him also. During a second visit to the same place he would have no problems.
How does he fare in new situations?
Kind of related above. He is generally reserved/anxious in new situations. He likes to know what is expected of him and what the rules are in new situations. But it varies. We went to the library the other day and there is a play area where he made instant friends with a boy he never met. He is very good at making new friends. But going to a new school or new situation he likes to know what to expect and what is expected of him. But he doesn't exhibit any behaviors and I've taught him how to cope and find his bravery. When he was 3 - 4 years old he was HIGHLY anxious and 'clingy' and would never leave my side or even try to play with other kids his age. He is very typical now. His overall personality is not one of reckless abandon.
What are his fears? Dogs, Insects, Spiders, Heights, Dark, demons, new situations, etc
Being alone and the dark. When he was 2 he would get extremely scared of anything dark even the darkness from a crevice in bright daylight. He also has an unusual attachment to me. He would scream whenever I would take a shower even if my husband was with him and I was talking to him through the shower door. He is much much better now and I've even left him home alone for 20 minutes and he's fine but he sleeps in the room with us and likes for us to be with him when he falls asleep. When he was younger he would see things (intuitiveness runs in my family). Like a pirate in the bathroom, a frog in his bed, a peacock at the pool. I'm sure this scared him too. Now, he doesn't see things anymore that he says but he still likes to be around people and especially me. I would say he is afraid of the dark as well. He feels pretty insecure when he is sleeping. He also does not like to be startled at all.
Does he procrastinate?
Yes. If I left him to his own devices he would most definitely wait until the very last minute.
Where does he perspire? Trunk, legs, scalp, neck, etc
Mostly the head/scalp. He is very easy to perspire there. I don't notice it anywhere else.
I also want to add that he is very rarely grounded. He is constantly in his head or in his imagination. When he was younger he couldn't even walk down the street without playing some imaginative game. He's improved somewhat but I've discovered that is why he eats so fast. He says he is pretending he is in a battle or some army-type fighting scenario in his head. If he is participating in some non-imaginative task he is in his head imagining something. We've been practicing 'coming down to earth' lately especially with eating and brushing his teeth ;). I think he just needs a lot of mental stimulation.
Mom2Hapas last decade
Please give him a single dose of Sulphur 200 as per the below method:
Please dissolve 3 pellets or 1 drop of the remedy in 3 teaspoons water.
Please give 1st spoon from this,
Wait 15 mins,
Give 2nd spoon
Wait 15 mins
Give 3rd and last spoon.
Please use disposable cup and spoon. Pls avoid coffee.
Please update me 10 days after the dose.
Please give him a single dose of Sulphur 200 as per the below method:
Please dissolve 3 pellets or 1 drop of the remedy in 3 teaspoons water.
Please give 1st spoon from this,
Wait 15 mins,
Give 2nd spoon
Wait 15 mins
Give 3rd and last spoon.
Please use disposable cup and spoon. Pls avoid coffee.
Please update me 10 days after the dose.
♡ Zady101 last decade
Mom2Hapas last decade
Ok, so here is my update:
My son's blocking improved slightly in the beginning but has returned to it's normal condition in the past 5 or so days. His night sweating from his head has improved and he is no longer veraciously hungry 24/7. He still craves sweets.
My son's blocking improved slightly in the beginning but has returned to it's normal condition in the past 5 or so days. His night sweating from his head has improved and he is no longer veraciously hungry 24/7. He still craves sweets.
Mom2Hapas last decade
So currently, starting yesterday, his stutter is a bit worse. He is repeating phrases more often and he is have a bit more trouble getting is words out. Before yesterday it was at the same level as the previous update. His head is still less sweaty when he sleeps and his appetite is still stable.
Mom2Hapas last decade
You will see major improvements in all things after few months of treatment.
Please repeat Sulphur 200 as per the previous method.
Remember to stir a few times before starting dosing.
Please update me 2 weeks after the dose or earlier if needed.
You will see major improvements in all things after few months of treatment.
Please repeat Sulphur 200 as per the previous method.
Remember to stir a few times before starting dosing.
Please update me 2 weeks after the dose or earlier if needed.
♡ Zady101 last decade
Hi Zady...thank you for checking on me. Sorry for the late reply, we were camping with no technology.
My son is still stuttering and going in phases. Just last week he had severe blocks with extreme physical behaviors to try to 'unblock'. At this moment the blocking has improved though he is still stuttering whole words like 'and' 'I' etc. But this is an improvement over blocking which is his main thing.
He is sweating from his head at night but is less anxious his appetite still normal and not craving sweets as much.
My son is still stuttering and going in phases. Just last week he had severe blocks with extreme physical behaviors to try to 'unblock'. At this moment the blocking has improved though he is still stuttering whole words like 'and' 'I' etc. But this is an improvement over blocking which is his main thing.
He is sweating from his head at night but is less anxious his appetite still normal and not craving sweets as much.
Mom2Hapas last decade
♡ Zady101 last decade
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