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Kidney Stones



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney Stones

I am a regular kidney stones farmer and my CT scan report done on 22nd July 2013 says following stones are present:

Right Kidney
5 mm at upper pole
2 mm at mid pole

Left Kidney

2 mm at lower pole
3 mm at left ureter
3 mm at left ureter

CT Scan Report is attached.

I am habitual to take very less water in routine and I think this might be be biggest reason for form these stones regularly.

Can some Homoeopathic doctor see my case and suggest some homoeopathy cure.

Best regards,

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  amirbilal on 2013-07-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please type 'Kidney Stone' into the Search box on every page of this forum and read the many cases that I have treated successfully as confirmed by the patients whom you describe as 'kidney stones farmer'(s).
Joe De Livera last decade

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