The ABC Homeopathy Forum
persistant cough 3 yr old boy
my son 3 year has cough for the last 1 year.cough comes once or twice a day. and continues for about 15 to 30 minutes. he sleeps like a bow with a upward tilt of his head.his blood report is as given below. during his checkup doctor told he has tonsils also. anybody please suggest a preview
investigation reading
haemoglobin 12.7
total leucocyte count 8600
differential leucocyte count
polymorphs 43
lymphocytes 42
eosinophils 08
monocytes 07
basophils 00
r.b.c 4.77
platelet count 367000
pcv 39.9
mcv 83.6
mch 26.6
mchc 31.8
esr [westergren] 06
kumarviji on 2013-09-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
any specific of cough?
any discharges and color?
color of the tongue?
any discharges and color?
color of the tongue?
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
dry cough but nose feels blocked.
no discharge.
pink color tongue.
sweating in the whole body during the occurrence of cough.
no discharge.
pink color tongue.
sweating in the whole body during the occurrence of cough.
kumarviji last decade
recently a Pulmonologist diagnosed him with a swollen tonsils. and prescribed budecort inhaler and fluticasone propionatenasal spray.
is his blood report normal.esnophiles is 8%whereas recommended is 2 to 6%. monocites is 7% against 3-6%. and basophils is 0% recomended is 1 to 2 %
is his blood report normal.esnophiles is 8%whereas recommended is 2 to 6%. monocites is 7% against 3-6%. and basophils is 0% recomended is 1 to 2 %
kumarviji last decade
one tablet each of ferrum phos 6x and mag phos 6x,dissolved in 20 ml of hat water three times a six tablets.
in addition hepar sulph 30,2 pills three times a day.
feedback after 4 days.
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 18:34:21 BST]
in addition hepar sulph 30,2 pills three times a day.
feedback after 4 days.
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Thu, 19 Sep 2013 18:34:21 BST]
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
one tablet each of ferrum phos 6x and mag phos 6x,dissolved in 20 ml of hat water three times a six tablets.
in addition hepar sulph 30,2 pills three times a day.
should both the medicines be given together or should there be a gap.
i got only liquid hepar sulph 30 how is it to be used in place of pills.
in addition hepar sulph 30,2 pills three times a day.
should both the medicines be given together or should there be a gap.
i got only liquid hepar sulph 30 how is it to be used in place of pills.
kumarviji last decade
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
today we went out for a walk, he started coughing 2hr after reaching home. it started with one cough then two then it increases always his cough is like this . is it allergic cough. waiting for your reply doctor
today we went out for a walk, he started coughing 2hr after reaching home. it started with one cough then two then it increases always his cough is like this . is it allergic cough. waiting for your reply doctor
kumarviji last decade
wait for 6-7 days before i take a decision,to change the medicines.allergy cannot be ruled out,provided she starts coughing in the same environment .continue the medicines.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
today we were forced to use nebuliser with asthalin because the cough was not stopping. doctor is there any remedy instead of using nebuliser when there is severe cough
today we were forced to use nebuliser with asthalin because the cough was not stopping. doctor is there any remedy instead of using nebuliser when there is severe cough
kumarviji last decade
i am afraid none like nebulizer in homeopathy.[lease use it whenever the attack is there.
have medicines which have been advised.
have medicines which have been advised.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
sir he is feeling better now. but he gets cough as we come back from going out. he sleeps with his mouth open and he also has a bad breath problem
[message edited by kumarviji on Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:48:19 BST]
[message edited by kumarviji on Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:49:21 BST]
[message edited by kumarviji on Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:48:19 BST]
[message edited by kumarviji on Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:49:21 BST]
kumarviji last decade
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
now he is better than before.please suggest remedy for tooth decaying his front upper 4 tooth is decayed now and crown teeth has also started to decaying i think it's due to the effect of antibiotic medicines given to him before.
[message edited by kumarviji on Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:48:08 BST]
now he is better than before.please suggest remedy for tooth decaying his front upper 4 tooth is decayed now and crown teeth has also started to decaying i think it's due to the effect of antibiotic medicines given to him before.
[message edited by kumarviji on Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:48:08 BST]
kumarviji last decade
what is the percentage of improvement? i suggest let him get rid of the current problem completely,then we will address the teeth.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
i think 70% cure and far better than before .yes doctor you are right because this cough is his the major problem . so we have to continue the same remedies .
kumarviji last decade
now my son far better and we are still continuing the medication u have prescribed. should we need to continue it. and also doctor please deal with his tooth decay problem his upper front four milk teeth is totally decayed now lower front four teeth and two molars started too decay please give a solution doctor
now my son far better and we are still continuing the medication u have prescribed. should we need to continue it. and also doctor please deal with his tooth decay problem his upper front four milk teeth is totally decayed now lower front four teeth and two molars started too decay please give a solution doctor
kumarviji last decade
stop mag phos and ferrum,start calc phos 6x one tab three times a day ie 3 tabs.feed back after 4 days hepar to continue.
♡ anuj srivastava last decade
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