The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair loss - Flouric Acid 200 (help)
Dear doctors,I am a victim of over-masturbation. My hair have become very thin due to increased DHT level. I am taking revital (multivitamin) but my hair fall is not stopping. So I researched and came to know that sexual activity in excess increases DHT levels. Can you please tell me if Flouric Acid 200 is helpful in maintaining the normal DHT levels. I am really worried. Please advice me.
NOTE: People who advocate masturbation please do not comment on this thread. If you think masturbation is healthy, then keep it to yourself, no need to advice me.
thank you
[message edited by medicalhelp on Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:22:36 GMT]
medicalhelp on 2013-10-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am also a victim of over masterbation and have a hair loss problem.I also want the solution of hair loss but no one is replying here.not a good forum
AbidHussain4 last decade
Hi there,
Both of you please take Acid Phos-Q only 3 drops in 2 sips of water, once daily, empty stomach in the morning, 30min before breakfast or even before brushing your teeth. Report after 10 days.
Both of you please take Acid Phos-Q only 3 drops in 2 sips of water, once daily, empty stomach in the morning, 30min before breakfast or even before brushing your teeth. Report after 10 days.
♡ AsadGhumman last decade
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