The ABC Homeopathy Forum
rheumatic fever
I am Ajith,age 35, working as a marketing executive in bangalore.I got effected with a swelling in knees and elbows and got joint pain at the age of 12.Allopathic doctor given the medicine for joint pain and swellings and it got cured. But at the age of 18, an another Doctor found in me the disease of rheumatic fever and got afected in my heart.After all diagnosis,he prescribed me for the injection of penidure LA12 on every 21 days. I was just continued the injection for years and later visited one of homeopathic doctor in my area, and he started giving medicine.When I was continuing the medicine, I shifted to another state,and unable to consult him.In the mean time,I consulted another homeopathic doctor,in the state where I am working. After a long medication,I was advised to take the Ecg and the stuff and found the problem got solved and discontinued the medicine. But now 2 months back,I got scratchings in my body and was severe.Again I visited the homeopathic doctor, and after seeing the ECG, he told the problem still persists. Whatever the toxins in the body are creating the scratchings. Now the medicine reduced the scratching. I want to know whether to continue the medicine till my death or no immediate cure for the disease.>>>>
ajith on 2005-09-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
NEVER take any medication - allopathic or homeopathic -- for long periods.
Allopathic will suppress symptoms and drive them inwards leading to chronic illness - very difficult to deal with.
The Itch is a sign of the Psoric Miasm - Prof Allen said be glad a problem is on the surface , where it is as far from the vital organs as possible.
For the Itch look at Psor - if you are cold in bed
at Sulfur if you are hot in bed, with early morn bowel movement .
At Pulsatilla if you dislike rich food , cant wear woolen garments and are easy going up to a point then stubborn.
Allopathic will suppress symptoms and drive them inwards leading to chronic illness - very difficult to deal with.
The Itch is a sign of the Psoric Miasm - Prof Allen said be glad a problem is on the surface , where it is as far from the vital organs as possible.
For the Itch look at Psor - if you are cold in bed
at Sulfur if you are hot in bed, with early morn bowel movement .
At Pulsatilla if you dislike rich food , cant wear woolen garments and are easy going up to a point then stubborn.
walkin last decade
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