The ABC Homeopathy Forum
thrombosis of portosplanic circulation with splenic infract
a 38 yrs female, she is suffering thrombosis of portosplanic circulation with splenic infract. focal liver lesion in segment 4 possibly due to hypoperfusion , few left para aortic lymphnodes.diagnosed on 21/6/13
h/o: first pain in all four llimbs tip of finger pain before 1 mth and that time taken allopathic medicine and pain subsided and after started abdomenal pain on and off. but aggravation early morning.
sensation heaviness and streatching
empty stomach better
appetite : anorexia
thrist: thristless
perspiration: profuse, white discoloration on cloths
craving: sours, salt
thermal; hot
sleep: normal
menses: before 3 math early menses but taken allopaty medicine after now regular
duration 3 to 4 days.
color red
leucorrhoea: constant last 8 yrs
started after delivery
h/o backache after 2nd delivery
gye and obst: two child
1 14 yrs
2 8 yrs
both delivery nrmal
vertigo better eat sweet
mind forgetfullness last 8 hrs
fear darkness
fear alone
anger violent but after sometimes normal and feel very bed.
head hair falling after delivery
so which medicine cure thrombosis ple suggest
jilesh tank on 2013-06-28
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