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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Boiron Acidil ®: Boiron Gasalia ®:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Too much gas, heartburn, Acidity etc

Can any dr please help me please underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) taking Levothyroxine 50 microgram one a day since 4 moths
Glucoma useing pilocarpine eye drops 4 times a day and xalatan at night before bed time
lost smell can not smell any thing
Acidity,gas, heartburn, too much fltulance (some food cause more problems) Lactos intolarnce Dry skin eczema neck area and bottom joint pains knees and elbow
I am take Nat Phos 6x and arnica wet dos but not much help.
Please help i am very thank full to you
  Dahya on 2013-07-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1 Nux Vom 200 ,15 drops in an ounce of water half an hour before dinner ,to be sipped three times,in a gap of 15 minutes. Half an hr before dinner.dont repeat.

2.Kali Mur 6x and Kali Sulph 6x,5 tabs of each three times a day.

feed back every 4 days.
anuj srivastava last decade
Hi Dear Anuj srivastava
Thank you very much
Nux vomica 200, 15 drops in an ounce of water half an hour before dinner, so if i having a dinner at 7pm than 1st sipped at 6pm, 2nd at 6.15pm and 3rd at 6.30pm once a day and kali mur6x and Kali sulp.6x 3 times (8am, 2pm, and 8pm)to be make sure, sorry about it.
Dahya last decade
nux not to be repeated .only to be had on day one.do not repeat.timings are ok.

km & kp -like what you have listed.
anuj srivastava last decade

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