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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss and nose bleeds issue -Zady please follow up Page 2 of 4

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Please give her a single dose of Arsenicum 30.

Please continue giving her Ferrum Phos.
Zady101 last decade
How many doses of ferrum phos per day should I give her? Also, for how many days and what method should I use ( directly in mouth or in water)?

Let me know.
[message edited by Simran25 on Fri, 26 Jul 2013 16:59:20 BST]
Simran25 last decade
Give her 4 tablets twice a day, one dose in the morning and one just before sleeping. Directly on mouth.
Zady101 last decade
Today Astha started getting stuffy again. I noticed more of her stuffiness when she came out of the swimming pool an hour ago. She immediately started sneezing ( 10 in a row) and lot of mucous came out.
Since the last 1 hour she is again blowing her nose.

Also we are going on a vacation for a few days. Are there any homeopathic medications that I can take with me for stuffiness, coughing, flu and fever for Astha, Priya and myself?

Please recommend.
Simran25 last decade
Please give her Arsenicum 30 again, and repeat if situation demands.

For tavelling, keep arsenic, aconite, Apis, hep Sulph, arnica, belladonna
Zady101 last decade
Astha is still stuffy and has started coughing a lot ( hoarse coughing type). She is brining out some mucous from the nose too.
Should I repeat Arsenicum or give her something else for coughing?
Please recommend.
Simran25 last decade

All the questions that I asked for your case, apply here too. Please answer them here.
Zady101 last decade
She is coughing a lot when she tries to talk. Her throat is sore and hurts when she coughs. Her mucous is clear to white. She does not have any fever or body aches. She is getting chills on and off. She has pain on her cheeks and above her eyebrows.
Last night she slept with two slant pillows under her head to keep her elevated so that her nose doesn't block.

Let me know if you have more questions.
Simran25 last decade
Ok, give her Kali Bich 30 three times a day for 3 days. Stir each dose several times before giving.
Zady101 last decade
How is your daughter doing now?
Zady101 last decade
Thanks for checking in.
We are in vacation these days. Astha still gets stuffy at night and in the evenings. She also coughs when she gets stuffy.
I have been giving her Kali Bich for the last 3 days.

As for myself, my coughing is mostly dry now, though I have a lot of mucous still coming out if my nose ( both watery - during the day, sticky think in the morning). I am also brining up small pieces of mucous ( like lumps) when I cough hard.
I have been taking Hepar sulphur and Advil to keep myself going on the vacation.

Please recommend.
Thank you,
Simran25 last decade
Ok, please continue Kali Bich for 3 more days.

For yourself, please stop Hepar Sulph and take 3 doses of Phosphorus.
Zady101 last decade
Thank you Zady.
Both Astha and myself and much better now.

Simran25 last decade
You are most welcome.

For your daughter: Is the problem resolved. Pain on cheeks and forehead is still there?

For yourself: If you are feeling ok, please arrange Nat. Mur 200.
Zady101 last decade
Astha's stuffiness and pain in cheeks and head is all better now. I am still giving her ferrum phos. Should I continue that?

For myself: my stuffiness is all gone.

What is Naturm Mur for? I have Naturm Mur 6x and 12x at this time at home.

Simran25 last decade
Please give her Kali Bich for 2 more days, wait 2 days, then give Pulsatilla 30 twice a day for 3 days.

You can continue Ferrum Phos 6X.
Zady101 last decade
Astha woke up this morning and had a series of sneezing (20 in a row), with some mucous. Last night also she sounded stuffy while sleeping.
Other than that she was fine all day.

I am still giving her ferrum phos, she has had only 1-2 nose bleeds in the last month. For how long can I continue giving her Ferrum Phos?

Also can I give her something for sneezing episodes?

Please suggest.
Simran25 last decade

What's the color of the mucous?
Zady101 last decade
Her mucous is clear to white and it is not much. But, I can hear the congestion and stuffiness when she is lying down and breathing at night.
Simran25 last decade
What's the status of
Pain in cheeks?
Pain in forehead?
Zady101 last decade
She has not complained about any other pain in cheeks or forehead.
Simran25 last decade

Please give her Sulphur 30C

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water. Stir a few times. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon

1 tablespoon = 2 teaspoons
Zady101 last decade

Please give her Sulphur 30C.

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water. Stir a few times. Take 1st tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 2nd tablespoon, wait 15 mins, take 3rd and last tablespoon

1 tablespoon = 2 teaspoons

PS: pls stop Ferrum Phos

Please update me after a week
Zady101 last decade
Astha had 2 nose bleeds in this last week.

Also, both girls have been getting 15-20 sneezes in the morning when they wake up. These sneezes are accompanied with some mucous ( white for Astha, clear for Priya).
It seems like some like of allergy.

Should I start Astha back on Ferrum phos because of her nose bleeds?
She has also been acting very emotional and crying more than usual for the last few days. After she calms down and I try to talk to her she realizes that there was no need to cry, but somehow she cannot control. Is that normal?

Please recommend.
Simran25 last decade

Give her one single dose of Nitric Acid 30.

Ask her not to probe/dig her nose, in case she does that.

Few questions: Please excuse me if I have asked these questions before.

1) Did you have face some stressful times (bitter arguments with family, relatives, friend, etc) when Astha was not yet born and you were carrying her?

2) Did you want a second child?

Again, Please excuse me if I have asked these questions before.
[message edited by Zady101 on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 22:16:21 BST]
Zady101 last decade
I checked here and I cannot find Nitric acid 30. Is there another replacement for it?

As for my pregnancy, Astha and Priya are twins and they are my only children. I really wanted kids and was very happy to have them. As for bitterness, there was no arguments in the family when I was carrying my twins. Instead bitterness happened after their birth with my in-laws.
Around 5 months before my pregnancy, my mom was diagnosed with brain tumor. I was quiet stressed because of that. Then she had 2 surguries ( in august 2005, and then in december 2005) and got better and lived for 2 years after that. December 2005 was the time when I found out that I was pregnant.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions.
Thank you,
[message edited by Simran25 on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 01:46:06 BST]
Simran25 last decade

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