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Constant pain - fingers and toes


I am a 38 year old female, with 2 kids. 4 years ago I developed chicken pox. 2 years later, developed atypical neuralgia on the right side of my face, which the docs said was in y case similar to Postherpetic neuralgia, caused by the same virus. All facial scans came out clear. A year with homeopathy cured me. Then in July, I developed dental neuralgia - that makes one molar feel like it is always paining. Nothing was found wrong with the tooth. On bad days, the pain radiated to the front teeth or towards the neck. I was given 1M dose of Lycopodium. The pain is much much better. However around the same time of my recurance of neuralgia, I developed constant pain in my last 3 fingers and last 3 toes...none in thumb and pointer. What do I do? Aother recurring complaint that I have is sinus Otherwise no health issues- had a master check up in July, everything else normal. Any advice?
  maria on 2005-10-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dear maria,
use the following medicine,
alternately 3 doses daily of each remedy.
take 1st medicine before 15 minutes of meal
and second medicine after 15 minutes of meal.
drsajid last decade
How many days should I try this out for?
maria last decade
dear maria,
please take these medicine until you feel better,when you feel relief in you symptoms then leave them.
drsajid last decade
the whole family has been battling some virus or the other - will get the homeo this week and then report next week.
maria last decade
did the lycopodium help the pain in the fingers and toes at all? or did the pain in the fingers and toes develop after taking the lycopodium?
erika last decade
The lycopodium did not help the pain at all. Actually not sure exactly when the pain in the fingers and toes started, just noticed it more as it became constant- am sure it has been thre about 4 months now.. Not sure if the Lycopodium caused it...but it helped control the dental neuralgia a lot quicker than the first time , when it took a few months of trial and error to get it under control.
maria last decade
Also now all 5 fingers seem to have a dull ache and some degree of stiffness...also the toes...is it also some neuralgia?
maria last decade
could you post here more about the pain and stiffness (what kind of pain, what makes this and stiffness worse or better etc.) and I will try to look at this over the weekend.
Fl. ACid as suggested by dr sajid may help this a lot.
erika last decade
There is a constant dull pain in all the fingers and toes - more in the fingers than toes -now a days the fingers feel stiff/swollen(?)as if there is water accumulation almost all the time at the joints especailly - do no tlook swollen...not limited to any part of the day - does not get better at any time--pain more felt some days than others - no tracable reason why.right hand seems a little worse than the left- all toes same amount of dull pain stiffness. Heat seems to be a temporaty relief,

Am getting a little worried about this as I feel I am a little too young to get all these aches and pains - was rather healthy earlier before my neuralgia started. As a resulet of my prolonged problems, some days fell rather apprehensive...

maria last decade
Also feel like cracking fingers and toes often as I psychologically seem to feel that this will help - it does not actually when I do it.
maria last decade
Pain in fingers margianlly better - sinus seems worse- seem to have a dull headache most of the time ...front and sides of the head. What to do?
maria last decade
try CALC FLUOR, tissue salts or 9x, 10x or 12x. Take 3 times daily for some time and see if this helps.
erika last decade
with this remedy in mind it might be worth you avoiding fluoride toothpastes....as the fluoride will not be helping your pain etc...
erika last decade

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