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Causticum: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Fish oil with Causticum

How can one use Causticum 1M (on weekly basis) with Omega 3 fish oil capsule (on daily basis). I wanna ask if the last night my patient took Causticum 1M and the folowing day he intakes Omega 3 (1 capsule).
Does this prescription seem good?
The patient did the same, & came back complaining trembling in his limbs.
  electronics.143 on 2013-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
One of the symptoms of Causticum is ' trembling in the limbs'

so if the patient had this before? it is reappearing. If he never had it before
then he is proving the remedy- you gave him too high a potency or the remedy is wrong.

It has nothing to do with fish oil.
simone717 last decade
yup. Symptoms reappearing.. He'd chronic trembling & got various benefits with Caust. 1M potency. So I think it's a best prescribed remedy w.r.t. overall case, not a wrong one. One thing to be noticed here that his symps change if sleeping less than normal or when bad digestion. Hence, you mean to say fish oil/ other supplements (if needed) can be continued alongwith truely matched homeopathic remedies. Isn't it?
electronics.143 last decade
simone717 last decade
thanQ for your kind comments.
electronics.143 last decade

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