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Seizure disorder
Hello all. I am a 24 year old man who has lived in frustration for the past 14 years due to this cumbersome disorder.At age 10 I experienced my first complex partial seizure. It was preceded by an aura yet I didn't understand what it was at the time. I kept it to myself and would experience them occasionally when I was tired.
When I turned 16 it generalized into a grand mal. I passed all tests (MRI, MRA, CT, EEGS) with flying colors. Idiopathic. I started Depakote ER 1000mg and have taken it since.
Due to the mind numbing side effects I began tapering 2 years ago. I currently alternate 750mg with 625mg the next night. I have had constant auras since doing this but do NOT want to go back on a higher dose.
I always feel tired even after and long night of sleep and naps. Therefore, I believe it has something to do with sleep.
Lastly, my auras are of a peculiar nature. I feel spaced out, unable to concentrate and fearful. If I have a complex partial I zone out and have to repeat words. Kind of feels like a really intense deja vu feeling but only backwards where everything feels unfamiliar.
I have other chronic symptoms that relate that make daily functioning very hard. I get flashy eye floaters, roaring and warmth in my right ear, a burning sensation on my scalp, mood swings and a lot of out of body derealization. I have no childhood trauma.
Please help
[message edited by sizzler_389 on Tue, 01 Oct 2013 19:01:26 BST]
sizzler_389 on 2013-10-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The form is
Put the answers to questions on this thread.
Put the answers to questions on this thread.
♡ simone717 last decade
Thanks for the quick response.
Here goes:
1. Describe your main suffering?
Simple partial seizures (auras, brain fog, spaciness, eye floaters, deja vu)
Complex partial seizures
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Chronic fatigue
ADD like symptoms
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Depression, anxiety, OCD symptoms
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
A few hours upon waking
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
10 years old. Had tubes in my ears for ear infection and tonsils removed when I was 3.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Mostly morning to mid afternoon. Varies depending on when I wake up.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Too little or too much sleep. Problem solving that requires concentration and memory recall.
Carbs like gluten.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
A little bit of both.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Dry weather. I live in the south so it is always humid.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Quiet and lazy. Agreeable, sometimes suspicious and snappy.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
Calm and secure.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? I
like to be reassured.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
I occassionally mutter to myself when agitated or working.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
Father comitted suicide. Mother heavily medicated on psych drugs.
Love my friends and Girlfriend.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Fear being disabled. Have had recurrent dreams about tornadoes my entire life although I have never seen one.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Crunchy, salty, and spicy.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Less (underweight)
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
I suspect gluten.
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
A little less. Mostly forehead and chest
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
sometimes constipated, other times loose. Unpredictable.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Sleep too much and still tired. Wake up a lot
face down on stomach with arms crossed under chest. Sometimes sleep on side.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
Most of the time
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I'm more reserved and an internalizer. Not too materialistic
and caught up in the petty fascinations of those my own age (mid 20s).
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Depakote (valproic acid). At higher doses it made me feel tired and dumb. Also diminished my libido.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Heart, mental/suicide.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
Tall and slim. Underweight for my height.
[message edited by sizzler_389 on Tue, 01 Oct 2013 21:53:01 BST]
Here goes:
1. Describe your main suffering?
Simple partial seizures (auras, brain fog, spaciness, eye floaters, deja vu)
Complex partial seizures
2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
Chronic fatigue
ADD like symptoms
3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Depression, anxiety, OCD symptoms
4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
A few hours upon waking
5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
10 years old. Had tubes in my ears for ear infection and tonsils removed when I was 3.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Mostly morning to mid afternoon. Varies depending on when I wake up.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Too little or too much sleep. Problem solving that requires concentration and memory recall.
Carbs like gluten.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
A little bit of both.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Dry weather. I live in the south so it is always humid.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Quiet and lazy. Agreeable, sometimes suspicious and snappy.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
Calm and secure.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? I
like to be reassured.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
I occassionally mutter to myself when agitated or working.
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
Father comitted suicide. Mother heavily medicated on psych drugs.
Love my friends and Girlfriend.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Fear being disabled. Have had recurrent dreams about tornadoes my entire life although I have never seen one.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Crunchy, salty, and spicy.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Less (underweight)
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
I suspect gluten.
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
A little less. Mostly forehead and chest
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
sometimes constipated, other times loose. Unpredictable.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Sleep too much and still tired. Wake up a lot
face down on stomach with arms crossed under chest. Sometimes sleep on side.
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
Most of the time
20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
I'm more reserved and an internalizer. Not too materialistic
and caught up in the petty fascinations of those my own age (mid 20s).
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Depakote (valproic acid). At higher doses it made me feel tired and dumb. Also diminished my libido.
22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Heart, mental/suicide.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance
Tall and slim. Underweight for my height.
[message edited by sizzler_389 on Tue, 01 Oct 2013 21:53:01 BST]
sizzler_389 last decade
You need to describe everything in great detail for me to be able to prescribe a remedy:
Give detail on how the below mentioned problems started, what makes them better, what makes them worse, what triggers them and what exactly happens when they occur.
Simple partial seizures:
Complex partial seizures:
Chronic Fatigue:
[message edited by Zady101 on Wed, 02 Oct 2013 05:32:11 BST]
You need to describe everything in great detail for me to be able to prescribe a remedy:
Give detail on how the below mentioned problems started, what makes them better, what makes them worse, what triggers them and what exactly happens when they occur.
Simple partial seizures:
Complex partial seizures:
Chronic Fatigue:
[message edited by Zady101 on Wed, 02 Oct 2013 05:32:11 BST]
♡ Zady101 last decade
Simple Partial Seizures: Began when I was 9. Feelings of strong Deja Vu, spaciness, brain fog,ADD symptoms and seeing flashing lights and colors that aren't there ie: (walls look orange in peripheral vision). Triggered by a bad night of sleep and possibly wheat. Chronic naps seem to help but I feel groggy a lot.
Please help! thanks.
Complex Partial Seizures: Began when I was 10. Manifested from untreated Simple Partial Seizures (kindling). These occur rarely now, but always a possibility when I have an aura or Simple Seizure. Can be described as a lapse of consciousness or disorientation. Can be prevented by taking a nap if having a Simple Seizure.
ADD: have had issues with this since I was 8 or 9. Valerian and Alcohol help. Stress makes it worse
Chronic Fatigue: Began around age 8 or 9. Rarely feel rested. Staying away from wheat helps a little.
Simple Partial Seizures: Began when I was 9. Feelings of strong Deja Vu, spaciness, brain fog,ADD symptoms and seeing flashing lights and colors that aren't there ie: (walls look orange in peripheral vision). Triggered by a bad night of sleep and possibly wheat. Chronic naps seem to help but I feel groggy a lot.
Please help! thanks.
Complex Partial Seizures: Began when I was 10. Manifested from untreated Simple Partial Seizures (kindling). These occur rarely now, but always a possibility when I have an aura or Simple Seizure. Can be described as a lapse of consciousness or disorientation. Can be prevented by taking a nap if having a Simple Seizure.
ADD: have had issues with this since I was 8 or 9. Valerian and Alcohol help. Stress makes it worse
Chronic Fatigue: Began around age 8 or 9. Rarely feel rested. Staying away from wheat helps a little.
sizzler_389 last decade
If you are interested, please reply to my questions below using the guidelines therein.
We might be able to find a suitable remedy.
I am used to my list of questions and will save me time if you answer them.
To select a homeopathic remedy for any health problem, the patient has to be like an open book. As if talking to oneself and alone. Explain with detail what your problems are. Example answers are given in front of the questions. Please take guidance from these examples and reply in detail accordingly.
1. What are the symptoms of your health problem (example answer: Swollen & painful joints of elbow, knees and wrists. All others ok)
2. What makes the problem better or worse (the swelling gets less when I sleep or eat meat, it gets more when I walk. The pain gets worse when I massage or apply heat. The pain & swelling gets better when I .)
3. How do you feel emotionally (I feel sad & depressed. Think about all bad things happened in the past. I like to be alone all the time. I like to be with friends ..)
4. Describe your personality (I am a headstrong person, very suspicious of others, very strict about discipline . OR I am a messy person, not interested in cleaning. Dont bathe for many days ..)
5. What occupies your mind mostly (I do a lot of daydreaming, I think about romantic getaways all the time, I keep making plans for things and never do them .)
6. Do you normally feel hot or cold (normal but I like winter more. I keep wearing light clothes in winter even ..)
7. What foods you love & hate (I like fried foods and hate slimy foods. I like sweets more than anything else. I hate chicken and love eggs .)
8. How is your thirst (I am thirsty all the time and even after drinking ice cold water remain thirsty)
9. Any coating on tongue (some white coating on edges only)
10. Any skin problems (not now but all my life I had eczema on my arms for which I used allopathic creams)
11. Any problems with respiration (nose, chest, throat) ( I snore a lot when sleeping and sleep with open mouth)
12. Any problems with stool/urine (I have severe constipation and the stool is always like balls )
13. Any sexual problems (I have no interest in sex, I have late periods always and are painful, with a lot of backache.)
14. Describe your appearance (I am stick thin or I am big for my size and overweight I have not always been like this I grew fat after )
We might be able to find a suitable remedy.
I am used to my list of questions and will save me time if you answer them.
To select a homeopathic remedy for any health problem, the patient has to be like an open book. As if talking to oneself and alone. Explain with detail what your problems are. Example answers are given in front of the questions. Please take guidance from these examples and reply in detail accordingly.
1. What are the symptoms of your health problem (example answer: Swollen & painful joints of elbow, knees and wrists. All others ok)
2. What makes the problem better or worse (the swelling gets less when I sleep or eat meat, it gets more when I walk. The pain gets worse when I massage or apply heat. The pain & swelling gets better when I .)
3. How do you feel emotionally (I feel sad & depressed. Think about all bad things happened in the past. I like to be alone all the time. I like to be with friends ..)
4. Describe your personality (I am a headstrong person, very suspicious of others, very strict about discipline . OR I am a messy person, not interested in cleaning. Dont bathe for many days ..)
5. What occupies your mind mostly (I do a lot of daydreaming, I think about romantic getaways all the time, I keep making plans for things and never do them .)
6. Do you normally feel hot or cold (normal but I like winter more. I keep wearing light clothes in winter even ..)
7. What foods you love & hate (I like fried foods and hate slimy foods. I like sweets more than anything else. I hate chicken and love eggs .)
8. How is your thirst (I am thirsty all the time and even after drinking ice cold water remain thirsty)
9. Any coating on tongue (some white coating on edges only)
10. Any skin problems (not now but all my life I had eczema on my arms for which I used allopathic creams)
11. Any problems with respiration (nose, chest, throat) ( I snore a lot when sleeping and sleep with open mouth)
12. Any problems with stool/urine (I have severe constipation and the stool is always like balls )
13. Any sexual problems (I have no interest in sex, I have late periods always and are painful, with a lot of backache.)
14. Describe your appearance (I am stick thin or I am big for my size and overweight I have not always been like this I grew fat after )
fitness last decade
Please note that no two people are going to come up with
the same way of taking a case or the same exact prescription.
People do not work together on your case, you have to stick
to one person and follow their advice.
Please note that no two people are going to come up with
the same way of taking a case or the same exact prescription.
People do not work together on your case, you have to stick
to one person and follow their advice.
♡ simone717 last decade
Age: 24
(only child. Parents divorced at age 4)
1. What are the symptoms of your health problem?
Simple partial and Complex partial seizures (began at age 10)
Brain fog, trouble staying present, overwhelming spaciness, can't stop daydreaming (escaping in my mind from present situation), anxiety, deja vu, Flashy eye floaters and colors, burning scalp and chronic fatigue.
Also get easily lightheaded upon standing.
2. What makes the problem better or worse?
I feel better with a lot of sleep and try not to let my thoughts overwhelm me. Also eating a balanced diet excluding Gluten.
Worse if I sleep too little or too much. Stress and worry as well as eating junk food and havng a lot of low blood sugar.
3. How do you feel emotionally?
Broody and passive agressive. I get vengeful really easily but repress a lot of my emotions. Prone to depression. Slight paranoia. I get lonely a lot but don't like large crowds of strangers. Can be cynical and surly.
4. Describe your personality?
Slightly controlling and obsessed with order. I tend to be fairly laid back and 'grounded' according to a lot of my friends. Quiet and reserved.
5. What occupies your mind mostly?
Daydream constantly. Focus on made up confrontations or how I would resolve certain problems with people. Think a lot about fighting although I'm fairly passive. Also obsess on the future and how life would be perfect in some ways if I do certain things. Also obsess about being able to support myself financially but still have time for hobbies and fun. I want a well balanced life.
6. Do you normally feel hot or cold
My body temperature tends to swing back and forth despite the seasons. Have noticed chronic cold hands and feet in the past.
7. What foods you love & hate?
I like spicy, salty and crunchy foods. Dislike foods like Squash.
8. How is your thirst?
I crave soda and light beer although not really thirsty. Don't drink enough water.
9. Any coating on tongue?
Very light gray coat. Tip of tongue is very red.
10. Any skin problems?
Have a few red, spidery looking spots in few areas. Nothing too noticeable.
11. Any problems with respiration?
Prone to sinus infections. Have had a tight chest pain for the past 4 years (started smoking weed and cigarettes then; No longer smoke Marijuana but still smoke cigarettes). Also feel shortness of breath sometimes while I physically exert myself.
12. Any problems with stool/urine?
Have a lot of loose stools. Sometimes twice a day.
13. Any sexual problems?
Had erectile dysfunction and low libido for 6 years. Had a heavy addiction to porn and masturbation since I was a young teenager. My seizure meds also contributed to my sexual problems at the time.
14. Describe your appearance?
Tall and stick thin. Have been underweight my entire life.
Age: 24
(only child. Parents divorced at age 4)
1. What are the symptoms of your health problem?
Simple partial and Complex partial seizures (began at age 10)
Brain fog, trouble staying present, overwhelming spaciness, can't stop daydreaming (escaping in my mind from present situation), anxiety, deja vu, Flashy eye floaters and colors, burning scalp and chronic fatigue.
Also get easily lightheaded upon standing.
2. What makes the problem better or worse?
I feel better with a lot of sleep and try not to let my thoughts overwhelm me. Also eating a balanced diet excluding Gluten.
Worse if I sleep too little or too much. Stress and worry as well as eating junk food and havng a lot of low blood sugar.
3. How do you feel emotionally?
Broody and passive agressive. I get vengeful really easily but repress a lot of my emotions. Prone to depression. Slight paranoia. I get lonely a lot but don't like large crowds of strangers. Can be cynical and surly.
4. Describe your personality?
Slightly controlling and obsessed with order. I tend to be fairly laid back and 'grounded' according to a lot of my friends. Quiet and reserved.
5. What occupies your mind mostly?
Daydream constantly. Focus on made up confrontations or how I would resolve certain problems with people. Think a lot about fighting although I'm fairly passive. Also obsess on the future and how life would be perfect in some ways if I do certain things. Also obsess about being able to support myself financially but still have time for hobbies and fun. I want a well balanced life.
6. Do you normally feel hot or cold
My body temperature tends to swing back and forth despite the seasons. Have noticed chronic cold hands and feet in the past.
7. What foods you love & hate?
I like spicy, salty and crunchy foods. Dislike foods like Squash.
8. How is your thirst?
I crave soda and light beer although not really thirsty. Don't drink enough water.
9. Any coating on tongue?
Very light gray coat. Tip of tongue is very red.
10. Any skin problems?
Have a few red, spidery looking spots in few areas. Nothing too noticeable.
11. Any problems with respiration?
Prone to sinus infections. Have had a tight chest pain for the past 4 years (started smoking weed and cigarettes then; No longer smoke Marijuana but still smoke cigarettes). Also feel shortness of breath sometimes while I physically exert myself.
12. Any problems with stool/urine?
Have a lot of loose stools. Sometimes twice a day.
13. Any sexual problems?
Had erectile dysfunction and low libido for 6 years. Had a heavy addiction to porn and masturbation since I was a young teenager. My seizure meds also contributed to my sexual problems at the time.
14. Describe your appearance?
Tall and stick thin. Have been underweight my entire life.
sizzler_389 last decade
What was going on in your life at around age 10.
What is the reason of these seizures in your view.
Any family history of seizures.
What allopathic meds have you used so far.
Are you on any meds presently.
Explain your 'brain fog'
What was your age at the time of your father's death
Was your mom on any psych meds before, at & after delivery
[message edited by fitness on Thu, 03 Oct 2013 14:35:52 BST]
What is the reason of these seizures in your view.
Any family history of seizures.
What allopathic meds have you used so far.
Are you on any meds presently.
Explain your 'brain fog'
What was your age at the time of your father's death
Was your mom on any psych meds before, at & after delivery
[message edited by fitness on Thu, 03 Oct 2013 14:35:52 BST]
fitness last decade
Thanks so much for taking the time for me!
What was going on in your life at around age 10.
Parents had been divorced for 6 years. Was living with mom but would stay with father every other weekend. Around this time
my father entered rehab for alcoholism. My mother's house had just been flooded due to a broken hot water heated. Had to stay
with Grandparents. Stressful and boring (grandparents).
What is the reason of these seizures in your view?
It's a mystery. All my tests have been clean and I have been called idiopathic. I believe it has to do with some
undiagnosed sleep disorder. Also, certain foods like Gluten I believe.
Any family history of seizures?
Maternal Grandfather and uncle had febrile/childhood seizures. Outgrew them.
What allopathic meds have you used so far?
B-vitamins, chai-jung moo li?, Valerian root extract, fish oil.
Are you on any meds presently?
Depakote ER. Began weaning (with Dr.'s permission) 2 years ago. Have gone from a high dose of 1000mg to 750mg on let's say a Monday, to 625mg
on Tuesday. I rotate these doses every other day and on the 625mg dose I take two 250mg doses of Depakote ER and one 125mg dose
of regular Depakote (non ER). Side effects have vastly improved (memory and personality), but I feel my seizure control has
worsened since weaning.
Explain your 'brain fog'
A groggy and spacey feeling. Difficult to stay focus and I don't feel like I am actually 'present'. Life feels like a dream.
What was your age at the time of your father's death?
20. He committed suicide in the next room by shooting himself.
Was your mom on any psych meds before, at & after delivery?
No. Around the time I was 14 my father was granted custody of me. I moved out of my Mom's house and she began to grieve since I left
and slipped into a major depression with psychosis. She was always 'hyper-religious' with Pentecostal churches, but she didn't
start to lose it until I moved in with my father.
My Dad was the opposite; agnostic but would go through binge drinking. Always in debt but a hard worker.
What was going on in your life at around age 10.
Parents had been divorced for 6 years. Was living with mom but would stay with father every other weekend. Around this time
my father entered rehab for alcoholism. My mother's house had just been flooded due to a broken hot water heated. Had to stay
with Grandparents. Stressful and boring (grandparents).
What is the reason of these seizures in your view?
It's a mystery. All my tests have been clean and I have been called idiopathic. I believe it has to do with some
undiagnosed sleep disorder. Also, certain foods like Gluten I believe.
Any family history of seizures?
Maternal Grandfather and uncle had febrile/childhood seizures. Outgrew them.
What allopathic meds have you used so far?
B-vitamins, chai-jung moo li?, Valerian root extract, fish oil.
Are you on any meds presently?
Depakote ER. Began weaning (with Dr.'s permission) 2 years ago. Have gone from a high dose of 1000mg to 750mg on let's say a Monday, to 625mg
on Tuesday. I rotate these doses every other day and on the 625mg dose I take two 250mg doses of Depakote ER and one 125mg dose
of regular Depakote (non ER). Side effects have vastly improved (memory and personality), but I feel my seizure control has
worsened since weaning.
Explain your 'brain fog'
A groggy and spacey feeling. Difficult to stay focus and I don't feel like I am actually 'present'. Life feels like a dream.
What was your age at the time of your father's death?
20. He committed suicide in the next room by shooting himself.
Was your mom on any psych meds before, at & after delivery?
No. Around the time I was 14 my father was granted custody of me. I moved out of my Mom's house and she began to grieve since I left
and slipped into a major depression with psychosis. She was always 'hyper-religious' with Pentecostal churches, but she didn't
start to lose it until I moved in with my father.
My Dad was the opposite; agnostic but would go through binge drinking. Always in debt but a hard worker.
sizzler_389 last decade
Please compile and list all mental and physical symptoms into one place below that accompany seizures.
Are the seizures left sided/right sided?
[message edited by Zady101 on Thu, 03 Oct 2013 19:15:07 BST]
Are the seizures left sided/right sided?
[message edited by Zady101 on Thu, 03 Oct 2013 19:15:07 BST]
♡ Zady101 last decade
When I feel my aura's (simple partial seizure):
-Racing thoughts
-Sense of overwhelm
-difficulty in speaking clearly
-Difficulty in staying focused
-Anxiety (fearful and butterflies in my stomach)
-Easily agitated
-Bad short-term memory
-Confusing thoughts with reality (kind of like my brain is 'looping' certain ideas and connecting them in odd ways with what is being said to me and what is going on in surrounding)
-Rising/zappy feeling from feet to base of skull. However, I never 'seize' in a grand mal sense.
Don't know what side it originates, but I often have a twitchy left eye even on a normal day.
When I feel my aura's (simple partial seizure):
-Racing thoughts
-Sense of overwhelm
-difficulty in speaking clearly
-Difficulty in staying focused
-Anxiety (fearful and butterflies in my stomach)
-Easily agitated
-Bad short-term memory
-Confusing thoughts with reality (kind of like my brain is 'looping' certain ideas and connecting them in odd ways with what is being said to me and what is going on in surrounding)
-Rising/zappy feeling from feet to base of skull. However, I never 'seize' in a grand mal sense.
Don't know what side it originates, but I often have a twitchy left eye even on a normal day.
sizzler_389 last decade
fitness last decade
Since I was six or seven. They are so small they are barely noticeable. Look like tiny bug bites and they disappear if you apply pressure of 'smear' the skin.
The only one I notice anymore is on my face between eye and nose.
I enjoy the company of my close circle of friends and my girlfriend. I generally don't like large groups of people that I don't know unless I'm drinking at a bar.
Since I was six or seven. They are so small they are barely noticeable. Look like tiny bug bites and they disappear if you apply pressure of 'smear' the skin.
The only one I notice anymore is on my face between eye and nose.
I enjoy the company of my close circle of friends and my girlfriend. I generally don't like large groups of people that I don't know unless I'm drinking at a bar.
sizzler_389 last decade
Fitness: Would you prescribe or shall I do, bcoz 2 prescriptions at the same time will not be proper.
♡ Zady101 last decade
Zady, first of all I appreciate your professional courtesy.
Since you responded first to sizzler, I will be your stand-in.
I hope & pray that your recommendation works.
I will document my recommendation just as an academic exercise, its Phos 200, two doses, 12 hrs apart and then wait.
Since you responded first to sizzler, I will be your stand-in.
I hope & pray that your recommendation works.
I will document my recommendation just as an academic exercise, its Phos 200, two doses, 12 hrs apart and then wait.
fitness last decade
Do you mean Kali Phos, Ferrum Phos or just regular Phosphorous? And by two doses do you mean two pills?
How long should I continue this for?
Do you mean Kali Phos, Ferrum Phos or just regular Phosphorous? And by two doses do you mean two pills?
How long should I continue this for?
sizzler_389 last decade
It seems you will be following fitness and I am
sure another prescription will not be posted,
even tho it could be as an 'academic exercise'. Bc
two prescriptions will create confusion for the
We all 'hope and Pray' that what Fitness is prescribing
It seems you will be following fitness and I am
sure another prescription will not be posted,
even tho it could be as an 'academic exercise'. Bc
two prescriptions will create confusion for the
We all 'hope and Pray' that what Fitness is prescribing
♡ simone717 last decade
Thank-you all for taking time to consider helping me.
So I guess then what Fitness is prescribing is Magnesium Phos 200c? 2 tablets twice a day? For how long?
So I guess then what Fitness is prescribing is Magnesium Phos 200c? 2 tablets twice a day? For how long?
sizzler_389 last decade
Its Zady's choice to post, and if he does, I will let sizzler decide then.
Sizzler: You have to take two doses of Phosphorus 200c, 12 hrs apart.
Here is how: Take one tablet of Phosphorus 200c in the morning.
Another tablet in the evening after 12 hrs.
That's it. No more. After that its just wait & see for the next couple of days.
Sizzler: You have to take two doses of Phosphorus 200c, 12 hrs apart.
Here is how: Take one tablet of Phosphorus 200c in the morning.
Another tablet in the evening after 12 hrs.
That's it. No more. After that its just wait & see for the next couple of days.
fitness last decade
Fitness: I would have continued to guide the patient had you not given a prescription. But now I am withdrawing in the interest of the patient, who would be confused to see two prescriptions.
♡ Zady101 last decade
Zady: Thanks. If there is no response within a week, you can take over, as it would mean my prescription was wrong.
fitness last decade
Zady: I really appreciate taking the time to want to help me. I agree that I will try Fitness's advice first and see how it goes
Will report back within 10 day!
Will report back within 10 day!
sizzler_389 last decade
sizzler_389 last decade
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