The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Asthma since childhood.
Hi, I am 25 years old boy, having asthma since childhood. I went to many doctrors and tried many medicines. They said that when I will grow up, the asthma symptoms willgo automatically. If so then why am I still suffering? I also got allergies to many thing as per report after allergy test. I got also sinusitis , it pains sometimes in the right side of my forehead. Report of PNS says 'polypoidal mucosal thickning seen on right maxilliary sinus , reension cyst/polyp' . My mother also has asthma , shetakes inhaler, so do I . I also went to homeo dr. But of no use. I tried everything , I feel hopeless, depressed . I am suffering a lot since childhood. I avoid smoke/many foods that cause phlegm/mucus .still then I suffer a lot. IS there really any cure to this disease. Please doctor help me.devnet on 2013-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
mani_jee last decade
devnet last decade
Ok, take a single dose of nux v 200 at bed time. You may have slight aggravation of your current symptoms in the next 2-3 days, you will have to avoid any allopathic medicine and post update in 3 days.
mani_jee last decade
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