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Arnica 30c before dental surgery

My son age 20 is due to have his wisdom teeth removed this Friday. I remember giving my other son arnica when he had his wisdom teeth removed, but I am not sure if I need to give it before or after.. how much before surgery and how many pills? He recovered very quickly I remember. Hope I will receive responses soon as there are just 2 days left. Should he keep taking the pills after the surgery?
  Gettin-beta on 2013-10-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'd recommend doing the following:

Arnica 200 after the extraction as soon as he is able to drink something. Use a plussed dose the next day and day after. That's it.

Plussed dose: 1 drop of remedy or 1 pillule in half glass water. Stir till dissolved. Take one tea spoon full. That's it. From the same solution, stir it and take a dose next time. It is called plussed dose since using the same mixture and stirring everytime before dose changes the potency slightly and doesn't cause aggravation. Don't store the mixture in fridge or direct sun. Cover the glass.

If the bleeding doesn't stop and continues unusually long, you can give a dose of Phosphorus 200. Just one single dose.
fitness last decade
Homeopathic remedies are not available here in the small valley where I live in Pennsylvania. I only have Arnica 30 c and not much time. Does using more of the Arnica 30C pills amount to Arnica 200? Sorry to be revealing my ignorance of homeopathy.
I will try getting Arnica 200 but can't be sure it will get to me on time. Thanks for explaining the plussed dose and for your advice.
Gettin-beta last decade
To Gettin-beta

Hi Cathy

Good to see you back on the ABC which I do not visit daily as I once used to do as I am kept busy on my own Website, which I believe you have visited:


I note that you have entitled your post:
'Arnica 30c before dental surgery'

It is possible that you did so as you had read the therapy I have used myself (but not for Wisdom Teeth) and I have used the 30c potency in the Wet dose as I found that it was far superior to other potencies to treat any form of surgery.

The therapy I used was to take Arnica 30c in the Wet dose twice before surgery spaced out in 3 hours and to take it in the Wet dose every 2 hours after surgery on Day 1 and every 3 hours on Day 2. I have personal experience that my therapy obviates the need for any pain killer but this is only valid for standard teeth. It is possible that surgery for Wisdom teeth may warrant the use of Hypericum 200 in the Wet dose as the laceration caused to the gums during surgery is more extensive. Bleeding after the extraction of a tooth is hardly noticeable but a Wisdom tooth will be controlled by the Arnica used in the dosage prescribed.

I remember prescribing Arnica 30c to you and also to your husband many years ago and would like to know if you still continue to take it.

Kind Regards

Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe, yes it has been very long since my last visit to this site. Thanks for explaining the dosage of Arnica 30c in wet dose. I hope it won't interfere with the doctors orders to fast before surgery. I doubt it will.
I have been continuing to take the Arnica 30c wet does for a long time .. although there were a few gaps. When I see my hair starting to fall more than usual.. it's back to Joe's remedy. Besides it has kept my lipid level perfect, my sleep is sound and my mind sharp, perhaps not as sharp as yours. I would also like to take it for jet lag soon. I once tried it for a long trip to Bangkok .. gave the family too and we were all quite fit when we got there. We were surprised that we were able to go sightseeing after a long flight.
Gettin-beta last decade
You can try Joe's method if you wish.

My recommendation would be that in the absence of Arnica 200, you can use 30 in the plussed method, thrice a day till the feeling of soreness subsides which will be 1-2 days.

If during the use, the pain/soreness increases AFTER decreasing first, that's an indication of overdose. Stop taking Arnica then.
fitness last decade
Thanks very much Joe and Fitness. I feel a lot more relaxed to know that my son won't need to take the 2 strips of strong pain killers that the oral surgeon prescribed.
Gettin-beta last decade

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