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Posts about IBS

ibs3Gastritis And IBS2ibs8gastric mucosal prolapse - gerd and ibs3Tuberculinum and IBS7Unable to pass stool completely. Feel lethargic an have headache. IBS28ibs1Chronic IBS1ibs13i have pain under my right ribs5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

IBS-Bloating,Gas,Gurgling and Rumbling bowel

I've had problems with my bowels since my 8th standard in school.Now I am 33 years old.
Worst problem for me is the rumbling in my bowels. It's really embarrassing. I went for all kind's of test namely endoscopy,colonoscopy), taken treatment (mostly antibiotics and later a fiber suppliment) and nothing helped. I'm really frustrated and my social life is suffering.Most of the symptoms occur when stomach is empty,noon around 12pm till I take meals and many time after meals taken.
I'll try to tell everything concerning my body and mind.

Head - had problems with dandfuff, trying shampoo and still problem exists.

Eyes - not big issues till now,but I am wearing glass from high school.

Ears - nothing seems to be wrong (i used to clean with buds every 2 weeks)

Nose - not much issues

Stomach - If I don't eat it growls A LOT. Large sounds happens during mid noon and evening 5pm or above.This is the main concern for me.Sound also comes from throat when water is drunken or saliva is swallowed.
Chest-acidity occurs before meals .i don't care acidity but growl comes from chest as well as stomach and intestine.I can't properly explain which part of intestine,but I am sure its to stoach but below it.
Rectum - Sometimes feeling like have to go to the toilet mostly gas will the result(if I go toilet apart from morning).I have created a habit of going toilet only in the morning because of this,if I go in any other time growling and sounds and upset and anxiety will be more that day. Sometimes feeling of having to release gas but it does not come out.It feels like it is released inside (This time colon or intestine growls loudly)Stool is kind of mushy, mostly in the morning(because I prefer to go morning only).Many times it will come out with a loud gas pulpy motion will come out like torrent( I have noticed mainly when spicy or trigger food is taken).

Urine - sometimes yellow

Mind - restless,anxious(if i am in a meeting,thinking when it will be over. Those sounds from my bowels are one of the biggest causes. If i'm in a crowd i'm constantly nervous because i'm expecting those sound to embarrass me.
Sleeping is ok although wake up easily (sometime sleeps late night).
I'm also easily angered and few times exploded to people faces, i always keep anger within me(but few occassions the explode happened).I always trying to be the calm and quiet as much i can, I am mostly secluded from people,try to spend time by watching movies in laptop in my room,sometimes play games in laptop.Occassionaly visits good friends and have some time.I am choosy and select calm people as friends may be because of my problem.
I don't smoke or drink alcohol (previously I used to take wine(home made)occassionaly,but stopped 4 months before)
I don't drink coffee nowadays (now mostly green tea).
I eat all kinds of food till last few weeks.then I read some blog and guessed my trigger food may be egg and stopped eating.
Drink A LOT of water mainly to avoid grumbling but still occurs.
I really like chocolate and ice cream but now limited milk products and only take curd.I like cold whether mainly beacause I hate hot climate.My father likes pet.We used to have pets like parrots,love birds,cat,dog rabbits etc.(want to give clues for my environment i grew).

I Indian male(33),165cm height,63 kg weight.I used to do excercise mainly push ups and some times with resistance bands.
Someone who suffers or recovered from this or any1 who knows how to solve please help me to overcome it.I am 33 and don't want to be single.But due of this problem I don't want 2 marry because I am afraid of functions,traveling,crowd etc and not much of a religious believer also,may be because God given me this disease.I am mostly depressed,anxious.I used to avoid very spicy food and very sweet food.I am shy and more shy because of grumbling.I can't mingle with people especialy girls.When I come near by them I feels like I am gona get sounds from my stomach.I feels like I am an alien around people.I feel like I am uncivilized.I used to think a lot.I want to overcome this ,my parents are from medical field(allopathy).So I have tried many treatment and many of doctors during that time(I got this problem when I was nearly 13)dont used to know abt ibs.I used to do all the test and finaly they told you don't have any problem its because you are thinking much.yeah i am thinking but I am having problem thats y I am thinking.I also want to be like other active humans,i too want to mingle with friends and people.So finally i am here for homeopathy,hoping that I can find my happiness here.Please someone help me.
(I saw IvanZG post here and thought that I feels like I have somewhat similar issues like him.but he didn't posted the results he aquired.so I want some1 to help cure me this
  irdgr8 on 2013-08-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please fill the questionnaire.
Zady101 last decade
thank you for your reply.I am newbie here .can you please give the link for questionare.
thanks in advance
irdgr8 last decade
Please copy the questions from the below link and answer them here:
Zady101 last decade
It is very likely that you suffer from Hyperacidity or Gastritis, aka GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease) and I shall copy my default therapy that has helped hundreds of patients to overcome this disease for which doctors usually prescribe PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) drugs which are dangerous and can cause many other more serious problem when used in the long term.

You will hopefully discover that my therapy aka 'Joepathy' will help you within the hour after you have taken your first dose after a meal.

The remedies you will order are as follows:

Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals.
This remedy accelerates the passage of food down the gut and prevents the formation of acid which would otherwise reflux causing GERD.

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
This remedy works to repair the damaged Esophagus which has metastasised to resemble the gut to deal with the Hcl refluxed into it causing severe distress. Arnica works with the Nat Phos to speedily cure the problem.

Please observe the following simple rules:

Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. Do not drink more that a few sips of water after your meals. This is to prevent the further dilution of your gastric juice which can then reflux into your Esophagus which results in GERD.

It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed.

No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately.

If you suffer from a stomach ache or you feel your stomach puffing up before a meal during the day between meals, this is usually due to hunger pains, caused by your gastric juices attacking the inner lining and the wall of your stomach. The simple remedy is to eat some food like a biscuit or a banana between meals to keep the gastric juice away from digesting the stomach wall which results in a stomach ache which in some cases can be acute.

You must drink at least 3 liters of liquids, preferably water daily and you must also exercise for at least half hour daily. It is important to sweat it out as this is all part of my therapy to overcome GERD.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Liquid Alcohol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.

It is understood that the patient will stop all other drugs which s/he may be taking for this ailment.
Do not use Coffee, Cola beverages, preserved foods like sausages, ham and bacon as they contain Saltpeter.
Joe De Livera last decade
Sorry for the delay.I am filling the questionnaire.Please give some more time.
thanks in advance
irdgr8 last decade
Joe De Livera,
Thanks a lot for your mail.I am going to try the jeopathy method you suggested.I bought Natrium Phosphoricum 6x tablets and Arnica 30 wet dose with a dropper arrangement.Can i use 500ml packed drinking water to drop arnica drops into it?I couldn't find any spring water here.I am excited and want to try it,if success I will be most happiest person ever and I can be active and be like other persons.
Thanks again for your kind support.
irdgr8 last decade
No problem, take your time. You can experiment with Joe's allopathy till then.
Zady101 last decade
Joe De Livera Sir,
Sorry for little late.I actually was preparing myself before starting the medicine.I started cooking myself,I stopped spicy foods.I started the medicine you suggested.I felt result only in motion.The motion was proper for the first 3 days with not much gas.I was taking biscuit like you said when stomach gurgles and it works some what ok.After 3rd or 4th day the motion again returned to the pulpy state with loud gas.Now symptom is like before I started the medicine.I am taking rice for lunch with spiceless curry ,chappati for night and poha for breakfast.Now I changed chappati and added rice at dinner.Motion is somewhat fine ,but still pulpy and gas comes.stool is yellow to brown in color and when symptom worsen it comes in dark brown color.I was taking Natrium Phosphoricum 6x three tablets but increased to 4 after the 4th days,still no good.Did I do anything mistake?
Thanks for your support,
[message edited by irdgr8 on Sun, 25 Aug 2013 04:24:08 BST]
irdgr8 last decade
Hello Zady101,
Please find the questionnaire below,I tried to explain everything:
AGE :-33
SEX :- Male
ADDRESS :- Native -Kerala(India),Occupation-Hyderabad India
Problems with stomach since my 8th standard in school(13 years Old).It Started like incomplete evacuation.I was happy once motion passed ,but after few minutes or an hour I used to feel like need to evacuate again and stomach starts croacking or rumbles. Sometimes I won't be able to evacuate because I had to rush to school.At school around 11.30 to 1pm heartburn and gurgling starts.So in school meals are allowed at 1pm.So I used to hold till 1pm and thinking that once meals is taken everything will be over.But things get worst after 30-40mins of meals.Now the lower stomach starts grumbing and feels to evacuate.I used to try evacuating but only gas will be the result or if try hard a little stool with mucus comes (no blood or anything like that,motion was normal or yellowish or brown).Daily If I evacuate more than once I used to feel to evacuate again within 30-40 mins.School days I used to live in my own home during that time motion was normal in appearance ,may be cause of homely food. So later during my college days I made a habit of passing motion only once a day.During this time I got rumbling on the lower stomach. Sometimes feeling of having to release gas but it does not come out.It feels like it is released inside (This time colon or intestine growls loudly).College days I was living in my uncles ' house.Here I used to get sometimes diarrhea,not all the days but few days and if I try to evacuate more than once gas and mucus will be the result.During this time I felt like bloating also a few times.And in class room same as in the school,midnoon heartburn and gurgling ,after meals coacking and rumbling from colon.I was feeling like I used to feel certain days if I keep a timing like 6.45 am I goto toilet ,that day will be good,good in the sense less problems with stomach.But that also didn't work for long.Things get worse when I am in tension.I started thinking only about this.I was not able to concentrate much in any activities.If i am happy or engaged in somethings I used to forget this and I will have less trouble.So I started going out or used to travel less,because If I am traveling in bus I used to get more trouble when I am around crowds.Later I got job in Hyderabad.Now the food is entirely different. I used to have food from shops.Morning dosa or idly,afternoon meals andhra meals offcourse spicy,and night chappati with dal,and weekend or in few days non veg mainly chicken.Here the common food itself is spicy.So I was facing more heartburn,gurgling,rumble,croacking and also from throats when water is drunken or saliva is swallowed. Stool is kind of mushy, mostly in the morning(because I prefer to go morning only).Many times it will come out with a loud gas pulpy motion will come out like torrent( Now only I have noticed that happens when spicy or trigger food is taken.These (currently) I am having poha with banana in the moring,afternoon veg fried rice and night chappati with dal or some other vegetable curry. ). I need to add Nowadays I don't know what is normal motion,I havent seen a normal motion in years after leaving home.I was taking noodles(instant ,mainly cup noodles).But limited these days.I dont care about heartburn these days or forgotten it because of the rumbling stomach.So I am not sure if I have it now.But used to get loud noises at midnoon.

Main problem for me is the rumbling in my bowels. It's really embarrassing. I went for all kind's of test namely endoscopy,colonoscopy), taken treatment (mostly antibiotics and later a fiber suppliment) and nothing helped. I'm really frustrated and my social life is suffering.Most of the symptoms occur when stomach is empty,noon around 12pm till I take meals and many time after meals taken.


a)Time : Happen at all the time,when stomach is empty or full or after evacuation or in crowd .Its less when I am alone.
b)Temperature & weather :More during rainy season .I do less exercise those days.
c)Bathing :Usually take bath in cold water.Sometimes throat gurgling occurs during the first cup of cold water is pored on head.
d)Rest or motion :Mostly mushy and few times a week excrete like torrent.All the time loud gas during motion.
e)Position :Sleeping mostly in right side.Left side stomach trouble happens and even it happens facing upward.Stomach croacks,upper stomach gurgles,lower stomach grumles loudly and this may interchange also sometimes.
f)External stimuli :Mainly problem is caused by spicy food.Still I am trying to find out.I found out that egg also causes the problem.I have tried pepper mint tea but didn't do any good.I started cooking now and tried chappati for few days and motion was pulpy and now trying two times white rice.Now the motion is some what normal but still a little pulpy.
g)Eating etc. -Now I am afraid of eating any food.I can't be sure which all the food causes.Sometimes egg,sometimes potatoes or other vegetables or chicken or another time some tea or coffee.I am not taking any tea or coffee or soda these days.I am having only Peppermint or green tea or packed juices these days.
h)Before or after -I used to get rumbling stomach most of the time.Before food when when stomach is empty,after food when stomach is full,while lying down,while talking to anyone(especially with whom i don't know),while in crowd,while excited,while tensed or even happy times also.It wont be troubling me when I forget it.Only difference is sometime it will be gurgling,sometimes rumble or croaks or grumble.
j)Coition - never had intercourse.So I am not sure about it.I am afraid of meeting people and don't feel like mingling because of my condition.
k)Defecation etc. - Mostly mushy /pulpyand few times like torrent with lots of loud gas.Feels like only little amount is excreted.Sometimes i feel like want to evacuate more but sitting more time gives no result but gas or rumble.Motion is dark brown in color and creamy.Sometimes when I am in crowd i want to pass air but unable to do so results releasing the gas inside(i feels like its relased inside the bowel and some large sound comes out from lower stomach).
:- I look normal or a bit like atheltic.I used to go to gym since I was 20.But now only doing free excercise or with resistance bands.165cm in height and 62-63 kg in weight.skin color is wheatish.
TONGUE:Coated tongue with light white in most areas(commonly looks normal).
THROAT:Normal although seasonal cold occurs which will be cured in a day/week.
SWALLOWING:Can't drink water in long sips or else throat gurgles .So i used to take only small sips.
a)eyes & vision :I am wearing googles since college days.Few times in a month I used to get head ache or a kind of heavy fealing around the ears.Once I was checked with low bp when I was playing badminton and they told to drink salted lemon water.So I take lemon water when I used to get this problem.Or sleep will solve this.If I don't care about it the some kind of pain comes around ears and above eyes.
b)ears & hearing -Hearing is normal.When I used to get head ache mentioned above I feels like lot of dirt filled all over the ear and feels the head heavy.I used to clean ears every 2-3 weeks with ear buds.I am irritated to loud noise so I prefer silent environment and avoid party or function or movies,but used to see movies alone.
c)nose & smell -Nose used to get only seasonal cold.
d)mouth & taste -I don't like to eat more spicy or more sweet food.I feels like I get angry if I eat very spicy food.
e)skin & touch -I have dry skin so I used to take vaseline or skin lotions.I have pimples tiny formation on face (not always).My back and some part of chest or shoulder is having black dots(formed by pimple drying) all over .
:-I have trouble before and after eating.My stomach starts making sounds or rumbles when ever its empty and even after its full or when ever i take some liquid. I am a light sleeper ,used to wake up if very less sound i hear also.I like to have cold drinks.but now limited and drinks normal water or green tea.
5.THIRST -When ever I feels stomach I used to take water.Used to drink 2-3 litres per day.i used to wake up during sleep either to drink water or to urinate.I drink cold and normal water.hot water will be taken mixed with green tea.I drink juices.
6.DESIRES-I like non vegetarian food.But now I am having only chicken and fish.I had taken beef and other red meats.i like chocolates,ice creams,piza etc
7.AVERSION -I don't like more spicy food(what ever it is i hate it).Same as more sweet containing food.I dont take sweet food or sodas these days.Spicy food trigger my symptoms always giving me heavy tension and anger.
8.FLATULENCE-bloating occurs few instances but I used to feel like i have gas inside.Passing of gas gives relief for few minutes only,by that time feels like another ton of gas is inside.
Constipation occurs sometimes.Motion comes out only after lot of gas,Mostly mushy stool.Few times in a week it comes out like a blast or a torrent with loud gas,it will be pulpy and after that if i sit long time also nothing will be left.Stool is dark brown in color,bad odour always,rumble occur inside bowel along with passing gas outside.Very few days i i wont feel to evacuate.These days the days I have non veg which is spicy i feel to evacuate.when I try i get heat while passing motion and urinating.That heat around the anus continues still late night still I sleep.
When in excited or tensed it is more during day(used to ge every half to 1 hour intervals) .I used to wake in the night and go but only once mostly. Cold or rainy season have to urinate frquently.
12.PERSPIRATION -never had
13.SLEEP:- Light sleeper,wakes up hearing small noise.likes to sleep right side,since i found left side causes sound on stomach.Many days i feels like I am tired after waking or feels like don't want to wake up.I have depression and feels like why i am alive.If I wake depressed that day will be very dull for me and can't be able to concentrate in anything and the rumbling will be more that day .I used to take berocca thought it might release my hangover (i feels depression),but didnt do any good intead my stomach was rumbling more.If I am depressed I feel angry,shy,aggressive.
14.DREAMS:- I used to dream a lot and used to remember also before.But now I am not able to remember anything but I am sure I am dreaming a lot.I have dreams like fancy idea like my mother had long hair but i have never seen it so i used to dream a known girl who is having normal hair but in dreams she will have long hair.those kind of dreams i have.
15.PAST HISTORY I had chicken pox when I was in 6th standard.i have done endoscopy, colonoscopy,scanning done for this disease .
16.FAMILY HISTORY-Mother family have a history of mental illnes.My mother have asthma as well as mental ill now almost recovered but lost most of the memory.she remembers only names but can't remember any incidents or not able to properly explain it.most of the time she even forget what time or duration of the day she,may be because of the heavy medicines she took.
17.ADDICTIONS -likes to watch movies alone .now the addiction is to getting away from crowd or party and stay alone.I want to overcome that..
18.ANY COMPLAINT IN LIMBS & JOINTS :Few days back I felt pain in the calf joint.I had done sit ups the previous day,it may be the reason.That pain occured again after few weeks but that time i didnt do any excercise.the pain continues for a week and disappeared.
19.ANY SKIN ERUPTIONS -no eruptions.but feel like some time my skin shiver or shake or feels like sudden move.only a small portion of the arm or eyelid or side of the stomach or few times in the calf it happened.I have pimples kind of thing on my back body and front some times it happens in face and above chest.It comes and goes so my back body is having a tons of black dots.pimple looks in red or dark rose color and within one day it will form a white tip with pus kind of thing.sometimes i burst it (mainly if comes in face)or i leave it as it.
20.TENDENCY: I feels like I am an alien around others.feels like Everyone around me are happy and when ever i want 2 express something my stomach rumbles making me silent and frustrated and alienate.

Head - had problems with dandfuff, trying shampoo and still problem exists. Head ache comes some times,I have mentioned it in special sense symptoms.

Eyes - not big issues till now,but I am wearing glass from high school.

Ears - nothing seems to be wrong (i used to clean with buds every 2 weeks)

Nose - not much issues

Stomach - If I don't eat it growls A LOT. Large sounds happens during mid noon and evening 5pm or above.This is the main concern for me.Sound also comes from throat when water is drunken or saliva is swallowed.
Chest-acidity occurs before meals .i don't care acidity but growl comes from chest as well as stomach and intestine.I can't properly explain which part of intestine,but I am sure its to stoach but below it.
Rectum - Sometimes feeling like have to go to the toilet mostly gas will the result(if I go toilet apart from morning).I have created a habit of going toilet only in the morning because of this,if I go in any other time growling and sounds and upset and anxiety will be more that day. Sometimes feeling of having to release gas but it does not come out.It feels like it is released inside (This time colon or intestine growls loudly)Stool is kind of mushy, mostly in the morning(because I prefer to go morning only).Many times it will come out with a loud gas pulpy motion will come out like torrent( I have noticed mainly when spicy or trigger food is taken).

Urine - sometimes yellow and when I drink more water I have to go frequently to was room,this happens when I am excited or tensed also.

Mind - restless,anxious(if i am in a meeting,thinking when it will be over. Those sounds from my bowels are one of the biggest causes. If i'm in a crowd i'm constantly nervous because i'm expecting those sound to embarrass me.
Sleeping is ok although wake up easily (sometime sleeps late night).
I'm also easily angered and few times exploded to people faces, i always keep anger within me(but few occassions the explode happened).I always trying to be the calm and quiet as much i can, I am mostly secluded from people,try to spend time by watching movies in laptop in my room,sometimes play games in laptop.Occassionaly visits good friends and have some time.I am choosy and select calm people as friends may be because of my problem.
I don't smoke or drink alcohol (previously I used to take wine(home made)occassionaly,but stopped 4 months before)
I don't drink coffee nowadays (now mostly green tea).
I eat all kinds of food till last few weeks.then I read some blog and guessed my trigger food may be egg and stopped eating.
Drink A LOT of water mainly to avoid grumbling but still occurs.
I really like chocolate and ice cream but now limited milk products and only take curd.I like cold whether mainly beacause I hate hot climate.My father likes pet.We used to have pets like parrots,love birds,cat,dog rabbits etc.(want to give clues for my environment i grew).
If I am tensed it will come from nowhere,I don't know how it happens .I will have a good feeling and won't get much trouble ,but once I get tension (mainly in crowd )It will appears from nowhere.It happens at all the time ,it doesn't have any specific time to start appearing.I have felt little more in cold and rainy season may be during that time i tense lot ,feels lazy to go to work etc. and symptoms will be more frequent.I am kind of allergic to loud noise and so i am a light sleeper.During sleep i will take half to 1 hour to get to sleep ,i think a lot and gradually sleeps.Sleeping in left side or facing up creates more sounds.I am having a computer job so works bI am kind of allergic to loud noise and so i am a light sleeper.During sleep i will take half to 1 hour to get to sleep ,i think a lot and gradually sleeps.Sleeping in left side or facing up creates more sounds.I am having a computer job so works by sitting mostly.I try to sit straight but a little bend is there in my neck.When I am photographed my friend used to say me 'your neck is always facing down and shoulder little bend'.When I am in crowd i don't need to start the symptons from somewhere the symptoms starts.It don't require any whether or time it will come automatically.I like to mingle with people but because of the disease I am not coming near unknown people and so kind of secluded mostly,unless work demands.

Its happening from my 8th Standard I guess.Since then I am facing it daily and not a day I can think it didnt happened.It s following from that time and never left me.Always follows me like a curse or a burden.

1) What bothers you ---- Thinking about stomach bothers me and always thinks about it .I want to forget about stomach but some how I willl remember it and conditions worsens.
2) Any FEARS or PHOBIAS. ---- Fear of socialising,in crowd,fear of long travel,staying in unknown places,meeting unknown people,talking or mingling with girls.
3) Anxieties , Irritability , Imaginations ----Always.Ifeels like an alien around others.everyone is like happy around me and i am only sad and depressed.
4) Emotional state — I have Brooding ,Friends used to ask me why you are depressed.Sometimes thought why to live but feels like someday I will recover.
5) Likes company or loner and why ---Likes to be alone,unless meeting some great friend s.I want to mingle but not able to.I will mingle with someone who knows about this or care its a problem.
6) Dreams—-used to dream but never seen anything repeatedly.
7) Do you cry easily---- no,never happened since childhood.
8) Does music,kind words of others,grief,fight of others make you cry---- makes me sad.
9) Do you get offended easily or can take criticism from others or do you feel hurt or insulted easily--- yes
10)When you are upset, if you are consoled by your family or friends, how do you take it i.e does sympathizing help you or make matters worse--- it helps me
11)Do you speak out your emotions,worries etc or pent them inside you and later brood over it-----it stayed inside me till a few months back.Now started speaking to my friends and family ,thinking it gives me some relief.
12)Do you feel anxious/ apprehensive before exams,meetings,public speaking, any stress situations--- yes.symptoms appears.
13)Are you a perfectionist—–being very particuliar about cleaniness, puntuality,fastidious and even finiky---yes,want to be perfect but end up no where near.I will mess up.
14)Is there any grief that you have felt it or any greastest joy you have experienced in life(please give in detail)---can't remember exactly.I used to think if my mother was active(she is not well having memory issues caused may be by medicines because she was mentally ill,she can't remember much) everything might have been different.I have brothers only.So felt like if I had sisters may be I could never have thought this disease as a problem.
15)Do you like music or not,or does it affect you by any chance--- I like,and hearing music makes me happy as well as sad .

26.TREATMENT TAKEN SO FAR -Was trying only allopathy,Tried some depression tablets(i can't remember name because its long before).Tried fibre supplements.
27.PHYSICAL EXAMINATION & PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS - entoscopy,colonoscopy,scanning only for stomach
28.LABORATORY FINDINGS-Doctors told you are normal a little bit of gastric is found during scanning.it was done 10 or more years before.
Note: I tried to explain everything using the english i know or tried to get from internet.So please forgive me if any mistake.
irdgr8 last decade
I see that you are reporting back to Joe as well. You can not have two prescriptions at the same time.

Please come to me only when you are done with Joe's allopathy.
Zady101 last decade
Zady101 sir,
sorry if i done any mistake.i just took time to prepare this,at the same time i replied the result i got from joe sirs medicine.i would see joe sirs reply ofcourse.meanwhile if you are willing you can examine my questionare.please give me few more days,i want to overcome at any cost because i dont want to live like this.i really didnt mean to object,once again sorry..
thank you
irdgr8 last decade
Joe De Livera Sir,
Sorry for little late.I actually was preparing myself before starting the medicine.I started cooking myself,I stopped spicy foods.I started the medicine you suggested.I felt result only in motion.The motion was proper for the first 3 days with not much gas.I was taking biscuit like you said when stomach gurgles and it works some what ok.After 3rd or 4th day the motion again returned to the pulpy state with loud gas.Now symptom is like before I started the medicine.I am taking rice for lunch with spiceless curry ,chappati for night and poha for breakfast.Now I changed chappati and added rice at dinner.Motion is somewhat fine ,but still pulpy and gas comes.stool is yellow to brown in color and when symptom worsen it comes in dark brown color.I was taking Natrium Phosphoricum 6x three tablets but increased to 4 after the 4th days,still no good.Did I do anything mistake? I am really really upset with my condition .Do I did any mistake??.I am actually swallowing Nat phos with a little water,is it a mistake or do I need to chew it and swallow ???I am taking Arnica 30c dropped (3 drops) in a 500ml bottle and immediately after Nat phos I am taking big spoon of liquid Arnica.Please suggest me any remedy,I am really upset.I am still continueing the medicine.I am excercising ,not taking anything you told not to.Please reply back
Thanks for your support,
[message edited by irdgr8 on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 16:58:21 BST]
irdgr8 last decade
Joe De Livera Sir,
I am waiting for your reply.I am having the medicine you suggested from nearly 3 weeks.The changes I am facing is motion is a little changed from pulpy to bit creamy.I am eating biscuits as u suggested and afternoon problem is reduces a lot.I need to overcome it fully.My parents suggested homeopathy take effect after taking for some time.Last week only i am facing these changes.I am bit confident now.My friend suggested me to follow Blood type diet.I am O+ve .Shall I follow that ,will it be any good with ibs??.Please reply me sir.I am not fully recovered,but still hope is there.please check my previous mail also for the changes I am facing.Please please reply your suggestions.I am eagerly waiting.
Thank you very much
irdgr8 last decade
Zady101 sir,
Can you please look over my questionnaire,if possible please suggest your prescription.I have taken joepathy for nearly 3-4 weeks and now also continuing but not any big changes.Kindly go through my questionnaire.I would like to add one more thing- I won't often insert shirts or wear belts because I feel uncomfortable in stomach wearing those.
Thanks in advance.
irdgr8 last decade
Hello everyone,
Thank you all for you support especially Joe De Livera sir and ady101 sir for your replies.I was trying the medicine prescribed by joe sir till now and couldn't find fully recovered.And I didn't see any further replies from you both.I hope you all are really busy.Anyway I am restless and feels like homeopathy is not working well.I will be moving forward with my problem.I don't know whether I can recover from it.But really really thanks for all your support,
thank you very much....
irdgr8 last decade
here not help everyone. they are all busy... no finishing any reply.
ibs-mizan 8 years ago

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